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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. Can put all the safety measures and drinking bans you want in, if someone is f*xt in the head there is not much you can do to safeguard against it.

    Of course there is.

    For one, you don't employ them and give them the opportunity to take advantage of their position, no matter how small the position. He knew the train inside out! He knew how to take advantage.

    Drinking bans is a must in all work environments, as is drug use, and not only in transport sectors. In most Western, if not all working environments, apart from pubs, drinking on the job is an instantaneously sackable offence. Thailand needs to take another look at the West; but then again, the West is not my Uncle! We're fine, aren't we lads. Yeah right! All's fine in the train carriages... CCTV will be implemented, maybe in 2024, when we next place orders for new trains.

    Safety measures and drinking bans do go a long way; as does screening and vetting staff properly. Can't say there's not much can be done about it, if the perpretators are not even initially permitted to be on the job, and drunk/drugged up.

    Edit: Prevention is better than cure. It just seems that Thailand is always looking retrospectively, and never planning ahead to before the sh!t hits the fan. Thailand does not want to be seen as learning from the West. Yet isn't that exactly what Rama V (King Chulalongkorn) actually did? He went to Germany and the UK, and brought back many ideas he implemented to improve Thailand, with his chief farang advisor in toe.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but drinking and drug bans already exist for staff on trains. Would you expect some kind of mental assessment for all employees? I have never seen or heard of that in the west either.

    BTW how did the wonderful west (UK) do with stopping Harold Shipman from bumping off anyone he felt like?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but laws exist for speeding, not wearing a helmet on a bike, changing lanes and overtaking on the inside, don't they? As for Shipman, you don't need to be so childish/

  2. What a disappointment, I admired her for "having a go " and coming last. Seems nothing is truly honest in sport these days.

    Go way with you. Eddie the Eagle was top notch for his attempt... and he landed... albeit 40m away from where he started 555+


    Give him his due... he didn't pay to enter.... mind you, hardly surprising. We don't have 120m drops from mountains in GB, unless you want to jump off the sharp side of Snowdon. giggle.gif

    Eddie was honest.. but SH!t...

  3. Ayutthaya elephant poisoned for ivory

    By Digital Content


    AYUTTHAYA, July 11 -- A male elephant was found dead inside the compound of the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace & Royal Kraal in this central province today, and the authorities believe the elephant was poisoned for its ivory.

    Police officers from Ayutthaya Police Station inspected the scene at Suan Prik subdistrict, Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya district, finding a male elephant named Klao, age 50, dead near a small woods, next to the elephant kraal. Both of its tusks were cut off and taken away.

    The tusks were about 5-6 inches in diameter. Police believe the elephant was dead for at least 9-10 hours before being discovered.

    The authorities surmised that the suspects must have drugged the elephant during the night and waited until it fell before cutting away its tusks.

    Ayutthaya Elephant Palace & Royal Kraal owner Laithongrian Meephan said the deceased elephant came to live at the camp in 1999, but was kept for only special occasions as he resembles a mighty elephant, Phraya Kotchasarn, the Great Elephant.

    The owner said each tusk have been at least 1 metre in length.

    He pleaded for the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to help with the case, as the council has asked for cooperation in restraining from possessing weapons, making it difficult to keep the culprits at bay.

    At present, the police are inspecting whether the elephant was poisoned, and will track the suspects to ensure success in making an arrest. (MCOT online news)


    -- TNA 2014-07-11

    Looking at this poor elephant.... as he resembles a mighty elephant, Phraya Kotchasarn, the Great Elephant .it dosent look to much like the Mighty Elephant in this pic.... i say a decent feed would have done wonders..maybe it starved to death.. and someone ?, took the op to take the tusks


  4. My suggestion to the problem of rape and for those that are against capital punishment is:

    Cut it off!

    This will save on prison costs, please those against capital punishment, and the guy will never be able to do it again. Society will be protected. Problem solved.

    Not quite. The guy would become even more crude, and use tools and god knows what to get his own back... he would revert to more sickening events.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 myths written about... great article.

    Let's go with the facts, or even one of them. This <deleted>er raped and killed a 13 year old girl.

    FACT: He won't be mentioned again once he's been executed, AND will NEVER be a martyr

    FACT: He doesn't derserve a second chance, as he'd already done it twice - three times and out!

    FACT: Execution does have an affect upon costs. The myth is rubbish, and I rubbish it here now. Each and every offender costs money. Get rid of one, and you save the very expensive cost of one. That is a FACT.

    I could go on, but I bet there are a lot more logical facts in opposition to the few myths presented in the OP.

    You seem to confuse FACTS with OPINIONS.

    But lets go over your "facts":

    1) where did you get the idea he will be a martyr when he is not executed?

    2) guess that is not up to you but up to the judges and the rule of law

    3) the myth is not rubbish as it has been studied already many times. The death penalty is more expensive then putting someone in jail for a very very long time. Maybe you should read up on it a bit before you "rubbish" something. Just google "cost of death penalty vs life sentence" and read the first 5-10 links that show up; you might learn something.

    And please go on with logical facts because so far you are at zero...


    2. Continued living keeps one in the news... that is a form of martyrdom, in living on and being given the opportunity to be whitewashed in future.

    3. The death penalty costs $US 83 FOR THE DRUGS. It is the trials and tribulations and court costs of those who maintain innocence that cost. The death penalty does not cost more than incarceration; any right minded basic home accountant can work that one out. This guy confessed. (Argue or not whether he was forced to). You need to read more about what you read about and actually see where the costs are incurred... before throwing trivia back at me.

    Zero in your opinion... which you are entitled to!!

  6. Can put all the safety measures and drinking bans you want in, if someone is f*xt in the head there is not much you can do to safeguard against it.

    Of course there is.

    For one, you don't employ them and give them the opportunity to take advantage of their position, no matter how small the position. He knew the train inside out! He knew how to take advantage.

    Drinking bans is a must in all work environments, as is drug use, and not only in transport sectors. In most Western, if not all working environments, apart from pubs, drinking on the job is an instantaneously sackable offence. Thailand needs to take another look at the West; but then again, the West is not my Uncle! We're fine, aren't we lads. Yeah right! All's fine in the train carriages... CCTV will be implemented, maybe in 2024, when we next place orders for new trains.

    Safety measures and drinking bans do go a long way; as does screening and vetting staff properly. Can't say there's not much can be done about it, if the perpretators are not even initially permitted to be on the job, and drunk/drugged up.

    Edit: Prevention is better than cure. It just seems that Thailand is always looking retrospectively, and never planning ahead to before the sh!t hits the fan. Thailand does not want to be seen as learning from the West. Yet isn't that exactly what Rama V (King Chulalongkorn) actually did? He went to Germany and the UK, and brought back many ideas he implemented to improve Thailand, with his chief farang advisor in toe.

    • Like 2
  7. Police to patrol every half hour? blink.png

    Who employs them, as much as the bed sheet changers?

    Why not drive a train into Soi Cowboy, and see how far it eradicates things? I'd sure like to know which police captain is in control of that street. Maybe, better not, as Chalerm was last seen walking free at a funeral. He has a habit of visiting funerals, especially when his sons are in town. bah.gif

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