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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. I don't think the people are listening to this message any more than they do most other messages, as 'Thainess' means doing what the hell you like whatever the outcome. Last evening i passed a gaggle of people sitting in front of their favourite shop drinking beer and whiskey the same as they do every other evening. Wouldn't surprise me if the local Cop dropped in for one or two like he usually does.

    A 'gaggle of people'? w00t.gif

    Do you eat Peking human thigh? cheesy.gif

  2. I think it is a good message to be sending out. The politicos are often taking about drugs, but fail to recognise the damage that alcohol is doing to the health of the nation. Anything which encourages people to drink responsibly is a good start. Maybe some education in the schools to.

    The man takes a drink, the drink takes the drink, the drink takes the man. (Old Chinese proverb).

    Except, in most cases it's not really applicable. burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

  3. I've seen worse by Thai teachers, in Thai classrooms.. this is nothing.

    Edit: A video of them cropping off his tosser would well be worth distribution.

    i understand the feelings of the police officer and the cyber lynch mob, but in many court systems in the western world such treatment and a video to prove it on the internet could lead to this guy walking.

    But we aren't in a Western world, are we? We are not in a first-world country, are we? I would suggest that this, being a third-world country, changes a massive slant on matters, despite our own understanding of what is perceived as 'normal', does it not?

  4. morality of the story:

    now its pretty clear -at least for the junta- thailand definitively need a subway!

    Get out much do we?


    so how u doin'?

    whats about your examination? you know you should bring with you few others members(rubl, mrtoad), you might get a price for your group therapywhistling.gif

    Did your mum educate you like this?


    That would certainly explain you hit backs and anger, and your rhetoric regarding the need for group therapy. ;)

  5. Hello !

    "Lets face it, if there was no exchange rate benefit most farangs would have to live a more realistic lifestyle and would not afford most things they consider cheap here. Most would not come here."

    Yes, this is true, but it doesn't take away the point that farang who stay here for a seven or eight month stretch ARE putting money into the Thai economy. Or does it ? After all, Thailand still wants to welcome the two-week tourists, and some of those two-week tourists might be here, because, because Thailand is cheaper than other places.

    As for pushing up land and property prices, well, us foreigners "can't actually buy or own land, unless through a legal loop-hole". The vast bulk of Thailand's real estate is owned by Thais (most of the prime real-estate in Bangkok is owned by rich Chinese-Thai families), and surely, a real-estate boom benefits the Thais who have got real estate. They, after all, are smirking at the value of their properties rising. Yes, Thais who can't afford to buy because of the rising prices have a problem. Well, in other places, London and Melbourne, the local government might build government housing, and allow locals to live in such housing, at a below-the-market rate.

    And those long-stayers who spend most of their money on farang owned bars and restaurants. Well, surely, the two-week tourists (in Pattaya and Phuket), they also spend a lot of their money in places owned by farang ? Most of us (who have been here for more than a year) do know right, that the bulk of the farang-owned bars and restaurants in Thailand actually make a loss or break even. smile.png And they do employ local Thais or Cambodians to work in such places.

    The point I'm trying to make, the long-stayers are still drawing out cash at the ATM, they're still bringing in foreign currency. The only difference is, is that the two-week tourists spend about four or five times more money per day. The long-stayers are spending the same money, it's just that they're spending it more slowly ! smile.png

    Hello. Excuse me. What?

    I can assert you have not lived here for long, nor do you own any property here, based upon what you assert.

    I came here for the love of the ethos, aside from the assumed rights and wrongs. I earn money here, am paid in baht, and pay tax same as any Thai; I also do it legally.

    You can make as many assumptions as you desire but I, for one, do not spend money in places you again 'assume' are owned by 'farang'. Are you really so naive? I withdraw from my BANKS what I have honestly earnt here, and not a jot from a foreign country. I spend as I need, buy what I need, and live comfortably as I need. I assert that you have no idea what it is like to live here long-term, and nor do you know much about the culture here in its reality; I also assert you know little about what you believe you know about living in Thailand long-term. Stick to your 8 month stays, until you really have some idea what your essence contains. You might make it long-term. Until then, good luck with your further assumptions.

    Until then, keep naive assumptions to yourself, and make the same assertions after you have lived here for at least 10 years.

    In addition, you wrote, 'well, us foreigners "can't actually buy or own land, unless through a legal loop-hole" '. Then you wrote, "Most of us (who have been here for more than a year) do know right, that the bulk of the farang-owned bars and restaurants in Thailand actually make a loss or break even." You contradict yourself in 1 post; the post full of misunderstanding, as you clearly display.

