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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. You have all been so very helpful. Thankyou Yorkie(m), phibunmike, dude, jing, thaiflyer, explorer and Vic :D

    I'm happy you said that it is safe to wander anywhere because I will most probably be traveling alone. My cousin might go with me though not sure.

    Thankyyyooouu :o

  2. Thankyou guys you have been so helpful :D

    Some Jelly babies for meeeee :D

    Even though my Dad wants to be a cheap charlie and send me off to Cambodia and to Bangers on the way back for some M&S food :o

  3. My teacher is great she knows enough english for me to discuss problems within the language I face and to communicate with me but there is always that little bit of english she dosen't know that urges me to speak thai which is a good balance.

    She has left to visit her parents for the next few weeks and I'm stuck with a male teacher that knows very little english. It's very fustrating. But he says "Never mind this will help you learn thai I don't need to speak english"...... More like give me a headache :o

    I'd find a teacher that can speak enough english regards to helping you with your learning. After all a very good english speaking one wouldn't learn you much as you'd be speaking and discussing in english all the time.

    How about having some kind of a trial period too? Because after a few weeks you may decide you have chosen the wrong teacher and most language schools ask for payment in advance :D

  4. I'll put it over in travel :o

    Don't go leaving us now.  :D


    It will only be for a week I'm sure you'll all cope :D

    I just wanted to know what those of you that went to Singapore thought about it?

    Good, bad?

    I know Moog went there recently so I'll be expecting a reply from him!

    And by farang food I mean english food avaliable in places such as supermarkets so I can take it back to Thailand. I heard their was a Marks and Spencers there, am I right?

  5. Wasn't sure where to post this topic but I'll try general.

    I'm making a visa run to Singapore next week then after I return I will follow my Dad's visa. I would just like to know what Singapore has to offer for a short trip.

    We have heard Singapore has many shops selling farang food and me and my family would like to know about the prices? Imports don't come cheap in Thailand wasn't sure if the same would apply there?

    Thankyou for your advice in advance :o

  6. Ice Maiden Found Not Guilty In Court!

    Today the judge found Ice Maiden not guilty of the "cover story" quoted by the candidates rival. The elder Khall64au had been proven to use the young age of the teenager in bid to win the poll, she quoted such patronising phrases as "pocket money" and "pyjamas".

    The story was pulled off by using some "links" which are being questioned as you read this.

    The poll is getting even more heated as time flies by and what exactly does Khall64au have under her sleeve next? It has been rumored she has been working on a secret alliance with the rest of the older people in the nursing home in which she lives at.


  7. Darn you caught me off guard Khall....

    Next breaking story

    Khall64au was seen by a witness that wishes to not be named giving thaivisa members "favours" down the back of an alley way in effort to gain votes. The witness is now undergoing treatment in a mental hospital and has said to be "Scarred for life" said a doctor.

    No pictures have been given because of the nature of them :o:D

  8. Icey wants to please everyone..... :D

    A wonderful diplomat and budding politician. She's out kissing babies as we speak  :D

    Me...?  I'm a quiet achiver, but am always there when you need me !!!

    No vote-grabbing tactics for me....  :D  :D

    I'm just me :D

    ....But if you rub me up the wrong way I get nasty :D

    I won't force people to vote for me though :D


  9. No online cat fights for us. Thaibebop just went ahead and posted this poll because I didn't seem to be that good a friend for not voting for him on the clown poll :o

    And Lovejoy was a little annoyed I didn't voted for him either.

    What can I say? I carn't please everyone! :D

    But thankyou for everyone that has voted for me anyway :D

  10. You're all acting like I'm American or British :o I don't travel to get drunk and fight like the Brits and I don't try to force my foreign policy all over the world like the Yanks.

    I'm not an arrogant ignorant whelp that's travelling to "get laid and party it up" I'm travelling to experience the unexperienced and open my eyes to the rest of the world. I live in Canada... so you could say I live in a sheltered world and I want to get to know the rest of the world. I want to go to India aswell. Open my eyes to how great I have it in Canada...

    Wrong move there Jesse. Don't generalize the British and Americans or anyone for that matter. A few posters haven't been particularly kind to you but why come up with such a comment like this? In my opinion it just shows the imaturity of a nineteen year old using words he didn't think about.

    Think before you post in future :D

    ... And prepare for many flames, you can dish out the dirt lets see how you respond to people giving you the dirt. Not with imature posts I hope Jesse.

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