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Posts posted by EL159

  1. Sorry. But this story is just untrue if you use the official airport taxi service. They dont use the meter but the lady with the clipboard who allocates customers to cars tells you the price based on where you want to go. I live at Nongkwai, near Hangdong, and the fare from the airport to my house is always about 350 baht. Never been more than that, and sometimes only 300.

    If these people used one of the scammers who hang around the arrival area at most airports in the world, thats why they might have got ripped, but the offficial airport taxi service is as good as gold.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    125 kg is still way too heavy. While the equipment harness theoretically should have dealt with the load, IMHO Thai maintenance frequently ignores the issue of deterioration with multiple use.

    My partner who is a Tour Guide takes groups there quite often tells me there is a weight limit of 100 kilos, but presumably the lure of the dollar overrides the rules !!!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, orang37 said:


    Okay, (and, godz bless your genes) ... but, let me ask you a favor: if you come to my wake, would you mind going outside to gloat ?


    thanks in advance, ~o:37;

    If you take care of yourself a bit you dont need to worry about your wake! I drink beer and wine, eat cheese, love chocolate.....but do it with a degree of moderation! I also dont voluntarily eat salads, bloody rabbit food, so it can be done! 

  4. Clearly a fat bastard whether 125 ( more likely) or 180 (unlikely). Either way, as they have a supposed policy of 100 kilo max, they shouldnt have allowed him on, but then again, if he knows hes big fat and heavy, he shouldnt have been getting on anyway. 


    As someone who is 6ft 3 inch, and weighing in at 88 kilos, I personally find it completely distasteful to see lazy fat people who have no self discipline to take care of themselves. I love "comfort food", the type which would make me fat if I didnt "work at it" and show some self restraint and self respect.

  5. 1 hour ago, CNXexpat said:

    At Loi Kroh Superrich and the orange shop 100 meters before when you come from Old Town have the best rates. Mostly they have the same but sometimes they have a small difference.

    Yes. Good idea! Superich Loi Kroh! You know what happens in Africa? The Lion makes the kill, then the pack of Hyenas surround the Lion and steal the kill! Big packs of Hyenas live in numerous bars in Loikroh!

  6. Just had a bad experience today with Superrich. Phoned in advance, "do you have UK pounds available to sell?"  ( I m visiting UK want to take some £ with me). "Yes, we do." 30 minutes later I drove to there from my home to Ratwithi Road branch. Offer my baht. "No. Not sell pounds" she says.....so I went back to my more usual place and secured my £ immediately.


    I am told that Superrich play the market to the detriment of their customers. They watch currency movements and either offer or withdraw from transactions at a moments notice.


    Customer service? They dont give a damn. So tried them once, will stick to my tried and trusted place from now on.

    • Like 1
  7. Following the opening of the Canal Road dual carriageway extension last year, we knew the authorities were considering either an under or over pass to speed up that very busy junction. The problem with an underpass being that the canal itself flows right where an underpass would go.


    Now it seems work on whatever they decided has started. Right now they are digging a big trench adjacent to the Canal Road, right in front of the "Lazy Farang" pub, for those who know the area, and huge concrete water pipes have been delivered presumably to go inside the trench. Now, I m no expert at all, but it looks to me like the plan might be to divert the canal water off to the side to flow underground for a distance of what looks like about half a kilometre, therefore leaving the existing area where the canal is now dry and able to install an underpass? Anyone have any more definitive knowledge about this?


    They also appear to be installing extra street lighting concrete polls in the area, also presumably to brighten the area for passing traffic.


    Just a "nosy neighbour", local resident who passes by there ten times a day and intrigued as to whats going on?

  8. 13 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    oh dear !   that's not good ..... you better go on a trip for a few weeks until it gets better.

    I am going on a trip abroad for a few weeks but not until 18 April, sadly! Ah well. Songkran will cure the problem as the authorities always claim, when water gets thrown around!

  9. As I hadnt realised how bad it was, popped out for my usual morning coffee at 08.30. When I returned, my eyes are watering, my nose is sneezing and my throat is sore. Never thought it affected me before. Now I know it does. The worst here by a million miles and I ve lived here 12 years

  10. OP is exaggerating significantly. My retirement extension ( I am British) was renewed yesteray at Chiang Mai in 30 minutes. All I needed was the British Embassy letter, Letter from my Pension Provider confirming my annual income, and certification of my residence in Chiang Mai.


