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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. but english fat girls bum go to legs

    Clarify this for me Flossie, are you saying all English girls own "fat" bums? :o

    I'd like you to meet me and my English female friends then, maybe it would change your mind?

    And in all honesty I think ladies such as Beyonce and Jenifer Lopez have sexier curves than straight up and down figures just my opinion though.

  2. Ok sorry britmaveric let me know wher you be sometime then you see, blue eyes blond hair and white skin with legs whch go all up to my bum.what you like?

    Woah. What makes you think all males find that attractive? Hey, I dyed my blonde hair brown :o

    Anyway welcome to the forum... Maybe you'll learn more English here! :D

  3. I have some friends that are gay and I've been a witness to people giving funny looks and abuse to them, it's really quite sad actually and I feel for my friends more toward the sensitive gay friends I have :o

    The people that give abuse are like frightened little children. They see something they are not familiar with and it scares them so they react with negative feelings towards gay people.

  4. Icey has obviously forgotten what it is like to be young! (ho ho).

    Actually I haven't I'm constantly reminded of being young everyday :o

    I just don't talk about quitting jobs and missing people thats all, but I see the funny side of Jessies posts and threads now so carry on posting Jess!

    .... Well at least when you finish your holiday! Go and enjoy yourself and come back and tell us all your stories when you get back :D

  5. I tried out some teaching for a month and they were the worst behaved Thai children you'd ever seen and they also had no intrest in learning anything at all complaining the lesson was boring. They'd already had six teachers but they couldn't cope with them.

    I came along and the first lesson went terrible but I realised if I wanted them to learn it had to be intresting. I decided on a few educational games and the winner would get some sweets, that motivated them to work.

    For a week the children would have to work hard so at the end of the week they'd win the test I'd set for them. If the children were lazy that week and made no effort I'd sit and eat the sweets in front of them, sounds nasty but I only had to do it once and they soon stopped being lazy! :D

    And like Bluffer suggested about being goofy I acted that way to get my points across to them, the only way of expressing myself was to stand on my desk, that kind of thing! I must of been the most crazy teacher they'd ever seen. I made them stand up and shout their answers out and I got them to interact with the lesson in everyway possible, I didn't want them sat on chairs reading books.

    Once I had a student that was being really lazy so I gave that student the chance to be the "teacher" for the lesson, I sat in the class and I was the most lazy student I could be and I acted like I didn't know a word of English, that was fun and it got him to wake up and see what it was like he soon made more effort.

    I did a lot of roleplay in my lessons too, giving the students groups to go into and characters to be. Doing all that kind of stuff worked for me.

    Just think of some ideas for your lessons if they are boring make them better! Sometimes you have to start thinking like a student again :o

  6. Upon reading this thread I have seen a lot of generalizing going on about a certain age group - teenagers.

    It dosen't surprise me at all because the majority of teenagers today do have traits such as what the posters in this thread have said. But I believe life experience is made of trial and error you learn from past mistakes and this is what most of these teenagers will do. No person will live making no mistake in their life, if it does happen tell me about it.

    I don't think teens deserve to be given bad comments because at this time in our life we are going through a very big learning process discovering so many new things and our hormones don't help it along the way.

    We are called minors for a reason too and it would help if we had elders to look up to that didn't judge us so quickly and were intelligent enough to know we are not all the same and it actually may help the majority of teens if they were to set a decent example and undertstand what it is like being a teen since every elder has experienced this.

    And we are forgetting about the minority of teenagers that do not hold these traits you generalize us with. The media portrays the youth of today to be so many things that are not positive, that is called a sterotype. If you relate all teenagers with drugs, sex and alcohol then I sympathise with you.

    Next time you generalize, think about it :o

  7. Saying that though I see a lot of female friends that are Thai holding hands and putting arms round each other.

    When I studied Psychology I learnt that all nationalities have their own "Body Space" preference. English natives like the most body space. (This is to English people) Have you ever noticed when taking the elevator you tend to feel uncomfortable stood close next to someone or when eye contact is made with a stranger? Next time you take the elevator try it.

    I say this because when I'm in Thailand I noticed that every Thai I have made a friendship with stand so close to you and sometimes almost sit on your lap! My stepmum and her family are always like that with me I feel like I'm suffocating with it at times, they like to hold my hand down the street and put their arm round me as a friendly gesture :D

    Sometimes I've only just met someone and they are standing so close I carn't breathe. But that is Thai females being friendly. I've noticed my brothers male Thai friends are just the same so I wonder why it is different for couples? :o

  8. but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

    Yes that is very true it is something you oldies will always have that I don't.

    Life is a learning process and we will always be learning each moment we spend alive on this planet. Some of us with the knowledge we already have will use it wise some will not so I believe age isn't a way of telling how knowledgeable one is.

    Me at 61? I honestly don't know and carn't think that far :o

    ....Take each day as it comes I say! :D

  9. I disagree.

    I have respect for my elders actually (most) and I don't "sleight" any of them on TV or elsewhere. On my time here I have been given a bit of a hard time about my age by some members but I haven't given any older members grief about their ages or held any grudges because of a number.

    I'm only talking about a minority though but even still that is my experience on TV. I don't let those comments get any further than where they stand and as I have been told by other fellow members, just to take no notice of them :D

    I carn't say I've seen any youngsters give you oldies trouble about your age though :o

  10. Here is an idea for you Jessie, go start a blog and write about all your little dilemas inside there.

    That way you'd be saving bandwidth on TV for better threads and many other members won't become victims of reading such boring posts.  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :o  :D

    I've got to agree with the Maiden 100% on this one. These Canadian-Jessie threads are clogging up the website. Why not change the Farang Pub expat section to Jessie's blog section. Perhaps an ignore feature is in order but that won't address the bandwith clogging situation. The Dude has had to once again deep six all of his shovels cause of an inability to dig this situation

    I can dig the dude :D

  11. I don't find them boring at all... in fact, I find Jesse's posts rather amusing. I bet I'm not the only one! Keep posting Jesse, we want to hear all about it!!!  :D

    Yes, I see what you mean about humorus. First and second thread funny but third and forth not so funny :o

    Maybe I should of inserted some smiles in that above post of mine, it does look a bit mean :D

  12. Here is an idea for you Jessie, go start a blog and write about all your little dilemas inside there.

    That way you'd be saving bandwidth on TV for better threads and many other members won't become victims of reading such boring posts. :D:D:D:D:D:D:o:D

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