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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Not to be nosy but you haven't even stated what's her reason for going and if you and your dad will be accompanying her. Not that it will make any difference -- with UK passports it will be assumed that you could freely enter the USA at a later date.

    It's a holiday with myself, my father and my stepmum so yes we will be going with her, of course we can travel at anytime but my Dad wanted to take his wife with him. But she dosen't have any children.

    We will still try, thats the best we can do. Thanks for your advice though :o

  2. Ice- in canada not thailand. Cheating part I dare say..... ???? :o

    Yes I read his thread. I see he has a Thai/Lao girlfriend living in Canada but I am sure he said on a thread he had a girlfriend in Thailand, maybe it was a mistake.

    And as for the cheating part, I admitted and confessed and it was only some drunken kiss at just 15 years old - carn't really compare this situation to his now can we?

  3. It's just hitting me now that I'm leaving for Thailand in a day.

    I spent an amazing night with my girlfriend. Our last night.

    It's sad when you have to leave someone behind that you're just starting to fall for. Someone so different from the rest. It's harder when she's so supportive and encouraging. All she wants me to do is go and "do your own thing"

    It's sad I'm using this forum as a place to vent but, give a kid a break! I'm young and it's late here so there's no one online to talk to!

    This woman is a queen... so elegant so beautiful.

    I guess what I'm mostly scared of is spending time apart and my feelings for her fading and perhaps her feelings for me fading... mostly because she won't let me keep in touch with her.

    Do any of you have any related stories or circumstances? Anyone been apart from someone they cared dearly for without any communication? Be kind bitches.

    I thought you had a Thai girlfriend, living in Thailand? Not cheating are you? :o

  4. And your father is (nationality and ties to Thailand)?  His ties here are what will make or break I believe as they would be expected to be together.  A job that ties him long term to living in Thailand?

    Believe everyone has to have interview now so not sure what the current time frame is.  We did years ago and wife had interview the next day or two and got visa the same day.

    My father is English nationality and has a house and has two companys here. And he owns many houses here because of him using that as his business. It does tie him to Thailand.

    Sorry for not including the details about my father ! :o

  5. I have been searching and found a few topics on this only a few of the links worked but just had a look at the US Embassy in Thailand and have seen the following is needed for a tourist visa;

    # The purpose of their trip is to enter the U.S. for business, pleasure, or medical treatment;

    # That they plan to remain for a specific, limited period;

    # Evidence of funds to cover expenses in the United States;

    # Evidence of compelling social and economic ties abroad; and

    # That they have a residence outside the U.S. as well as other binding ties which will insure their return abroad at the end of the visit.

    My stepmother is nineteen years old and is Thai, she and my Dad who is 39 have been married in Thailand for one year but he has known her four years (I don't think that will count but I'll include it). My Dad has just told me he will put the right amount of money in her bank account the US would like as evidence. And she also owns some land and a motorbike over here in LOS.

    So my Dad would like to know where does he stand in the tourist visa situation? The age gap carn't be that great for him. And he would like to know how he can prove the requirement list with the right documents, and how long the process usually takes.

    I know I may be repeating the same post as many others but please bear with me guys :o

    Thankyou in advance.

  6. I have only had one serious relationship so far but I'd be telling lies if I said I didn't cheat. It is no excuse but it was towards the end of the relationship and my friends encouraged me to go out for some drinks, at the time it sounded better than looking at the phone all night.

    A few drinks later I got chatting to a male my friends had brought along on purpose and before you know it we ended up kissing but I didn't let it go any further. It's still classed as cheating though and I confessed all. It dosen't make it any better but I'd rather tell the truth than carry a burden.

    But at the end of the day I'm still a teenager I shouldn't be taking life so seriously It's a whole learning process.

  7. What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies!  :o

    It's all business mostly. (Bronc, Tukyleith, Sbk)


    Ocassionally there's a crisis and we have a conference. (Boo, RDN, Wolfie, Penz (on mike)


    In these cases we sometimes have to give out warnings to users. (p1p with Moog & Kringle)


    That's pretty much it. :D


    Hey where do I sign up? :D

  8. Thank you! I have two more questions. Is the AIDS/HIV as bad as I hear, like 50% of the women have AIDS/HIV (or maybe its 50% of the women hookers?) and my second question, what's the best way to greet someone. Shaking hands or bow or what?

