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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. "All passenger vans must not be older than 10 years and should only be able to carry 14 passengers at the maximum. Van drivers are required to have a valid driving license before they take on the road."

    Great innovation. Who knows, maybe this will catch on in the west. Thailand, always at the forefront. whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif

    Maybe all passenger van drivers must be older than ten years of age, and act like it as well? whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  2. CP virtually control the entire supply chain of dozens of products from farm to plate for millions of Thais, as well as numerous sectors besides agribusiness they are dominant players in (mobile phones, retail, insurance, etc). They are the biggest foreign investor in China, and are spreading their influence quickly in several other Asian nations. That they have achieved such a monopoly position in Thailand is not just testament to their business acumen, but it testifies to a ruthless ambition to dominate and ability to play the system with the state on one side and market on the other. Oh yes, and did I mention, they are now able to virtually write significant areas of Thai agricultural policy to their benefit. Any surprise they are so wealthy? rolleyes.gif

    But not sure what is with this subtle difference in surname of each brother? Is that something Sino-Thai cultural linked, or more to do with a tax or business competitive advantage I wonder? Never some across it before, so interested to hear any (informed) opinion on this odd phenomenon (which presumably applies to Thai and English language spellings?) sad.png

    This whole article probably comes about because the main brother isn't the top guy for wealth anymore. But if they tot up the other 3 combined they are.

    How can it be that these shareholdings emerge? No one knew about it before?

    They aren't actually. Chirathivat family are, and have been for 3 months. ;)

  3. If the parents are coming to work, then how can they bring their kids with them?

    Surely their kids can't get the necessary registration documents anyway as they are not allowed to work.

    Quote - "travelling back into Thailand without waiting for legal documentation".

    There's nothing new here, as this has been happening for decades. It's a chance for another organisation to reap money - simple as that.

    • Like 1
  4. My suggestion to the problem of rape and for those that are against capital punishment is:

    Cut it off!

    This will save on prison costs, please those against capital punishment, and the guy will never be able to do it again. Society will be protected. Problem solved.

    Not quite. The guy would become even more crude, and use tools and god knows what to get his own back... he would revert to more sickening events.

    I don't often agree with you as you can probably see from my posts above but I believe you're right on this one.

    It's often seen as a solution on threads regarding paedophiles. 'Castrate them. Problem solved' We aren't dogs, we're higher primates like monkeys and apes. Sexual drive may or may not be affected and even then may only be decreased not eliminated. Not all sexual crimes are based solely on physical intercourse and often it's the feeling of power over another person that is the main driver. Chemical castration is sometimes offered to those who volunteer for it as not all sex offenders are happy with their actions. Sometimes it works but often it doesn't. I believe this is often the case if the previously mentioned dominance is the key factor.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of people who make comments based on one crime and their view of how bad it is without taking into account the affect it has on victims and families in that case or the wider consequences for other potential victims.

    I would like to mention here one point that every one seems to not be considering.

    what if it is the actual killing that real turns him on.

    Studies show that the death penalty does not stop people from committing crimes. They also show that life in prison is a bigger preventative against murder when it is a planed murder not the normal spur of the moment or accident ones that make up most of the murders.

    If it is the killing itself that 'turns' the killler on, then that is where I believe we enter the world of the 'serial' killer. The likes of Lopez, Bundy and West etc. (and possibly the likes of Pol Pot and even Hitler, although the latter didn't commit the crimes on a personal level).

    I believe this train incident was a drug crazed lead to a killing, as if the perpretrator/s enjoyed the 'kill' itself then the 2 previous victims woulld not be here to come forward. Despite that, it is a despicable occurrance, and should be dealt with in the most serious way possible. Take him down.

  5. My suggestion to the problem of rape and for those that are against capital punishment is:

    Cut it off!

    This will save on prison costs, please those against capital punishment, and the guy will never be able to do it again. Society will be protected. Problem solved.

    Not quite. The guy would become even more crude, and use tools and god knows what to get his own back... he would revert to more sickening events.

    I don't often agree with you as you can probably see from my posts above but I believe you're right on this one.

