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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. And, as usual, the 28 years of brown envelopes that were passed to the various land officials from 1988 to 2016 in order to approve this illegal structure will never be the subject of an investigation.  The Phuket Land Office continues to be the most corrupt provincial government office in Thailand.  Deeds and approvals obtained from that office are basically worthless as they can always be legally challenged at a later date with all the risk put on the buyer with no criminal liability ever being suggested against the corrupt government officials.  Caveat Emptor!


    Phuket Land official Mr Amnuay Pinsuwan, however, confirmed, “This land plot number 113311 (one rai) is legal and was approved in 2016 by a requested document proposed in 1988.”


  2. Tillerson is only paying lip-service as it is obvious the fight against ISIS has shifted to SEA.  Tillerson has one purpose, and one purpose only in the Trump administration, to push through the Rosneft oil deal so that Putin and Trump can squirrel away illegal oil profits into offshore accounts.  His job has been made more difficult because the newly -enacted Russian sanctions will make it harder to do business with Russian companies for oil drilling in the Arctic circle.

  3. On 7/27/2017 at 9:22 AM, zaphod reborn said:

    Trump is done.  The GOP is bailing on him as he seems to have gone off the script, even for him.  The ban on military service for trans-genders was the best distraction he could come up with for the news that will come out tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

    Ban on transgenders in military and Scaramucci's obscene rant were distraction from Bill Browder's Senate Judiciary Committee testimony on Russian infiltration.

  4. 15 hours ago, Jingthing said:


    You mean we finally get to see Trump's pee videos?



    If they exist not sure how it would ever benefit Putin to ever let them flow forth. More power in holding them against trump.


    Trump is done.  The GOP is bailing on him as he seems to have gone off the script, even for him.  The ban on military service for trans-genders was the best distraction he could come up with for the news that will come out tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ianuk06 said:

    Embassy's do not and will not pay for tourists to be sent home or pay for her stay here. 

    That's not quite correct.  Some embassies (US and UK) will provide a loan for repatriation if the foreigner is in danger and requires a flight out for safety reasons, if the foreigner is unable to raise funds for repatriation through their friends and family.  I'm not sure the Russian embassy would provide this service, but agree that she should be provided assistance to get to the Russian embassy to see if there is anything they can do.

  6. The fact that he had a non-B visa and was legally in Thailand wasn't in dispute.  I believe he previously said he had a non-B from teaching when he got in trouble for the scorpion vs. cat video.  The real issue will be whether MOL starts an investigation as to whether his you-tubing constitutes working without a proper work permit.  His work permit only allows him to teach at a specific school, not engage in work on youtube at various locations.  This goes to the heart of the matter, because if there is no investigation by MOL, it demonstrates that the MOL has no desire to prosecute digital nomads who perform all their "work" on a computer through use of the internet.

  7. Absolutely zero intelligence and investigation.


    150 officers to search 13 areas in Bangkok

    If they used this manpower to actually investigate crimes, they might engage in something called "police work."  Using a ridiculous amount of police to randomly search the city in the early morning produces nothing and demonstrates the incompetence of their leadership or perhaps hints at locations from which there was a shortage of brown envelopes.

  8. 3 hours ago, grantbkk said:

    Way overdue. There drug, prostitution and various other street businesses are out on the open. Not one of these people standing on lower Sukhumvit have a legitimate reason to be there. If they are not curtailed the problem will continue to grow.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    RTP had absolutely zero intelligence which would suggest these people were involved in "trans-national crime".  There were no arrests, or investigation, of crimes related to prostitution or drug dealing.  They harassed a group of blacks, based completely on their skin color, found a few overstayers and one came back with a positive urine sample.  I could have done a better job on my own rounding up the African drug dealers who hang out in front of the 7-11 on Sukhumvit near Soi 13.  Total fail.

  9. More nonsense from Reuters which seems to be covering up for Trump.  The Russian scheme involved obtaining email addresses from voter registration roles which were sent from a server in Trump Tower to Alfa Bank in Russia.  http://www.france24.com/en/20170310-fbi-probes-odd-link-hookups-trump-tower-server-russia-alfa-bank


    Fake news about Hillary Clinton was broadcast by Russian and Eastern European webhosts via email to the electorate in various key states with the intent to tip the electoral vote in those states.  Reuters took no steps to determine from legal experts whether emails are considered electioneering communications under the statute.  Instead, they sidestep the key issue by focusing on social media posts.  While the emails usually link to the social media posts, its the emails that are the communications which would come under the statute, and not the social media posts themselves.

  10. More terrible journalism.  If the article doesn't mention Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is at the heart of the Qatar mess, it is just a cover-up piece.  Qatar's banks refused Kushner a $500 million business loan for his speculative real estate development project.  Sanctions against Qatar soon followed.  If they wanted to truly put a crimp in financing of terrorism, they would go after Saudi Arabia.  That's the real story.  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jared-kushner-qatar-loan-trump-saudi-arabia-hard-line-a7834536.html

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