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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 3 hours ago, greenchair said:

    The man has been a judge for 40 years and all they could dig up on him, is he referred a case that he was not sure about for second and third opinions. 

    He seems like a good and honest man. 

    Maybe that's why he did not get the new position. 


    Maybe Thailand is starting to move away from the Asian tradition of the importance of seniority in making employment decisions?  I've been in HR for 10 years here, and am amazed at the fact that Thais won't accept a younger person as their superior in the workplace.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    How many of his fellow Americans even know about the difference between China and Taiwan? Time to make Americans think again.

    He also mixed up the Heads of State for Singapore and Indonesia.  Don't make excuses for his total lack of preparation for the G-20 summit.  He's a total fail in all aspects of the Presidency and needs to be quickly removed.

  3. I'm not going to condone their conduct at all.  However, a lot of the blame must be placed on the manager of the bar who understaffed the bar in light of the business generated that evening and some on the staff who didn't properly oversee the customers.  Poor staffing, poor training and poor supervision results in business losses.  Suck it up and learn your lesson.

  4. 17 hours ago, Lingba said:

    Yes of course..blame farangs..It could never be a Thai's fault for wanting to emulate other cultures that they feel may bring success into their lives.....So should we also blame farangs for the goings on at Pat Pong, Soi Cowboy, Nana, Bangla Rd in Phuket, Pattaya

    I never heard of her until the PM criticized her.  So, who is to blame, the farangs, the dancer, or the PM who gave her the free publicity?

  5. Good to see a focused and successful student.  However, becoming a lawyer for a Thai is not a substantial achievement.  Thai lawyers only are required to obtain a 4-year university degree and engage in rote memorization of processes and codes.  Learning how to think like a real lawyer is completely absent from the licensure system so the large law firms require their associates to earn an LLM degree abroad.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Inepto Cracy said:

    Drivers most of the time sit on the right side of the vehicle to drive in Thailand. If this drivers arm was out the left hand side window, well blow me, he must have had a verrry long arm indeed. Strange comment indeed.

    It doesn't say which arm he lost (and you can't tell from any of the photos).  I assume it is the right arm, which was extended outside the vehicle's right-side window and he was operating the steering wheel with his left hand (if he had his hand on the wheel at all).  And my remark is based on the fact that I was a PI lawyer, and probably handled over 100 upper extremity amputation cases.

  7. 2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    I can't see anyone with an ounce of integrity accepting this nomination. So that pretty much leaves Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani or Chris Christie.

    None of them would stand a chance at confirmation as they all have criminal/ethics issues.  In fact, Giuliani has a sealed indictment against him for RICO violations, arising out of his participation in trying to influence prosecution of a Turkish arms trader  for violating the embargo against Iran. Giuliani indictment? 


    This is the top law enforcement position in the US government.  Funny thing is that Garland was asked about the FBI post, after the Republicans in the Senate wouldn't even give him a hearing on confirmation to SCOTUS.  That's so disingenuous, and demonstrates that the opposition to Obama's appointment as well as Trump's attempt to repeal ObamaCare, had nothing to do with the merits, and everything to do with their racist perception that Obama was a Muslim African-American.

  8. A clear example of the media failing to connect the dots.  As if this has nothing to do with Trump surrogates, Flynn and Giuliani, being heavily subsidized by Erdogan (Flynn receiving payments for being a lobbyist for Turkey while working on Trump's campaign and acting as head of NSA, and Giuliani for being involved in a money laundering scheme where Turkey acted as a conduit for Iranian arms sales in violation of a sanctions order).  Fortunately, it won't be long before the indictments out of the Virginia Federal Court against Flynn and Giuliani become public.

  9. 2 hours ago, kmj said:

    I missed it where did it say he was being paid, it could be a family business therefore the under 15 rule does not apply


    Compensation is completely irrelevant to the determination of culpability under the statute.  Otherwise, child slave labor would be legal.  Assigning the child to a work duty, other than farming, is strictly prohibited by the labor code, regardless of whether the work is compensated.  The child labor laws were enacted in response to the employment of staff's children by Nike and Adidas.  Following the enactment of this law, Nike and Adidas moved their footwear factories to Vietnam and Indonesia.

  10. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    Firstly, a 10 year old child should not be working, especially not at a public toilet, which has to be super dangerous on so many levels.

    That said, I do hope the scumbag that thinks slapping little kids about is acceptable, is found. Over 10 Baht for Gods sake. What a loser?




    The minimum age for child labor in Thailand is 15, with the exception of working on a family's farm.


    Moreover, the following worksites are off limits for minors:

     An employer should not employ a child under the age of 18 to perform job in the following workplace:

    • Entertainment places, according to the law on entertainment places
    • Establishments where food, liquor, tea or other beverages are served, and where the services of prostitutes, sleeping facilities, or massage are offered, etc and other places as prescribed in Ministerial regulations.

    That doesn't mean the assailants shouldn't be prosecuted, but the owner of  that bathroom concession should be prosecuted as well.

  11. 4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    The next FBI Director - Chris Christie, Rudolph Guiliani, Sherif David Clark...?

    Sheriff Buford T. Justice?  At least there isn't an open criminal investigation (or in the case of Guiliani, an ongoing grand jury hearing for money laundering and RICO violations for selling arms to Iran through Turkey) against Jackie Gleason.

  12. 6 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    From what I've heard about the teachers' ability to educate their students, most of them are being overpaid.


    How about updating the archaic system based on seniority, and train teachers to do an adequate job? In order to attract better qualified individuals, implement an increased pay scale based on teaching proficiency, not on how long one has been taking up space int the classroom.

    Fine and dandy, but it's the other way around.  The teachers aren't motivated to perform because they are paid so poorly and overburdened with ridiculous requirements that change on a daily basis.  In the meanwhile, the MOE and school administrators are driving BMW's and Mercedes and have 2-3 houses sucking up all the money that was supposed to be budgeted for the teachers, students and facilities.  Most teachers I know rarely show up for their classes because they are working another job or operating a side business.  Something they are forced to do, because they aren't paid a livable wage.  Yes, the teachers need better training, but, in the first instance, they need to be incentivized and not saddled with more loan programs.

  13. 1 hour ago, wombat said:

    what a load of BS.

    True, they didn't mention that there are two grand jury indictment hearings proceeding at this time.  Expect the indictment of Michael Flynn to come down within the next week.  He failed to disclose payments he received to lobby for Russian and Turkish interests.  He may have also violated the Logan Act by negotiating with Russia over the sanctions related to Ukraine, prior to Trump becoming POTUS.  The other grand jury indictment involves Rudy Giuliani.  Giuliani assisted with the sale of arms to Iran through Turkey.  Both Flynn and Giuliani requested immunity in exchange for testifying against Trump and both requests were turned down.  As the public starts to pay attention, pressure will build in the GOP to oppose the cover-up, and save the political future of the party by abandoning Trump.

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