    Hey don't listen to so many rumors there are parts of Thailand that unfortunately have this trade but not 50% of Thailand for sure.

    And the best way of greeting someone is to give a "Wai" but because you are a tourist I wouldn't worry too much about that :D

    Edit - And with the HIV part of your question there is a problem but use your common sence and don't put yourself at risk by not protecting yourself, 7/11 stores are open 24 hours :o

  9. Rj 81 - He's not my type  :D

    We are always having these long discussions about our cultures aswell as me learning Thai :D

    I didn't mean in that sort of way, I meant you being the student and him being the teacher, but you asking him the questions :D

    Do you know what I mean? :D

    err am getting confused now

    Rj :o

    Sowwie, misunderstood you there.

    It's not like secondary school I don't have to wear a uniform and that kind of thing. It's a language school, lots of men with thai girlfriends go there to learn Thai and a couple of tourists go.

    I know what you mean but the teacher sort of becomes your friend because it's private lessons and I think who better to ask about Thai culture than a Thai person. I have many questions I ask every now and then. To learn the language I think you should learn about the culture too.

  10. The money/financial security aspect is a little overdone if that's what they really want.  As many western women may agree a lasting relationship is not dependant on money.  The casual attitude to sex in Thailand and/or Asia can only be down to the culture in this part of the world because I for one just cannot get my head round just how casual it is.  If it's all about money, which a high percentage will be, then it really is sad.

    Today whilst I was at school (learning the Thai language) my teacher and I got onto a discussion about the Thai culture.

    I took a pen and some paper and drew a picture. A man in the middle and money at one side and love at the other. I asked him what meant more to him and he answered:

    "Money, because you carn't be happy without money"

    I was quite shocked, I asked him why carn't a poor person still be happy? And he said that you carn't have what you want etc. So I drew another picture, one of a person in a small house, a dead man on the floor and a man on the street. I told him the man in the house can be happy because he isn't on the streets, the man on the streets is happy because he isn't dead.

    Thailand is called The Land Of Smiles for a reason and I always thought poorer people such as Thais were happy with their "Mai bpen rai" attitudes.

    He looked very shocked but agreed with me.

    I asked him what meant the most to him I told him to write out a list. You know what he wrote?

    1. Money

    2. Motorbike, telephone, house etc

    3. Love

    I went on to tell him he carn't buy love if he has all the money in the world but he went on to say you can, I asked him why and he said because if you have money females love you which made me laugh! Okay some but not all. I asked him if he had any questions so I wrote them all down and I said to him the answer to these are not money but he told me they were :o

    I asked the same question to the teacher next door she said the same as him. I went home and asked my Step-mum but she said everyone in Thailand are different but most Thais believe money comes first.

    I think the Thais are brought up by their mothers and fathers to believe that money is the answer to all their problems. And I've seen the higher earns in the family to have more respect like my Step-mum for example, everyone basicaly kisses her feet. So they have this goal to go out there and earn as much money as they can so they have respect which I think is very important to them and all the answers to many of their questions will be answered with money.

    This is just my opinion though.

  11. Recently my friend popped the question and he brought her the most beautiful ring I ever saw, I asked him about it and it was from an antique shop and had lots of history about it which I thought was very romantic and he didn't break the bank.

    His girlfriend loved it and was also told the story about the ring which made her appriciate it even more than a newly brought one.

    It's the thought that matters :o

  12. ...post when you feel the need to those posts are usually the best in my opinion. Rushed ones arn't so good....

    We mods have 500 of your posts to decide whether you're in... or permanently out! :D


    What exactly goes on in the private section for the mods, huh? Permanently out.....You meanies! :D

    Can't say "exactly" what goes on... but basically we talk about you lot! And we try to guess which trolls are former banned members and ban 'em again - lot's of fun! :o:D

    I hope all your talks about us arn't too bad :D

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