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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. The scam is that the goverment said the rice was all good an not missing. They were so arrogant that they would not admit the problems and rectify them. By admitting storage was bad they might had to stop the program and they did not want that. So the blew even more taxpayer money. So they are guilty of gross negligence.

    You do understand that not a single soul in the world ever beleived for one second that the rice wouldn't get any worse because it had been stored for a year or two. Every buyer in the world knows that the stuff reduces in quality and some of it will inevitably go mouldy. There was no way on earth to build enough space to be able to manage storing all this stuff and it would have been a crazy expense to do so. Basically, you would need at least 40% vacant space sitting around in order to be able to move the stuff around. All the buildings are full to bursting point.

    So, ok, now it is gross negligence, not a scam. A scam would imply they got paid in some way.

    Well now, 700 billion Baht went missing, so who didn't get paid?? Scam side-winded, negligence ignored... where exactly did 700 billion Baht go to? Somebody got paid!

  2. "deputy superintendent of Kapang police station, said that the warehouse was struck by fire three times on March 4, 2011, February 21 and April 5 this year.

    However, he ruled out arson saying that the fires might have been caused by aluminium phosphate interacting with relative humidity."

    <DELETED>K me. These police are chemical experts in Thailand. Whoa! No evidence left then, apart from a pile of shit?

    • Like 1
  3. Time for a Thai National anthem re-write, me thinks.

    Even the OP said, as a Thai, he recognised how SUPERIOR Thailand is... give us break pal.

    When is this Thai Thainess stupidity ever going to end? sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngbeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

    No that's not what he said.

    What he actually said was

    Overseas trips then taught me in what ways Thailand is superior to other countries, and in what ways we are inferior.

    I think this part is interesting though.

    We were just ordered to be at school early enough to line up in front of the flagpole and sing the national anthem as the flag was raised.

    Maybe that needs to be changed as it doesn't seem to have worked. Despite good intentions, to me, Thais sometimes seem a bit shallow in their actions. Buddhism is not really followed but covered by visits to temples. Respect for the king seems to stop at having lots of pictures and 'Long live the King' on the back of a pick up instead of taking notice of what he says. In the case of patriotism maybe running up a flag and singing the national anthem because you've been told you have to doesn't really cover it.

    So, therefore, he did say Thailand is superior... didn't he? Despite the recognintion of some componentry of inferiority, he did say, "Thailans is superior", did he not?'

    A lawyer would tear his words apart, you can see that for yourself. As regards being ordered to stand at the flagpole, and sing the anthem, did you not read my earlier remark?

  4. My lord you lot are incredibly blinkered.

    So. Tell me, what was Greece's debt to GDP when it finally went tits up. Suthep and Sondhi really have done a job on you lot.

    More like Thaksin/Yingluck Shinawatra have done a number on you. Did you not get suspicious of them when their finance minister was caught lying and said it was OK if it made people feel good and they sanctioned it?wai.gif

    We these are the junta numbers ., 45%

    Hardly life threatening to the economy. Maybe even some space to borrow a bit to fund new schools, infrastructure . maybe even a hospital or two.

    Or would that be too populist?

    With all due respect TAH, there's little left in the kitty. That's life threatening to the whole darned country. No space for borrowing, until the national AUDIT is completed.

    The mess left behind is scarcely quantitive, never mind qualitative. There ain't no simple Likert scale here.. 1 for don't like and 5 for very much like.

    What is a Junta number; it is a rifle pointed at you? Get on with, and clean the floor, in this instance... and good.... better to clean the floor first, then you see how much shit and dust comes off the top of the wardrobe... then when you've cleaned that, you clean the floor again! ;)

    • Like 1
  5. this is areadful situation that a young girl who was it seems raped and murdered by a drug taking alcohol drinker who should in trurth never have been employed .

    The lax attitude of the management that allows alcohol to be consumed by employees at work is indeed shameful as is the lack of any character background check on employees of the S.R.T. and no doubt other organisations too who come into contact with the traveling public in very personal situations.

    Trust was expected and trust became lust and murder.

    May the poor child find peace and also her family may they be able to overcome their grief.

    indeed a fatal mishap of perhaps falling under a train at the crime re-enactment scene might well be a poetic piece of justice for the murdering rapist.

    With all due respect, how does one do a character background check on a Thai employee? Police don't have a massive system, or majorly linked server, as the West is crass in Thai opinion.

    Trust and lust happens in any country, as does murder over such.

    What is not fitting here is the darned lack and insensitivity of the reporting... one minute assumed dead... next minute seen alive, and we're all (as caring citizens) are given hope. Then, to be told, she's dead and was thrown off the train in the exact area the BIB had said they had searched............ apalling reporting.. Disgraceful reporting.

    As for the little faggot, he'll get his Karma.

  6. Posted Today, 05:55


    Missing teen 'still alive'

    The Nation

    IMHO this post should be removed. The event is bad enough without terrible reporting.

    Agreed! It led me up the garden path, and I apologise profusely for earlier comments. :'(

    The guy in Hua Hin who said he saw her needs serious questioning too!!!!! How futile a new report, which one minute says this, and then the next minute says that.

    Then again... this LOS is indeed the land of inconsistency... good work reporters... George, you must be very happy with this reporting.. and coverage.. me thinks not!

    Blessings to the girl. Not so sure about the story still.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Decision - Indecision. What colour? How much detail? Thainess at its best.

    Pffft: Eddie Stobart would be laughing in his grave over this tardy lot, about uniforms... or none - for that matter.

    Thai's seem to take the least line of resistance , don't worry about bike taxi rules , motor bike licence conditions , requirements for insurance, etc.lets have a bright shirt.

    Exactly! The path of least resistance. How long do you think it will take for the first orange jacket to be sold off under the table?

    Already been done. We didn't need or have time to think. It was done before the colour was decided. ;)

  8. "That meeting concluded that the release of stockpiled rice would be handled to ensure that it does not affect the market price."

    No need for such a conclusion, as it sure in hell aint going to affect brown rice world prices. Thailand - still the believer of its position in world leverages. bah.gif

  9. I never knew Harvard had a college called Oxford University. <deleted>? Learn something new everyday, hey!

    Edit: Maybe it was time Geography was introduced as a school subject? Kids and reporters might then know that Harvard is not in Oxford, and Oxford is not in Harvard, and that Harvard is a name, not a place. Kids might be able to find Thailand on the globe, and actually see that there's a lot more beyond its small borders! bah.gif

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  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No disrespect, but what on earth is an Italian doing studying the role of motorcycle taxis in the Bangkok protests. Isn't there something a little more useful in the world to study?

    At least Thai's are listening to someone from out side of Thailand for a change.

    Thais listen when it "suits" them.

    Rather than 'listening', Thais are experts at being 'selectively deaf'. ;)

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