    Ubonratch, you silly person, YOU have miss-understood my comments !

    I was answering directly to the previous post (from ParadiseLost). This thing about assuming that fahrang spend their money in fahrang owned bars and restaurants. I was responding to the original point about how 'Paradiselost' had said about how the long-stayers spend their money in such places, and my response was basically "the two-week tourists are actually just as likely to spend their money in such places" (the SAME places as the long-stayers !).

    What did I write ? You agree right, that the difference between the two week tourists and the eight month guys is, is that the two week guys spend about four or five times as much money on a PER DAY basis ? We're talking about the average two week tourist, and the average eight month tourist (or two year tourist).

    Did I make any assumptions about YOU, Ubonratch ? No, I did not. smile.png

    But you have assumptions or miss-interpretations about my writing.

    So YOU think I contradicted myself with the land ownership comment. Look, it's been mentioned constantly, on Thai Visa, about how Thais can go to America or England, they can legally buy land with no problems. But we, as foreigners, we can do it, BUT we need a legal loop-hole. We're NOT in the same situation as the Thais are when THEY go to England.

    And when you see the fahrang-owned bars and restaurants, you do know about the owner-ship of the vast bulk (or most) of those bars, don't you ? Things like, Mr Foreigner has bought a bar, he hasn't got it 'freehold', he's bought the contents of the bar (the fridge, television, chairs,etc), he's now paying the rent every month, and his bar just about breaks even. I do actually know a stack of Pattaya bars, most of those bars make a loss or break even. And I know a few bars outside of Pattaya as well, it's the same story.

    So you earned YOUR money here in Thailand. Well, good for you. You accept that the vast bulk of the eight month (or longer than eight months) guys earned their money outside of Thailand ?

    Let's get back to what the OP was. So what's the difference between the two week 'genuine' tourists and those who stay for longer than seven months in one stretch ? My original post was about how it's strange and funny for TAT to want to boost tourist revenues from the tourists (they mean the two-week tourists, the 'genuine' tourists), but at the same time, Thailand appears to be wanting to remove the tourists who stay for long periods. Did you read my original post before you shot your mouth off ?? smile.png

    And YOU, don't assume that I am one of those who comes here for eight months, and then goes away, and comes back later !! Just because I am writing to support them, that don't mean to say I'm one of them.


    For the record.. I didn't once call a you silly person. ;)

  6. I bet any Catia prog used in this country is a forged copy, as for ICEM-surf - forget it!

    How much do you want to wager on that ?

    My apologies. I POSTULATED use by a Thai company, not a foreign investing set up. I'm sure Brose and Lear and the likes use genuine copies. OK?

    I work for a Thai company. How much would would you like to wager ?

    I guess you're a betting man? Did you get Brazil right too?

    I'd bet my house your company's copy of Catia V5 is not an original D'assault system's licenced usage. Or maybe you just use CADDS4X still? giggle.gif

    ICEM-surf... your company uses that too, with a real licenced copy?

  7. At first I was disgusted, but over the years I've come to find myself rather impressed with Thais unwavering ability to promote themselves as being on par or indeed better than many where nearly ALL indications would suggest otherwise.

    They truly are masters at fantasy and fiction. You'd think the movies and music would be better as such, but ...

    It's called selective deafness. Thailand is a world leader in this hub. ;)

    • Like 1
  8. "Mr Singthong, a former Bangkok MP, claimed that soldiers had visited the temple and asked the abbot not to stage the event."

    Asked? cheesy.gif

    "Only relatives and close friends are expected to attend the celebration since many Pheu Thai Party politicians are still barred from travelling by the National Council for Peace and Order."

    expected? cheesy.gif

    "It has been reported that Thaksin will celebrate his 65th birthday this year with a private party in Paris."



    • Like 2
  9. another week of ....but, but, not us, someone else, unfair, they did it, and other bull from the thaiscoffee1.gif

    Along with China, Thailand is part of the "Gang of Eight" countries that have faced scrutiny over the ivory trade, but it is now seen as the key offender.

    this statement says everything to make thailand wake up...the country of elephant loverswhistling.gif

    It is all false love, Thailand couldn't care less about elephants they are nothing but a commodity to Thais. Everything is money to them alive or dead doesn't matter.

    You are saying about Thai that it's all about money?

