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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

    If the Fed would show some restraint in raising interest rates, the economy would not have slowed. 

    LOL!  Trump inherited a strong economy and that carried through his first year in office.  Trump has started a global recession because he has withdrawn the US as the global leader, started tarriff wars, torn up trade agreements and treaties without negotiating replacements, borrowed against future growth by enacting reckless tax cuts, run up a huge deficit, and injected massive uncertainty in geopolitics by pursuing his family's personal gain rather than working for the nation.  He is a failure and a total embarrassment to the Wharton School of Business.  The Fed is only trying to reach neutrality while the economy can withstand it, because they know a recession is imminent and will need room in the future to lower rates.

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  2. It turns out that Stacy Dash, the African-American actress in the film, was really "Clueless".  After working as a commentator on Fox News, she tried to run as a Republican candidate for Congress from Compton, California.  Compton is 33% African-American and is unsafe due to gang activity.  A month after declaring her candidacy, and after a disasterous TV interview where she really did reveal that she was "Clueless", she terminated her run for Congress. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/reliable-source/wp/2018/03/30/stacey-dash-said-put-up-or-shut-up-when-declaring-her-run-for-congress-a-month-later-shes-out/?utm_term=.4e91f5f3a2c0 

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  3. This is exactly why the amendment to the Consumer Protection Act which attempted to reign in rogue landlords was woefully inadequate.  There are crazy landlords in Thailand that will steal, lock-out tenants, and apparently kill when any tenant dispute arises.  Good luck getting your security deposits refunded.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Esso49 said:

    So they are blaming the fact that there was no divider in the road , rather then carelessness of the drivers ? RIP to the people who passed away

    In the states, I lived in a area that gets extreme fog conditions as the ocean air pushes clouds and causes them to back up against coastal hills.  There are few road dividers.  The better safety precaution for foggy conditions are botts' dots.  They were mandated in California over 50 years ago.  I've never seen them in Thailand.





  5. 17 hours ago, peterb17 said:

    Many apologies for being an authoritian apologist ( what ever that means)


    I rather like living here- I live in a developing country- it’s corrupt - probably much less than Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, China , Myanmar , Laos etc etc .


    I do not like Western comparisons - in the city I used to live in - there is 1 camera for every 14 people - you are tracked by number plate throughout the entire country- George Orwell would turn in his grave . 


    You say Expats don’t feel safe- this country is totally safer then any Western country.


    As I suggested - anyone been raided? Hotels , condos raided? Of course not. If people swim about in the putrid swamp of brothels, drugs, beer bars, massage, exploitation of the poor population- maybe that's par for the course and expect some hassle from the police 

    My condo, which has very large office and residential towers was raided two years ago.  There is a picture and warning of the raid in all of the elevator cars.  They targeted Indian nationals suspected of overstaying their 60 day tourist visas, as the condo prohibits short-term stays booked through BnB.

  6. 7 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Yes, I see the benefit also great way to weed out some bad apples.

    Reasonable or probable cause?  It is not your country and the law says they have the right to do it.

    Obey the laws/rules no problem.


    Sorry, you have zero knowledge of Thai government and civil rights.  Following WW2, Thailand made great efforts to democratize its government.  During the Vietnam War, the government was strongly anti-communist.  While democracy has failed with regard to military-led coups, all of its Constitutions have continued a pattern of upholding civil rights and privacy.  With respect to privacy, the Thai Constitutions are far stronger than the US.  The US Constitution didn't mention privacy.  Privacy did not become a protected right until Griswald v. Connecticut (1965), and we know that Justice Kavanaugh is going to do everything in his power to eliminate privacy as a constitutional right, as he believes in authoritianism.


    BTW - this is a proper arrest.

    Immigration looks up who has overstayed, and their enforcement division tracks down the suspected overstayer.  That is the way the law should be enforced, ID the overstayer through immigration records, and locate the suspect, arrest him, allow him to exit and be blacklisted, or hold him in detention for trial.  Random raids only give Thailand a bad reputation. 

  7. 20 hours ago, stevenl said:

    Since I never watch Fox News, no, don't consider that a reliable source. You could have given the link to MSNBC, and stopped there, really don't need your nonsense.


    But thanks for the link, which is in no way indicating to Jared leaking state secrets.


    It is indicating though that intelligence knew his life was in danger, and didn't warn him.


    In the end I don't think it will matter very much, SA is one of his best friends, and weapons will be sold to them in even greater numbers.

    The youtube video from MSNBC hadn't been posted yet, but I had watched it live.  Here is the video which has an interview with Sen. Chris Murphy, on the Foreign Relations Committee, and considered the foremost expert in the Senate on Saudi American relations.  He wasn't able to disclose confidential intelligence, but said there is a report that Jared Kushner was in contact with MBS about getting Khashoggi to return to SA. Also, that Kushner had knowledge of MBS's intent and failed to take steps to warn him. Kushner has a pending request for a $100 milllion investment from SA. Furthermore, there is a report that Trump wanted to retaliate against Khashoggi.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-donald-trump-journalist-banned-for-criticising-us-president-elect-a7456956.html


    Sen. Murphy at 5:00 on this video.


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  8. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    You have any reliable source to back this up?

    By "reliable source", I assume you mean the state propoganda machine FauxNews.  As that entertainment channel still claims that Khashoggi is alive, you wouldn't consider anything else as reliable.  If you want to view this with a clear mind, and listen to proper intelligence sources, 




    Kushner and Mohammed have had private, one-on-one phone calls that were not always set up through normal channels so the conversations could be memorialized and Kushner could be properly briefed.


    A friend also said that Khashoggi told him he had been approached several times by a businessman close to the Saudi ruling family. The businessman, whom Khashoggi did not name, seemed “keen” to see him every time he visited Washington and told Khashoggi that he would work with the Saudi authorities to arrange his return, the friend said.  WaPo



  9. 51 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


    Kushner completed the background check process that began last year and had his security clearance restored. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/05/23/jared-kushner-security-clearance-restored-after-being-downgraded/638127002/


    Ivanka now has full security clearance too, upgraded to full Top Secret at the same time as Jared Kushner's upgrade on May 1 . https://www.axios.com/ivanka-trump-security-clearance-status-jared-kushner-f0ff4333-3665-4778-9c35-ba10bae55d94.html


    Neither of them passed their FBI security clearance.  Both of them were granted security clearance by Trump, which he has the authority to do, despite the derogatory information uncovered by the FBI background checks.  That won't pass Senate confirmation.

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  10. Jared and Ivanka can't pass security clearance, so no chance of appointment.  Powell is qualified, but she is a total swamp monster, and has had difficulty making timely and accurate financial disclosures in the past.  She was also the architect of Trump's mideast foreign policy which is an abysmal failure.  Despite that fact, it will be hard for the Senate not to confirm an Egyptian woman to this post.

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