    It's often seen as a solution on threads regarding paedophiles. 'Castrate them. Problem solved' We aren't dogs, we're higher primates like monkeys and apes. Sexual drive may or may not be affected and even then may only be decreased not eliminated. Not all sexual crimes are based solely on physical intercourse and often it's the feeling of power over another person that is the main driver. Chemical castration is sometimes offered to those who volunteer for it as not all sex offenders are happy with their actions. Sometimes it works but often it doesn't. I believe this is often the case if the previously mentioned dominance is the key factor.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of people who make comments based on one crime and their view of how bad it is without taking into account the affect it has on victims and families in that case or the wider consequences for other potential victims.

    I don't infer you agree or disagree; I believe we are both able to take retrospective thinking and sit quietly, and consider opinion.

    As you rightly identified, just, it is not all based upon the physical act, and is quite often based upon the 'power' feeling, which was taken away in childhood, likely by a dominant bastardiser themself. Thailand has such an ill-mannered 'learned behaviour' problem, going back more than eons.

    Example here, if it is not removed: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=294879034020895&set=vb.100004964015487&type=2&theater

    Purely an example of learned behaviour, don't you agree? Sickening, yes.... from our Western point of view.

    Is she committing a crime? Not in Thai eyes... it is 'normal' behaviour, as every Thai I have asked has said so.

    The child a victim? Not in Thai society. Where could we take it from here?

    • Like 1
  6. Most governments urge their citizens to abstain from alcohol and tobacco, which are legal products in many countries. But how would they replace the rich revenue streams earned by taxing those products?

    Be careful what you ask for smile.png

    I disagree. Most countries use taxation as a false pretense for abstination when, in which such circumstances, the purchase of alcohol and tobacco, as drugs, are perfectly legal. That is far from a means to the encouragement of abstinence and, in fact, encourages people to try to beat the 'system'.

    IF a country truly meant the intent for its citizens to abstain then it would ban the product outright, would it not?

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Gawd whats next? Tips on religious devotion?

    There is another country in the region that issues similar edicts and has an unelected government in power ; North Korea.

    By all appearances North Korea is the embodiment of a democratic society!

    In practice -

    Thailand has been a "faux" democracy much like North Korea. .

    Seen, or located, the 'blue diamond' recently?

    Edit: It seems to be democratically located. giggle.gif

  8. He said that, in 2013, Thailand’s tourism revenue ranked sixth in the world and third in Asia by the World Tourism Organization.

    Another lie by TAT !!!

    Top 10 countries on international tourism receipts 2013
    1. USA 156,2 million visitors
    2. Spain 97,9 million visitors
    3. France 93,7 million visitors
    4. China 75,0 million visitors
    5. Macao (China) 63,7 million visitors
    6. Italy 61,2 million visitors
    7. Germany 58,1 million visitors
    8. UK 56,4 million visitors
    9. Hongkong 42,1 million visitors
    10. Australia 41,5 million visitors
    14 Indonesia 36,5 million visitors
    15 Switzerland 35,8 million visitors
    16 Netherlands 33,9 million visitors
    21 Singapore 30,1 million visitors
    25 Thailand 26,1 million visitors
    Source: World Tourism Organization !!!!
    How comes that WTO has other figures than TAT ??? Answer TAT is lying !!!

    It's not called TAT for nothing,, it's just Thai spelling,*hat. wink.png

  9. I assume they do very little in providing for Thailand's labour requirements.

    This really is an issue for the UN to mediate and if they are returned ensure they get fair treatment.

    Why the UN?

    The UN has been making recommendations to both countries for years, and neither has due repsect to listen or take notice.

    Isn't it time 'multinational corps' and suchlike placed embargos and limitations which ensure a heed?

  10. I am all for freedom to do with ones body what you please as long as you don't bother others.

    And there in lies the dilemma - alcohol quite often leads to 'bothering' others!

    Thailand is NOT a secular nation. It is a Buddhist nation and you'd think everyone could follow the 5th precept at least a couple of times a year... kinda like CXhristians going to church only at Xmas and Easter...

    But there is a reason for Sunday mass. When the basket comes past, take what you need. It's all by but the grace of God!

    If one grows up with little, church on a Sunday can be a blessing. Thanks to the church my 'yo' eventually became a 'yo-yo'. I carved it myself, from the statue of Jesus I nicked off the church wall, and selling a bit of lead I risked climbing to rob. tongue.png

    If you don't like Scouse humour then I appreciate your reading this, at least. giggle.gif

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