    I'm sure there are some Thai that would kill for money..as in any country.

    To suggest that the majority of Thai people would kill a elephant for money...

    I don't agree but maybe you know Thai people better than me.

    I presume you can speak Thai & have come to this conclusion from speaking to them?

    So why does it apparently take foreigners to point out the problems Thailand is causing because of its laws on the ivory trade.

    If Thais cared so much, why cant they do it themselves?

    Farang are not my uncle. We know how to do everything. We listen not because we have experts: politicians. Nothing is of importance beyond Thai boundaries, and we will fight and give everydrop of blood for our safety, freedom and progress. We care, jing jing.giggle.gif

  10. We've all seen the pics of him... not exactly Arnie is he?

    I think it's clearly cut that in no way, alone, could he have lifted a cadaver. He had to have been helped.

    DNA screeing needs to be done in-depth (to excuse the Freudian) on this young lady's body, to trace all the culprits. I believe the whole lot will be caught up in this scheme, and indeed partook in it. sad.png

    The windows are almost the full length of the bottom bunk with the sill not that high above the bunk. He would not have had to have lifted the body, only the head and shoulders or feet and legs then pushed her body over the sill, she was only 13 remember.

    What would you think forensics would be looking for in the case of a rape victim ? I doubt they need anyone to tell them their job.

    Well in BKK the chief of forensics identified that a spanner found in the pocket of a victim suggested he was a mechanic. Remember that one?

    I believe they need a lot of help, in all honesty.

    Only aged 13 has nothing to do with cadaver weight (believe me, a dead body is very heavy - re morgue experience), especially when taking into consideration that 2 other members of the family were 'asleep' in the same compartment, alledgedly! ;) No noise? No shuffling? No breeze?

  11. Let's face it - man is a domesticated animal. Most are able to keep the animal within under control, few can't. Those few who can't and commit hideous crimes like this have forfeited their right to live together with the ones that apply proper self-control and need to be taken out for good, since no dogooder psychiatrist will be able to change the bad ones with their superficial blahblah and recliner sofa sessions, hard time will also achieve nothing.

    Dog bites man, man shoots dog - it's very simple!

    I totally agree. Once you assault or inflict violence on someone, like rape, whatever happens to you after that should be considered circumstantial. Those who assault others should not have legal protection. When you violate or assault people you break the sacred human code of minding one's own business. If you take freedoms with others it should demote you from normal society. I think victims of assault and bystanders should have an automatic right to defend someone in danger. The scum of the earth doesn't need empathy.

    I disagree with your human code of 'minding one's own business'.

    It lies deeper than that, as in physically infringing one's space (aura), person and physical freedom, when same said is not impinging upon another's.

    Man is not domesticated, in general, catwaezle. Woman is! Man is the fighter, in a psychological sphere, and the woman doesn't (per se history).

    However, violating the aura of a person, especially physically, displays a tendency to not be able to accept oneself as 'normal' (when comparing and contrasting with peers), and it is that which needs serious identification in earlier years, and it is that which is missing on a huge scale within the educational system, and medical sphere. All children go to see doctors... (as a general rule)... and it is a responsibility of both doctors and teachers to identify 'misfits'. Unfortunately, most of both the latter are not psychologically trained, and that leaves the exact holes that are escaped by perpretrators of such heinous crimes.

    Minding one's own business is not an answer. If all and sundry did such the then the world would be anarchic.

  12. We've all seen the pics of him... not exactly Arnie is he?

    I think it's clearly cut that in no way, alone, could he have lifted a cadaver. He had to have been helped.

    DNA screeing needs to be done in-depth (to excuse the Freudian) on this young lady's body, to trace all the culprits. I believe the whole lot will be caught up in this scheme, and indeed partook in it. :(

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    About a month ago from Nong Khai to Bangkok, some friends and I got drunk with the police on board in the food carriage.

    They were getting hammered on whiskey.

    About 8 years ago I got drunk with two of the cleaning guys.

    Seems to be normal.

    Is being drunk on the job generally accepted? There was an elderly teacher who reeked of booze at 8 am. Seems everyone, students and staff knew about it.

    Is this how that's handled over here?

    Banning the sale of beer will likely cost a lot of jobs. Will those who like to have a beer bring it onto the trains in brown paper bags?

    Instead, they should hunt down Meth dealers. The crazed murderer was not just drunk but also high on Meth, wasn't he?!?

    There is AA in Thailand, if you consider it to be 'normal'....

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