    No bank statements, spreadsheets, or any of that guff!


    My only concern now going forward is can I bring "210,000" for three months, or do I need to bring "70,000" every single month. Nobody seems to KNOW the answer on this. Everyone has a view, but based on guesstimates not practical fact!

  11. Sorry to be raising this again but its very important going forward. Yesterday my Retired Extension was renewed based on Embassy letter. Job done in 10 minutes at Chiang Mai with my agents assistance. So. From 1st April, I have to be clear what I can, and cannot do so as not to fall foul of Immigration when I renew next year.


    Lets put it simply, using 70,000 baht as the example. Am in now required to bring in K70 on, for example, 1st April, 1st May, 1st June making K210 for three months. OR, can I bring in 210,000 on 1st April to cover 3 months? It is and will be clearly shown as a Foreign Transfer from my UK Bank to Bangkok Bank here.


    The young man from the Visa Agency seemed quite confident that the "3 monthly method" would be fine as it is based on "the average" of at least 65K...on the other hand, most people on Thai Visa seem to think that it literally now has to be a monthly remittance, and that no other option is acceptable.


    Is there anybody reading this who can quote PRACTICAL ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, rather than theory on this very important situation? Thanks!

  12. On 2/28/2019 at 3:39 PM, balo said:

    That the wall was rebuilt in 1985 is being repeated over and over again . It's not the issue here. 

    It's a holy wall for the locals, the ancient history around the moat in CM speaks for itself.  The history goes back to the 14th century. 


    So all foreigners should respect that, but I agree there should be a big warning sign around the wall. 



    Are the rats holy too?!

  13. 3 hours ago, cmtg1 said:

    there has been endless documentation the durian smells like rotten eggs or dirty socks so i don't need the experience first hand. Same with living in Hang Dong, I don't need to live there to know it stinks and is filled with common and vulgar people

    Well, you clearly know "common and vulgar" very well. "Takes one to know one" as the old saying goes.

    • Like 1
  14. On 2/20/2019 at 6:11 PM, cmtg1 said:

    Saying is hang ding still a good place to live is like saying “ do you still beat your wife “ hang dong has never been a good place to live

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Hang Dong is a great place to live, especially because you dont live there. Stay away, grumpy old sod.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, puukao said:

    Fighty American......?????    


    I'm sure the OP isn't an American.  


    This title makes the American 100% to blame, without a thought.  


    And, it's possible he is 100% to blame, but obviously we don't have 100% of the facts.  Maybe 10-minutes before they punched him in his room, maybe anything......  but, yes, call police, call American Embassy, and investigate.  i'm all for an investigation.  


    I just think the title is slightly hate mongering.  we should all try to get along.  LOL

    Oh dear! Rushing to Americans defence. couldnt possibly be an American, could it, Americans dont do things like this do they. Surprised he wasnt carrying a gun to shoot up the entire hostel!

    • Haha 2
  16. 15 hours ago, Benroon said:

    Try harder

    These days given a choice between a "Crumpet", the food item, and "Crumpet" ( money grabbing slags) I ll choose the former. Maybe an age thing !!!


    Now. Lets move on to Meat Pies.......!!!

    • Like 1
  17. On 7/23/2013 at 7:13 AM, dave2 said:

    it was closed and cleared sometime before 13 june 13 and ive no idea where they went

    the best dvd film / music video rental shop i know of is near the end of wing 41 road by the traffic lights

    here ya go smile.png




    Shop closed permanently about five years ago.

  18. 3 hours ago, elektrified said:

    Each year they have many unsold tickets. No need to persuade anyone. When there is around 8 or more people queued up they call someone over who collects the money and stamps the hand and lets you in. Do you really think 99% of the attendees pay 750? No.

    Actually, even for a reduced entry fee, the musics crap and the food and drink are ridiculously over priced!

    • Haha 1
  19. 1 hour ago, elektrified said:

    It's 100 Baht at the gate to get in. No need to buy in advance. Went the last 2 or more years. You can always have drinks at Wine Connection first if you don't like the prices at the Festival. Or buy at Rimping and sit outside and have a few. As I recall they stamp your hand so you can come and go.

    It certainly IS NOT 100 baht at the gate, otherwise why would they be selling advance tickets for 750. Please dont give misleading information to undermine this thread. ( If you persuaded someone to let you in on the sly for 100 baht thats your good luck) but thats NOT the way it is for 99% of the people attending!

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