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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Let's face it, The Ice Maiden rules.

    How pathetic, Middle Aged men in their 40's posting to 17 year old girls.

    Get a life.

    What so because of my age does that mean males in a certain age group can't talk to me without being accused of such things? That is pathetic.

    And I'd mind your own business if I was you. I can look after myself thankyou.

    "if I was you"?? threats?

    Hey Im sure you can take care of yourself, in fact Im sure you're the most experienced and worldly woman on the planet, that doesnt make middle aged "Dude's" any less pathetic, and it doesnt make you any more mature. :o

    Not threats, just a figure of speach.

    Hey I like sarcasm, it brings a smile to my face :D

    I wouldn't be so quick as to judge my maturity by my age, and I wouldn't judge a fellow poster by his age too. I think the only one that needs some maturity now is you :D

    Lol, another one of those 17 year old I know everything chip on their sholders, who probably has no friends their own age.

    Quit trying so hard , go out and find a boy your own age, I bet thats very hard for you. Its easy to be a "pet" on this forum, making friends with your peers is much more difficult.

    I question anyone whos lived in a place for 2 months and post "how do I make friends". Thats worldly with a small "w".

    Enjoy your internet facade. :D

    Look all you know about my name and age and that is it, nothing more. I never said I knew everything but if it seems that way to you then I'm sorry because I'm really not one of those types of people.

    How would you know how many friends I have? You know nothing about me, NOTHING.

    Right now I don't need your stupid trolling crap so just lay off my back, okay? You can't be such a great person yourself, pretty much a lowlife coming on here flaming seventeen years olds. I'd start acting your age "Sur".

  2. Let's face it, The Ice Maiden rules.

    How pathetic, Middle Aged men in their 40's posting to 17 year old girls.

    Get a life.

    What so because of my age does that mean males in a certain age group can't talk to me without being accused of such things? That is pathetic.

    And I'd mind your own business if I was you. I can look after myself thankyou.

    "if I was you"?? threats?

    Hey Im sure you can take care of yourself, in fact Im sure you're the most experienced and worldly woman on the planet, that doesnt make middle aged "Dude's" any less pathetic, and it doesnt make you any more mature. :o

    Not threats, just a figure of speach.

    Hey I like sarcasm, it brings a smile to my face :D

    I wouldn't be so quick as to judge my maturity by my age, and I wouldn't judge a fellow poster by his age too. I think the only one that needs some maturity now is you :D

  3. I'd say dating is a no but because I've seen three of my friends all having found their partners on the internet my opinion is changing slightly. Everyone is different and maybe it is fate that some people are destined to meet their partner online, I'm not sure.

    One of my friends is married and he tells me everyday his wife is the best thing that happened to him :o

    Another traveled all the way to America to see his online partner and they are still dating now, he even has started teaching in America and they look amazing together like any other normal couple would. I think no different of them for meeting through the internet.

    But I can say this is not for me, for other people yes but for me no. I could see myself having good friends through the internet though but you only get to know the person so much online. The bad parts of that person don't shine through a computer screen.

  4. Woke up early and went straight to the hospital with my Dad and brother - I'm not a morning person! Asked for my Step-mum's results from her TB skin scratch and blood test for Hep B but the Thai nurses seemed to think it was okay for us to wait a few more days after they told us it would take only two days, three days at the most and it was day three !!!!!!!!!

    We shouted a lot and even had a nice English guy trying to explain to the nurses it isn't okay my Step-mum is very sick! Gave up on that one and my Dad had his blood checked for Hep B. Got the results, he has it.

    But because he has had a vaccine his antibodies are fighting it :D

    My Dad then took us to a psychologist that talked to us for a while and gave us some tablets for sleeping and that kind of thing really. Double checked that the price would only be 1,000 BHT then went to the cashier who demanded 5,000 BHT! My Dad went mad and so did myself and my brother. My Dad said it was a crap hospital and called them liars, then we made it clear we were off elsewhere and not paying the bill that he ripped up.

    Went to another clinic and myself and my brother got our blood checked. My brother was real nervous about it bless him. We will get the results in three days (apparently). Got some tablets too and they only charged us 2,000 BHT for everything unlike the crap hospital.

    Got the car radio fixed too after watching the Thai men talk about it for an hour :o On the way back home we decided to put on a CD but guess what? It dosen't work! The radio is fixed but the CD player is broken so thats another trip back to them.

  5. I am cold right now. 8 inches of snow on the ground and 14F. Winter Fcking Wonderland!

    That must be so pretty!

