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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. wow... That's the worst post I've ever seen. For you to think that guy will go to heaven for murdering his two sons must make you the most warped person I've ever heard of.

    Yeah! But even the thought of 'going to heaven' is pretty warped too! wink.png

    Maybe but we have to remember the terminally ill people that can get some comfort for believing in a heaven. There is a belief that when death is near the fear of hell etc must be more painful, than the hope that there could be a heaven.

    For this guy to do this he must have been mentally disturbed. How could anyone kill his two loved sons ??? I would MAYBE kill a person if they had intentions to kill my sons.


    Yes, it would seem he was bi-polar, more of a Thai trait than is recorded or admitted. If anybody was intent on killing one of my children I would first move them to an untraced place of safety, and then get the law involved. If it was momentary, then, of course, I'd kill them first, but that's not a very likely event in most cases, and in most cases you can talk people out of such a drastic action.. most cases I re-iterate. ;)

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  2. "These workers were mainly forced into the sex trade, or forced to work in factories, restaurants, farms, and fisheries or as housekeepers, among other activities, according to the report.

    In addition to the 144 victims who have already been sent back to Laos, another 110 are being held at a detention centre in Thailand for investigation and processing."

    Processing? Is this a factory trade then?

    Why not start at border control, and the bastards who earn the money, immigration officers as well; you know, the ones who condone it. Immigration officers are the ones with gold and big mansions, and aint that for a reason!

  3. In my experience, Thai teachers never venture near their classroomd during lunch. In fact, they take every minute of the break they can gouging free food, and walking in and out of school, to alay their stick waving they did in the morning.

    Maybe "They'll be fired" was a malapropism or even Freudian slip, as the translation could be wrong? Maybe it was all the P.E. male staff, and not students? giggle.gif

    In my days of teaching, eons ago, I always took a short lunch, and walked through all buildings, and every floor, to walk it off. Even during non-teaching lessons, I walked, and even called students out of ongoing classes, for wearing shoes, or playing with phones under desk... which I cropped from approaching each class from the rear window. I was hated, as the disciplinaire, but the kids bloody knew well if I was coming on a walk.... they crapped it.

    If the Thai teacher did find this incident at lunch time, then I raise my hat to him, for finding an event which would most likely have been unreported. It is a school duty to ensure all areas are staffed at all times, nowadays. We only have to look at the recent cases in the USA regarding rape.. when there are so called cameras everywhere!

  4. Lots of goods in Thailand are considerably cheaper than my homeland, but there is also a lot of goods here, that are vastly pricey, that I tend not to bother buying...

    Eau de toilette and after shave are mega expensive, Razor Blades, are mega pricey...

    I could go on and on, saying that I bought a pair of shorts for 50 baht today and they were smart...

    You can get a pretty decent copy of things like Aramis and Paco Rabanne for a few hunded baht in most malls.

    As for your Gillette Mach 3's they're the same price as UK or US, so buy a lady shave.... much cheaper. ;)

  5. Ok, it's annoying, but taxi drivers should not be prosecuted for refusing fares. It's their car, it's their source of income, it's their decision. And yes I've been refused, but I've also walked away from taxis where the driver was clearly drunk or looked exhausted from working too long. Choice is a two way street with taxis.

    Driving recklessly, now, that's completely different. Ban them for that, refusing a fare is one thing, endangering others a totally different one.

    With similar logic, the drivers could refuse fares if you are Farang, if you are a single female, if you have luggage, if you are going to an unfashionable part of town, if you have children, if you are a different race, if you are pregnant, if your appearance is unkempt and so on.

    The drivers enter into an agreement with the Bangkok Police and BMA. It may be their car or they may rent it. They provide a service and should not be given free reign to decide who they want as a fare.

    Wel I wouldn't pick up a drunken farang puking all over the street and hailing me down. Where is the line drawn? There has to be some free reign, does there not?

  6. I hope he roasts in hell.

    That isn't any display of love.... just pure selfishness.

    I'm sure he is happy in heaven with two children.

