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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. There is way too much weight attached to educational degrees in Thailand.  University degrees are not necessary for most job roles, yet employers insist upon filling the positions with degree-holders, and giving higher salaries to staff with post-graduate qualifications.  Whereas, a university degree is a requirement for a work permit for a foreigner, except where waived by the MOL/DOE.  I've been in HR in Thailand for 10 years and I really see no difference between degree holders and non-degree holders.  Job skills are learned through work experience, not in a classroom.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Since this assessment is the result of an administrative determination and not a criminal action, I'd expect that he shouldn't have to appear in person. A representative should suffice.

    As a side note, serving notice of tax liability at Thaksin's last known (?) address in Thailand with full knowledge that Thaksin has been living permanently in Dubai since 2008 is a questionable legal notice. But then due process of law under the Prayut regime has been just as questionable.


    In Thailand, you can post a summons at someone's residence (on the door), if you are unable to serve them personally. I've had to do this, even though we knew the person no longer lived at that residence.  It then becomes the summoned person's responsibility to quash service, which the court is unlikely to do if the summoned person has fled the jurisdiction.

  3. I support the right of gay marriage, as a civil rights (legal) issue.  However, I think legalizing gay marriage in Thailand is going to have some unintended consequences.  As pictured in the headline, there will be a marked increase in marriages between women and tomboys.  Lesbianism has been on the rise in Thailand, mostly because of the unsuitability of most Thai males for marriage.  That will drive down the birth rate.  Not saying any of this is bad, just unintended consequences.

  4. This is a known defect with Ford's PowerShift Dual Clutch transmission, basically a software controlled automatic gear shifting component installed by Ford in several models from 2011-2014.  It was subjected to major recall campaigns and several class action lawsuits in the U.S.  There are both mechanical adjustment issues and software update requirements that lead to frequent need for servicing the vehicles.


    Thailand amended its Civil Procedure Code effective December 2015 to allow class action lawsuits.  Class actions have been threatened against Ford (for this defect) and also True (because of withdrawing HBO channels).  None have been filed.  Why?  Because Thai lawyers are very lazy, and it is too much work for them.  Also, their lack of creative thinking, from years of lazy brain syndrome, prevents them from taking action on anything that is "outside the box" and doesn't fall within the rote memorization of legal codes that led them to their illustrious law degrees.


    I can understand this poor Ford owner's frustration.

  5. 2 hours ago, halloween said:

    Are you under the delusion that they WANT to be forced to obey taxi rules and regulations?

    Oh, I forgot.  The currently licensed taxi mafia accept all passenger rides and always uses their meter.  Moreover, they are always courteous, never sexually harass their passengers, and would never masturbate while driving their regulated taxis.  I call b.s. on you.

  6. Just now, hansnl said:

    Competitors are those offering the same service based on the same rules and regulations.

    As such, Über & Grab are NOT competitors but an unregulated service.

    I agree, the normal taxi business needs a cleanup, urgently.


    I live in Khon Kaen, when I need a taxi I just call the taxi service, the taxi arrives, and there I go, on the meter.


    Think this must be possible anywhere where taxis, the real thing, are operating?


    They can't follow the same rules and regulations, because they can't get properly licensed.  Catch-22.  TIT.

  7. Make an example of one bar, then collect fatter brown envelopes for weeks on end.  This is just like the war on drugs; it will never make a dent in the alleged "illegal" conduct, until RTP's profit motive is eliminated.  The better approach is the one that was used before Western Victorian morals were propagated throughout the world, by legalizing these activities (drugs, gambling and prostitution) and then take the modern approach of regulation and taxation.

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