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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I will await the first consumer victory against a big Thai corporation. There are plenty of recent stories of Thai companies that have done wrong, we shouldn't have go wait long to hear a verdict and order to pay restitution. 

    As I wrote, the verdict was against Thai-owned Ford dealerships.  But, if you're looking for a deep pocket Thai company, it won't be long for the disability access cases togo to trial against BTS and a variety of environmental cases to proceed against Thai companies.


    A number of high profile class actions have been taken such as thousands of disabled commuters who sued BTS two years ago for failing to make the BTS Skytrain accessible. https://gps-legalconsulting.com/publications/class-action-lawsuits-in-thailand/


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  2. 8 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:



     keep ignoring the obvious. it is amazing


    It's ok.  It will all come out when Trump declassifies the FISA applications and orders the publication of the internal FBI emails.  It will be a big nothing-burger.  Nunes won't get re-elected, as he doesn't even know where Fresno is anymore, so this distraction will die on November 6.



    Although Nunes won his 2016 election by 35 points, President Donald Trump (R) took the district by fewer than 10 points. Bloomberg's Francis Wilkinson suggested in a February 2018 article that Nunes' association with Trump, including his role in the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, could leave him vulnerable in 2018



  3. 58 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

    so ny times story from July 2017, that is your evidence?

    Is that what happens when you search "Buzzfeed" on FoxSearch?  It comes up NY Times Fake News?  FYI, Buzzfeed is the media source that published your "salacious" "fake" Christopher Steele dossier.  The dossier that 3 Russian oligarchs sued Fusion GPS and Buzzfeed over for defamation, and lost their case.  Many NY Times stories are planted by Trump and Giuliani so I usually don't rely upon them as a source.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    Nothing more than a sleezy political hit job. Her story isn't believable in the least 

    Just an Anita Hill part 2 which failed as well 

    Prior to Anita Hill coming forward, Clarence Thomas was assured Senate confirmation, with an estimated 90 votes in support.  Following Hill's testimony, his final confirmation vote was 52-48, the slimmest margin for any SCOTUS appointment in the last 100 years.


    I don't put much credence in Ford's allegations due to the lack of a police report and the fact that this allegation wasn't raised in Kavanaugh's appellate confirmation hearing.


    However, I think the rush to get a confirmation vote this week is both unnecessary and unwise.  There are serious issues about Kavanaugh's honesty and forthrightness in responding to legal queries.  Some more time for further testimony, and to release the remainder of the documents which he has withheld, would not harm SCOTUS.  They don't need a 9th justice sitting on the Court on October 1, and the composition of the Senate will not change until after the Christmas recess.  

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