    I love snow It's beautiful! Nice to wear a scarf and play around in the snow annnnd make snow angels until you are sooooo numb you can cuddle up and get warm with a loved one :D

    Huh? :o

    I guess it's pretty. I mean yeah it is but after years of it and having to shovel it and drive in it, "IT" just plain sucks. My daughter likes it, but she hasn't gotten up an hour early to give herself enough time to heat up the car and scrap off all the white crap so she won't be late. Yeah, I guess snow is cool when you don't have to go anywhere and you have the time to play in it, but otherwise....


    Hey don't be so negative! You know it wouldn't hurt to place a smile on that face of yours! I always try to smile as much as I can to people because a smile goes a very long way, it's infectious too and passes the nice thought on :D

    Next time you see someone smile ! Oh and I think everyone is beautiful when they smile.

  6. I am cold right now. 8 inches of snow on the ground and 14F. Winter Fcking Wonderland!

    That must be so pretty!

    I love snow It's beautiful! Nice to wear a scarf and play around in the snow annnnd make snow angels until you are sooooo numb you can cuddle up and get warm with a loved one :o

  7. Woke up early, went to see my parents and watched a movie. Fell asleep in there watching my Stepmum! Woke up and had something to eat, cooked my brother and Dad something too. Talked to my Dad for a while about his situation and stuff.

    Had a crappy phone call from a mofo! :o

    Didn't do anything intresting to be frank. Then later on watched my Stepmum for a bit and again I fell asleep ! Had a few drinks with my Dad and brother, had a nasty phone call :D

    Went to my room and got on MSN, spoke to Bkkmadness drunk for a while until he went offline then I chatted with other victims that were online including our very own Khall! Sobered up a little and listened to some music then wrote this ! :D

    Edit - Oh and I downloaded this song I did a charity dance to this year and raised a lot of money with. It was for the youth hostel, a group of us practised this dance like everyday for hours until we got it perfect. We did this dance in a few shopping malls and stuff. Thought I'd see if I remembered it, it's still stuck in my skull ! Even had my own t-shirt with "Sarah" on it ! :D

  8. Ice maiden is in Pattaya so I would think that yes, they are available in Thailand. I would check with a hospital OBGYN department as it is classed as a surgical procedure (at least it is in the UK)

    I'll go eventually! Just gunna get someone to come with me so I can squeeze their hand LOL.

    Oh and the doctor said that I may not have problems with the implant like I have with the pill If so I can always have it taken out and thats another method tried.

  9. Actually, had quite a result coz checked me statement and see what my balance was and worked out me cash and didn't notice it was over so just settled with that.  I thought I'd done it all myself.  Found the dodgy transactions after, got them refunded and now an extra 500 quid up from what I though I was a few hours ago!  Lovely jubbli. :D

    Time to ring the bell at the local!! :o

    I've just gave up otherwise I'd be on the beer right now. :D

    Holiday money though! :D

    Thought it was after new year? :D

    Nope, started early. My only time I will aloow myself to drink is on holidays/visa runs.

    Now all I gotta do is get me brother to pick up a bottle or two of Glenfiddich from the duty free on his way over. :D

    Pure madness :D

  10. Actually, had quite a result coz checked me statement and see what my balance was and worked out me cash and didn't notice it was over so just settled with that.  I thought I'd done it all myself.  Found the dodgy transactions after, got them refunded and now an extra 500 quid up from what I though I was a few hours ago!  Lovely jubbli. :D

    Time to ring the bell at the local!! :o

    I've just gave up otherwise I'd be on the beer right now. :D

    Holiday money though! :D

    Thought it was after new year? :D

  11. I first took the pill at sixteen but it made me gain weight :o

    Then the doctor changed my pill and I lost too much weight! It also made me very moody. I decided to stop using the pill because of all the troubles I had with it and just use condoms instead.

    But I know a few friends that have had the implant and it is working great for them so I'm going to try that method. Why? Because I believe it stays under your skin for a number of years and there is no need to remember to take any tablets or get any injections done.

    As with everything it will have side effects but if they are too severe then I will have it removed. I think it is worth a try.

  12. I've only been in one serious crash in Thailand.

    We were all VERY lucky to be alive to be honest. I was on the back of my Dad's pickup with my Stepmum and some of her family, it was pretty dark out and we were almost home. But a car with no lights hit us causing me and my Stepmums brother to fall out the pickup.

    I landed on the road and my Stepmum's brother landed in a ditch. We both escaped with cuts and grazes but it could of been a lot worse. I thought I was a goner to be honest but we were both very lucky.

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