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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. I have only read the first and this page of this post so I may have missed something.

    In the first post you said:

    "I know my cousin is staying with her for a few more months and he's splitting with her"

    By that I would guess that he knows what is going on and that the two are just using each other.

    My cousin thinks she is innocent but he is just after sexual favours.

    I see Dr Patty watching. I know I look like a stupid troll but I'm not one really ! :o

  2. Noooo it's a female, carn't be Apple! :D

    She is a very good actress though. I've seen the stories and thought "How can men believe that?" but I've fallen for it too!

    If someone else posted this I'd think they were a bit of a fool also but this girl is great at acting. The crying was full of so much emotion.

    Arggghhhhh I'm a gulliable, vulnerable teenager and I've fallen for a trap. All I keep thinking is "Was it real?" I'm pulling my hair out about this. I'm not a bad cousin or a friend :o

    I don't usually trust people but this was just different dealing with an actress.

  3. Yes but she dosen't come across as some nasty girl out for money and someone who wants me to tell my cousin.

    She cried on my shoulder tonight telling me she couldn't put up with my cousin for much longer because of the way he is treating her.

    I'll tell you a little about this girl shall I?....

    Her mother died when she was young leaving her to look after her younger sister. She moved in Pattaya in search of work and got a suitable job as a waitress (I've seen photos) and then when that wasn't enough money to support her sister and herself she started working as a freelancer.

    My cousin came along and said he couldn't give her much money at all, the same amount she had working as a waitress. She said yes and sent her young sister to live back home alone. She claims to of liked my cousin, hmmm.

    Now she carn't put up with him any longer but she has no room to return to so she is stuck in a rut really. She decided to get in contact with some customers from before to see what they had to offer. And she trusted me as a friend to know this information.

    She is incredibly shy and didn't talk to me until after a week or so. She has only one friend in Pattaya and to be frank she treats her like dirt. I'm really the only good friend she has and I feel for her to be honest.

    I'm sorry for letting you all down thinking I wasn't caring and gullible or whatever but I think she may just be genuine. Or maybe I am just a stupid teenager afterall :o

  4. The computer borrowing Thai girl plays the game well. Full marks to her.

    The cheating cousin also plays the game well. Full marks to him too.

    Ice Maiden is disappointed as she didn't get the chance to snitch on anyone.

    My advice is to tell your cousin's parents of the tangled web of deceit their son has entered into.

    Then tell your parents not to associate with the other side of their cheating family.

    Start a family feud and then sit back and watch the fun....but don't forget to keep us all informed  :D

    A wonderful scenario and a worthwhile outcome I reckon :D

    Naughty boys ! :o

  5. Just found out that my cousin is spending the night away from the house with another woman leaving his girlfriend here and not returning her calls :o

    They are both as bad as each other.

  6. she is not dishonest by the fact that she is a prostitute  , she is dishonest by the fact that she is having a relationship with ice maidens cousin who does not know of her sideline as a prostitute.

    he thinks of her as his monogamous girlfriend.

    she is deceiving him.

    But he is also decieving her by setting a time limit on the relationship and not really caring about her. His words were:

    "Shes nothing to me, I'll split with her in a few months"

    I feel stuck in the middle here

  7. aiding and abetting a dishonest act is tantamount to acting dishonestly yourself.

    if you can respect yourself after conspiring to fool your cousin into continuing his relationship with a dishonest prostitute then by all means continue with the deception.

    if you cannot respect yourself then you should tell your cousin the situation and then let your cousin make his own decision as to whether to continue with the relationship or drop it.

    as to her other customers , thats none of your business.

    your loyalties should lie to your family.

    That's exactly how I think too. :o

    At least you both expressed your opinion honestly, I didn't want it sugarcoated

  8. I know this looks a little strange...

    Many people may think because I've known my cousin longer and he's family then I should tell him but I'm thinking of this girls future here and her money situation, I don't want to mess it up for her...

    ...But I don't want to tell lies to my cousin either and aid a freelancer to do her dirty work on lots of customers because I've seen the bad effects from this.

    But then again she isn't a horrible freelancer to me, she is simply a nice female that is poverty stricken and trying to make her way into this world.