    Heaven? Not another one? Don't you realise this is it. When you die you go back to exactly where you came from. NOWHERE. blink.pnggiggle.gif

    Yes, thats why you live in UbonRatch. cheesy.gif

    You may assume where I live. ;) ... based upon a name?? blink.png

    I guess us people who've been using computers for more than 20 years learnt to do things differently, hey? cheesy.gif .. He who laughs last... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  7. Ok, it's annoying, but taxi drivers should not be prosecuted for refusing fares. It's their car, it's their source of income, it's their decision. And yes I've been refused, but I've also walked away from taxis where the driver was clearly drunk or looked exhausted from working too long. Choice is a two way street with taxis.

    Driving recklessly, now, that's completely different. Ban them for that, refusing a fare is one thing, endangering others a totally different one.

    Agreed. It is a taxi driver's right to say yes or no to a destination, IMHO.

    If a taxi driver is planning on knocking off in 30 mins, then gets a fayre which takes him/her to the other side of BKK, as an example, 100Km away from home... why should he not have the right to only accept a few fayres which keep him within range of home, and his knocking off time? There are many such examples of a taxi drivers right to accept or refuse a fayre. Should a taxi have to accept a passenger who is inebriated, for example? The list is endless... and it's not a long wait in most places for another taxi to come passing.

    I have been refused so many times for either too long or too short. They are always cherry picking and it gets a bit boring at times.

    How do you get refused for being too long or too short? Does that mean if you're sober you stand upright, and if you're pissed you stoop? And taxi likes 5 foot 8 guys? clap2.gif

    Sanuk sanuk cheesy.gif .

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Ok, it's annoying, but taxi drivers should not be prosecuted for refusing fares. It's their car, it's their source of income, it's their decision. And yes I've been refused, but I've also walked away from taxis where the driver was clearly drunk or looked exhausted from working too long. Choice is a two way street with taxis.

    Driving recklessly, now, that's completely different. Ban them for that, refusing a fare is one thing, endangering others a totally different one.

    Agreed. It is a taxi driver's right to say yes or no to a destination, IMHO.

    If a taxi driver is planning on knocking off in 30 mins, then gets a fayre which takes him/her to the other side of BKK, as an example, 100Km away from home... why should he not have the right to only accept a few fayres which keep him within range of home, and his knocking off time? There are many such examples of a taxi drivers right to accept or refuse a fayre. Should a taxi have to accept a passenger who is inebriated, for example? The list is endless... and it's not a long wait in most places for another taxi to come passing.

    So how does the country / any country ensure there is a workable, reliable taxi service.

    To me this equates to allowing / continuing to allow a restaurant to prepare / serve food which is contaminated in some way.

    In regard to shift change, why not use the same system that's been in place in Singapore for decades and works, they put a large print sign in the window saying:

    'SHIFT CHANGE 4:00 PM' or whatever.

    Not difficult.

    Is it a country's pre-requisite to have a reliable, workable taxi service, which is not ultimately responsible to the government, but is indeed a privately owned Co.? I don't see any equation at all between a taxi service and restaurants serving or not serving contaminated food... I'd appreciate your explanation on that one, please.

    What happened to self-reliability, cycles, other modes of transport which governments are, to some degree (buses, trains), responsible for? Has it become laziness, and ingratitude if one has to wait 30 mins for a taxi, as opposed to calling a friend or family, cycling home, not having a car or motorbike (or not being sober enough to use such), and blame it all on a taxi driver who also has family responsibilities, and a life too??

    In 11 years here, in all and all, I have never once had a bad taxi service/ride/dupe attempt, and I'm talking from North to South, east to West: not only Bangkok. Self is a lot to do with it, and attitude, even before getting into a taxi, and how one presents oneself to a taxi. If one is in control of one's assets, and has bothered to learn to speak Thai, even to say 'ow bai...., na krap'.. then the offered respect is generally reciprocated - in most circumstances aside of taxis also.

    Until taxi services are government run, in any country as you allude to, and with which I agree, then what stops one from using self-means, or expecting to wait for kind service, if one doesn't perceive the initial offer acceptable??

  9. Ok, it's annoying, but taxi drivers should not be prosecuted for refusing fares. It's their car, it's their source of income, it's their decision. And yes I've been refused, but I've also walked away from taxis where the driver was clearly drunk or looked exhausted from working too long. Choice is a two way street with taxis.

