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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. Quote

    one of Japan’s most important industrial policies is to use Thailand as the hub that connects us to other Asean countries


    This isn't news.  Just look up Dawai deep sea port in Myanmar - it's a joint Japan-Thai-Myanmar industrial development project.  Thailand, unfortunately, is just a pawn, only a transportation hub for the huge project.  That's why the push for rail development throughout the country.


    From the other story posted today:



    Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak said he had asked the delegation to consider building a high-speed railway linking Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar in addition to Japan’s plan to build a railway linking north and south Thailand. He also asked Seko to speed up free-trade negotiations under the so-called regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP), known as “Asean plus six”.


    Seko said Japan was interested in building a rail system linking east and west. “Details of an agreement on RCEP have been reached recently between myself and the Thai commerce minister, and we will propose them to the RCEP summit at the end of this year,” Seko told a press conference.



  2. Quote

    The second car appeared to reach Sa Kaew after 10pm, when immigration checkpoints were already closed.

    The immigration checkpoint appeared to be closed to the public, but was manned by a smiling man who received a fat brown envelope in exchange for stamping her exit out of Thailand.  It's amazing that all of the media and government stories are focused on the use of cars to travel through Thailand, and none of them seem to care about what happened at Thailand's sieve of a border with Cambodia.


  3. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    That coming from a man who arbitrarily arrested over 100,000 people after the failed coup and continues to indiscriminately persecute anyone who criticises him, is one of the worst cases of hypocrisy I have ever heard of.

    And someone who ordered his security detail to unlawfully pummel peaceful protesters in DC.  Erdogan ordered his security detail to attack American citizens.  Michael Flynn, Trump's first head of NSA failed to disclose he was on Erdogan's payroll, and Trump need to go to prison. Flynn was paid lobbyist for Turkey.

  4. Quote

    Prawit said the CCTV cameras could track the vehicle’s movement no further, so there was no evidence that it crossed the border into Cambodia. 


    I'm sure there are some unusually wealthy border immigration officers, long in the employ of big brother Thaksin, who know exactly how she fled Thailand to Cambodia.

  5. LOL.  In the real world, when courts go online it means being able to review court case dockets and filed pleadings, allowing the filing of pleadings, providing downloadable and fillable court forms, and reviewing the case's calendar with the court.  But, giving people static propaganda I suppose has some purpose, but it's not improving legal services.

  6. 2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    It is good to see the US system's 'Checks and Balances' working as they should.


    The "Travel Ban" is nothing more than a policy of religious discrimination masquerading as a national security issue.


    I have said it before and (unfortunately) need to say it again;


    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.



    The checks and balances isn't working until Trump is fully prosecuted for conspiring with a foreign power to interfere in the presidential election and obstructing justice with respect to that charge.  Just look at the statement of Trump's FBI stooge:  Stooge Chief of FBI whitewashes Trump's role in presidential election hack and investigation

  7. Quote

    Thai authorities were not involved in, nor had consented to, Yingluck’s escape

    With the exception of some unusually wealthy immigration border agents along the Cambodian border.  The same ones who allowed thousands of Uighurs to illegally enter Thailand without passports in a white-washed human trafficking ring.

  8. A few of the airlines subject to the international flight ban are mentioned here.




    The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) has agreed to allow airlines required to halt international flights during the International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) red-flag re-evaluation next month to operate an additional domestic flight per day per route until January.

    CAAT director Chula Sukmanop yesterday said the measure was to help airlines that will need to temporarily stop operating international flights from Sept 1 because they have yet to be reissued Air Operator Certificates (Re-AOCs).

    Those airlines have to pass an ICAO safety standard inspection due to take place around the third week of next month.


    CAAT news release 17-8-2017

  9. 34 minutes ago, Yann55 said:

    Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


    How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


    There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


    Please note, I am not calling for typical TVF paranoid rants in response to my question. Enough of those already. I'm just hoping that among the many members of this Forum, one or several understand this weird (to say the least) legal point better than I do and would thus be kind enough to share their knowledge. Thank you in advance.



    A statute of limitations is created so that potential defendants can close the books on potential risks, whether they be criminal or civil.  Some serious criminal statutes, such as pre-meditated murder and rape, have no statute of limitations.  Modern criminal codes usually contain a "tolling statute" where the time spent outside the jurisdiction does not count towards the tolling of the statute of limitations.  The Thai criminal code is archaic, most of it extends back to 1956, so no tolling statute exists.  Some of the new laws, such as the anti-corruption act, do contain tolling statutes. 

  10. Thaksin-controlled RTP was involved?  Say it ain't so Joe.  You might want to take a look at the immigration officers who let her flee across the Cambodian border without any record.  Maybe you should take a look at how many RTP became unusually wealthy in the last few months?  Either the investigators are clueless, or they are waiting for their share of the brown envelope payouts.

  11. 18 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    How right he is.  No precedents, No juries and vindictive against those of different colour. He was no angel, she was no angel but they were democratically elected by the people, for the people. 

    And both were victims of their own incompetence.  Yingluck had more than sufficient opportunity to immunize the PM and cabinet officials from actions for negligence and dereliction of duty.  Instead, PTP was more interested in unlawfully attempting to grant an amnesty to Thaksin.

  12. Prayuth - she has left Cambodia, she has left Singapore, she has left Dubai, she is in the UK as she needs to file her asylum application.  You will never extradite her from the UK, so move on.  You probably want to turn your attention to your immigration officers on the Cambodian border.  Aren't these the same boys who allowed Uighurs to pour across your border without passports at a cost of 10,000 THB?  

  13. 9 minutes ago, Maejo Man said:

    Police are waiting for a detailed autopsy report from Hat Yai Hospital before drawing final conclusions.

    I have always wondered how an autopsy can determine between suicide and an accidental fall.

    Providing there are no traces of drugs in their system

    True, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an accidental fall and suicide, but they could possibly find something like defensive wounds or skin under the fingernails indicating there was a physical struggle, and that the cause of death might by assisted suicide aka murder.

  14. Look in Dubai.  She's gone.  It doesn't take much to get past immigration: Red Bull heir, fugitive monk, dozens of red-shirt leaders, the real Erawan Shrine bombers, hundreds of Uyghurs being trafficked to Turkey-Syria, the list goes on.  Thailand's borders remain a sieve due to corruption.  So much for the "good guys in, bad guys out" false slogan.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Estrada said:


    They are only talking about BEMs ticket system being reprogrammed to cover both the Purple and Blue Line which are both operated by BEM. As for the Universal Ticket system, this was only awaiting the resolution of the argument with the MRTA as to the operator of the Blue Line Extension and the Purple line, which has now been resolved. The MoU between BTS and BEM for the joint (Universal) ticketing system "Mangmoom card" will be signed on August 31.

    For non-transport operators, they are currently negotiating with CP, Central and the Mall.

    On October 1st, passengers will be able to use Mangmoom card with BMA buses, then by the end of 2017 - early 2018 the card can be used on the Airport Rail Link and the Purple Line. The MRT and BTS lines will gradually start implementing the card from mid 2018 onwards.

    Don't hold your breath.  :whistling:


    If it takes 3 paragraphs to assure me that Bangkok will have a universal ticketing system next year, it will never happen.  

  16. 10 hours ago, Graemej100 said:



    A common condition of bail is to avoid a recurrence of the events that led to the original criminal charge.  In this case, the courts are fully aware that the redshirts are organizing with respect to the reading of Yingluck's verdict.  By prohibiting these defendants from attending, organizing and inciting the assembly, there is no chance that they will become recidivists, at least with respect to this particular event.  

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