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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. "The master plan contained guidelines for good labour practices and laid out regulations for Thai fishing trawlers prohibiting violations of fishing laws and human trafficking, he said.

    These two issues were urgent and have to be implemented immediately, he said."

    Well that's an incredibly deep and well thought out plan, if I must say so. I guess it cost 2 million baht to write and involved 3 Chula professors including a road traffic expert who maintains cars should stop at zebra crossings.

    Well Done! Guys. Amazing insight.

    What's next, the wheel? Again?

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  2. 14880_250076148514911_422612932871585284

    there is just some thing phony about two good looking gals in a bar posing for a picture with unopened beers.tongue.png

    Maybe because they are Heineken pretties, they aren't allowed to drink what they sell while working?

    So, the 'Pretties' are not 'regular staff' and just for the night?

    Some photos of the regular bar staff would be appreciated.

    I don't have FaceBook to view the photos there.


    What difference does it make what the staff 'look like', if you're out to socialise, meet farang and get some beer down ur neck?

  3. What about the 6 million baht car??? I follower donated that also?? This stinks of donated money from honest Buddists being dirtied by a corrupt person seen to be in a place of respect and power again!!! Time to de-robe her!

    All you known I love to drink It was told to me by a drunk in bar that she the person who givings her all these things is a very rich Farang

    Ah! Harry, another good night na... ;)

    • Like 1
  4. Are they kidding? This is an invention?

    Local authorities have wifi and GPRS based alarm systems for the elderly and needy that they can wear for 20 years. Of course, if the phone is downstairs and you are upstairs, what to do then? I am all for them trumpetting kids winning a science fair, but are they really telling us that this is an invention? Bloody hell, what else was there to see at the show? Betamax and Minidisc?

    I believe there was an arrow head, and some feathers and a stick, and a bent piece of branch and some cat gut... apparently nearly there then.. just need to work out how to assemble the lot into something useful. cheesy.gif

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  5. Interesting. So the EU is not considered of much importance in Thai exports - nice one.

    And if the US follows suit with sanctions, will the same be declared? Exports to the USA are not of high importance?

    Try and pull the other one, Mr. Banker. It's only been 1 month.... You can bet your bottom satang that the major retailers of the EU and US are locating supplier moves right now... wait another 2 months, and you'll get hit... unless you're very lucky in your projection.

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  6. Well unfortunately, Thailand had 100,000 elephants circa 100 years ago, and now it's estimated at 2-3,000. Trees will go the same way, unless China is stopped from investing and causing the fellings (or illegal falling in OP)......China is the culprit in this case, for sure.

    Edit: I just found this too: http://english.rfa.org/english/news/china/rosewood-05152014141450.html

  7. Well it will defiantly save a few life's. Darn few that is.

    Mr. Tanin further explained that once the 1669 hotline is pressed information such as the person's identity, phone number, biography, relatives, congenital diseases, blood type, and preferred hospital are sent to the main hospital in the province within seconds. This initial contact provides essential information for a medical team to prepare for the case. Mr. Tanin also added that after the hotline button is pressed, within 8 minutes a medical van will reach the patient.

    How is an emergency vehicle going to reach you in 8 minutes if there is none with in a 100 mile radius of you. How many have modern land lines with this service on it? How is it going to know your medical history?

    It is my understanding that medical attention in the first hour is the most critical. How are they going to get to these people in time with properly trained staff?

    A good idea way ahead of it's deliverability. By the time they manage to get up to where it will work will they have installed the button on all mobile phones.

    That will create a real mess. How many times do people not lock their phone and inadvertently hit a call button? Remember this system is set up so you don't have to say anything. It knows your location.

    Maybe we all need to sue Samsung, as we don't have a red emergency button on our phones..cos Thailand just re-invented the 30 year old wheel 555 : although you can set up speed dial using 1 number, and by the time you've unlocked with ur password, hit phone, hit keypad... you'll more likely be on the deck in agony, or dead giggle.gif

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  8. Stroke or heart attack are the major cause of death but if patient reach medical treatment within 5 hours he or she can been save ,

    so it's very important to have these live saving numbers in hand.

    1669 or 191 cannot dial using hand phone only fix line that's the major problems needed to be fixed urgently!

    Who told you treatment within 5 hours and you can be saved? That's just plain wrong.

    Many heart attacks kill instantly, momentarily, on the spot...THERE IS NO COMING BACK! ...not even after a minute.

  9. How about all those drinks and take away in plastic bags?

    They don't cause cancer, but they are an environmental headache.

    If only Tesco Lotus and Big-C could educate their cashiers into reducing the use of plastic bags.

    I don't need a bag for a pair of socks, and a different bag for my Gillette blades, or 4 bags for fruit which could fully laden 1 bag, and 1 bag for my meat.

    I don't need a trolley full of plastic bags to impress the boot of my car, just a few will suffice.

    These stores could save a fortune on cost down for bags......

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