    Driving recklessly, now, that's completely different. Ban them for that, refusing a fare is one thing, endangering others a totally different one.

    Agreed. It is a taxi driver's right to say yes or no to a destination, IMHO.

    If a taxi driver is planning on knocking off in 30 mins, then gets a fayre which takes him/her to the other side of BKK, as an example, 100Km away from home... why should he not have the right to only accept a few fayres which keep him within range of home, and his knocking off time? There are many such examples of a taxi drivers right to accept or refuse a fayre. Should a taxi have to accept a passenger who is inebriated, for example? The list is endless... and it's not a long wait in most places for another taxi to come passing.

  10. best option is not to come here at all, if you must insist on coming dont fly direct., cross a land border.

    Sister Sherry, forgive me. I don't drive a porsche. I do wear a Rolex however, and yes, it cost a lot more than a Louis Vuitton bag.

    I bought it in Paragon, and kept my receipt. When I exited, I claimed back my tax. When I re-entered, I was FORCED to pay tax upon it, because IT WAS NOT believed it was 2nd hand. I produced my airport tax-return receipt, and it was insisted it was fake, and I HAD to pay tax on my watch to come to the place where I own a house and 2 cars. Now, tell me, dear Sister Sherry, if I must insist on coming in, to where I live and own property, why should I cross a land-border?

    I'm sure you must have some secrets up your sleeve to make such an observation, sorry 'robe' not sleeve Sherry? Enlighten me please.

    Welcome to TVF, Sa Tu! wink.png

    Am I reading it correctly that you were not a tourist but live in Thailand (own house and car). But you did claim VAT back at the airport under the tourist VAT refund scheme? Then when you came back to Thailand you had to pay the VAT that you didn't pay before. Which they only knew because you showed them that paper. Sounds you were lucky they didn't fine you for illegally claiming VAT back in the first place.

    Nope. At that time I was on a non-O actually, not a visitor visa, and yes, if you fly out on a non-O you are permitted to claim tax back. Since, then, I bought property. And after that, on another return, I was asked to pay VAT. I always carry receipts, as a matter of due course, for goods bought within a county. I did nothing wrong, if that is what you are insinuating.

  11. best option is not to come here at all, if you must insist on coming dont fly direct., cross a land border.

    Sister Sherry, forgive me. I don't drive a porsche. I do wear a Rolex however, and yes, it cost a lot more than a Louis Vuitton bag.

    I bought it in Paragon, and kept my receipt. When I exited, I claimed back my tax. When I re-entered, I was FORCED to pay tax upon it, because IT WAS NOT believed it was 2nd hand. I produced my airport tax-return receipt, and it was insisted it was fake, and I HAD to pay tax on my watch to come to the place where I own a house and 2 cars. Now, tell me, dear Sister Sherry, if I must insist on coming in, to where I live and own property, why should I cross a land-border?

    I'm sure you must have some secrets up your sleeve to make such an observation, sorry 'robe' not sleeve Sherry? Enlighten me please.

    Welcome to TVF, Sa Tu! wink.png

  12. I bet Yingluck can feel the noose tightening around her neck.

    I hope they have her passport and have her on the 'no-fly' list along with many of her government cronies who mostly could be found hanging out with the US consuls.

    On another note 152,000 sacks of rice weighing 15.18 tonnes.... WOW, that's 99 grams per sack.

    I like the first 2 lines... but line 3???

    152,000 sacks x K (assumed 50Kg per sack) = 7,600,000 Kg total

    15.18 tons = finite 15,180 Kg total

    7,600,000 Kg / 15,180 Kg => K actually = 500Kg.

    Doesn’t that make each sack 500Kg as opposed to assumed 50Kg? Now that depends upon whether or not Thais use short ton, long ton, metric ton or some other form of Thai ton.

    Then again, no assumed weight per sack: so 152,000 / 15,180 = 10 -> making it 10Kg per sack. giggle.gif

    I'm having a larff with the maths of course, but something is wildly amiss! whistling.gifcheesy.gif

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