    But then I'm thinking she could of got herself a normal job instead of telling lies to innocent people. I'm also thinking maybe being a nice girl was another of her lies.

    Annnd I'm thinking I'm a liar myself doing this to family.

    I'm really confused :o

  9. I suppose we need to know what your relationship with your cousin is like. If you are close, and care for him, then you should tell him.

    I don't understand the girl though. Why would she use your laptop, and let you know what she is doing?  Are there no internet cafes she could use and keep her business quiet?

    Well obviously I care about my cousin a lot and it is right to say we are close.

    Where I live it is thirty mins away from an internet cafe and her friends laptop is in the next room, which would you choose? And she confessed all this bable about being sorry and that she is in a bad situation herself but I don't know if to buy it or not.

    Afterall she is already feeding many people lies.

    But I must of been nieve to believe she was a friend of mine :o

    ... Or is she actualy a true friend?

    Would a real friend put this problem onto someone she cared about?

  10. To be honest I get an arrogant vibe from the original poster.

    I think it is great that more and more people that live in Thailand or visit here learn the language. The Thais respect you a lot more if you attempt to speak their language and often help you.

    Knowing the language would be very useful to you if you were a long term resident or a tourist regardless of where you are visiting and most people that learn this beautiful language are usually people that wish to associate with Thai culture and get to educate themselves more about it. And I believe it is always helpful to know another language.

    You stopped the farang male speaking in Thai to his lady? That was very rude of you. Everyone must start somewhere when learning and it is all trial and error, practise is something that is very important.

    I am learning the langauge at the moment and I know I may sound silly at times but as a recent English guy said to me who comes to my school and talks with me now and then "Don't be shy, if you don't get laughed at whislt speaking Thai you're not learning anything at all."

  11. Bloody hel_l. That is a very hard question. Does the cousin know ?

    No my cousin dosen't know, he is clueless about this whole thing. My Dad has joked once or twice with him about her being a freelancer but it was all in jest, the only person that knows the truth is me and the girl :o

  12. To be honest with you my Step-mum likes the song 'All Rise' by Blue and when I asked her if she thought it was "cool" she said....

    "It is good song I just like to listen"

    The first time I came to Thailand I was lucky enough to be taught the way some TG's dance to that song, fancy that :o

    Britney Spears seems to be a common artist to be played also and if you go around the markets you may be lucky enough to find a T-shirt with her face slapped on the front of it near a Thai girl thinking about spending her weeks wages on it.

  13. Didn't really know where to post this...

    My cousin has a girlfriend that he has been dating for about a month. Me and her now have a friendship made and I think of her as a pretty good friend up until last night I'm not so sure...

    She came to me and asked if she could check her email, or course I said yes and gave her my laptop to use. She asked me to translate some emails for her and low and behold she had four males on the go filling them with lies for money, you know the drill...

    "I need money"

    "Missing you velly much"

    "I want you make visa for me"

    I was shocked all these men were playing her game and hadn't clicked on to it. I asked her to explain herself to me. She simply said "I'm so sorry I care about you so much but I don't like your cousin. I need to earn money what can I do? I care about many falang. I crazy lady. Help me"

    I honestly didn't know what to say. We all had suspisions she was a freelancer but that wasn't shared with her or my cousin and it was soon forgotten when we became friends. I let her use my laptop to send an email to some customer that is coming next month that she had to make an "excuse" for.

    I only did this because she pleaded with me and I know my cousin is staying with her for a few more months and he's splitting with her, how could I ruin her chances for survival? I was a friend to her and thought about if I was in that situation.

    But then it dawned on me I'm helping her fool these customers of hers and my cousin. I recently saw one of my fellow TV'ers get fooled by a freelancer and saw the pain he went through. Now I see her game and the types of things some freelancers say right in front of my very eyes and to be frank it's shocking. Lie after lie.

    I may see myself covering her up all the time when something happens like a phonecall of if he asks why she is checking email and all that kind of stuff. And I don't want it to get that far to be honest.

    And for all I know this friendship we have could be fake because she needed to use my laptop to check her emails - her only chance of contacting her customers because she seemed to hint at it everyday discreetly.

    Was I wrong to do that? Or did I do the right thing?


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