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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. 31 minutes ago, khwaibah said:


    We are in a draught and I have been screaming this all season. Thailand get your head out of your backside and get a PROPER water distribution system for Thailand and especially for Isaan and screw the governments pipe dreams of bullet trains bullshyt. 

    Water management is not Thailand's long suit.  The kickbacks pale in comparison to high tech choo-choo trains.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Esso49 said:

    Actually they are not taught to celebrate Hitler or any other mass murderer.  That is a slur against the Thai's and you should apologise.

    I didn't say they were taught to celebrate Hitler, so obviously you are the one who needs to apologize.  I wrote that they are not taught world history at all, so it is natural that they think the symbols and logos of nazism are cool.

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  3. 2 hours ago, blazes said:

    Since all the Dem senators, immediately the nomination was announced in July, vowed they would not vote for Judge K, it is quite clear that the whole thing was to be political from beginning to end.  This woman who testified about her false memory is just a pawn flung to the rabid #Metoo tribe to satisfy their lust for blood.  

    It has all been about abortion and (of course) hatred of Trump.  

    I think a lot of the political opposition (maybe more on the male voter side) is due to his partisanship and expressed opinions on presidential immunity to subpoena and indictment.  The partisanship issue held up his confirmation for the DC circuit for 3 years, and his most recent testimony provided more support of opposition based on partisanship, in addition to inappropriate temperament and being dishonest with respect to alcohol abuse, a barroom fight, and partying at Georgetown Prep and Yale.  

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  4. 8 hours ago, The manic said:

    Kennedy, Clinton  Bush and more would have failed these tests.


    They aren't Supreme Court Justices.  Completely different standard for politicians.  BTW, how did the FBI with 6 background checks miss that Kavanaugh was involved in a bar fight while at Yale which resulted in severe injuries and an assault arrest of Kavanaugh's drinking buddy?  Seems like some sort of cover-up.  Kavanaugh is a political operative so no surprise there.

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  5. 49 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    She may have been referring to the hypocrisy of the Democrats as in the case of Bill Clinton and Keith Ellison.  


    But rather than making snide jokes about the President and her looks, shouldnt we just be giving her our support? Commending her bravery in coming forward? Admiring her for her ability to separate the issue of sexual assault from politics?


    Conway is entitled to support and being heard.  Politicization and weaponization of her disclosure isn't appropriate and deserves condemnation.  But I wouldn't expect that from her Russian bot base. of support.

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  6. 7 hours ago, dundee48 said:

    Stop being logical,it doesn`t fit the libtard narrative.


    I'm more concerned that if Kavanaugh gets on the Court, he could decide Gamble v. U.S.


    The case has been analyzed in the context of the Special Counsel investigation into the Trump campaign; if the separate sovereigns doctrine is overturned, a pardon of federal charges from Donald Trump may prevent state prosecution. United States Senator Orrin Hatch filed an amicus brief in the case, arguing against the separate sovereigns doctrine; a spokesperson for him denied any relation of the brief to the investigation, saying that Hatch wants the doctrine to be overturned due to "the rapid expansion of both the scope and substance of modern federal criminal law."


    NY has a law in place which prohibits dual federal-state prosecutions for the same act.  I'm hopeful that this law will be repealed next year so that Trump can't pardon his despicable spawn. https://observer.com/2018/06/new-york-trump-pardon-double-jeopardy-loophole/



    New York City Public Advocate and state attorney general Letitia James called on Monday for the state Legislature to hold a special session to reform state law so that President Donald Trump’s associates can be held accountable for crimes they may have committed, even if they’re pardoned by the president.


    James and Attorney General Barbara Underwood have both previously said the Legislature should, in Underwood’s words, “close New York’s double-jeopardy loophole.” On Thursday morning, Gov. Andrew Cuomo joined them, issuing a statement that read, in part, “New York must have the ability to stand up against the abuse of power. I call on the State Legislature to amend current State law to close the double jeopardy loophole and ensure that these wrongdoers cannot escape justice.”


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  7. 2 hours ago, Redline said:

    I thought they just passed a law 6 months ago?

    With respect to security deposits, if the landlord has 5 or more rental contracts in his name, he can only charge 1 month's rent as a security deposit, and it established a deadline for return of the deposit.  It did nothing to enact penalties for unreasonably withholding return of the deposit, or unreasonably deducting repair/replacement costs from the deposit.  Another Thailand legislative fail!

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  8. 1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Are you trying to say that if I feel my tennent should pay to replace something that they have damaged, but they don't want to, and then we go to court and they win, then not only should I lose the deposit money but I should also be fined?  I think you will find that that goes against basic civil rights, you can't intimidate people out of making a claim by imposing fines on them should they lose.

    Ummm . . . I know you are a layperson, but did you not read the word "unreasonable"?  If you, as a landlord, have a basis to withhold a deposit, and the withholding is reasonable for the replacement/repair cost, then there's no penalty.  Most landlords refuse to refund any part of the deposit, because there is an inadequate remedy at law in Thailand, as they only recently enacted a tenant-landlord code (amendment to the Consumer Protection Act), but it failed to add any kind of penalty for unreasonably withholding a tenant's deposit.

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  9. 4 hours ago, SuperTed said:

    Communist propaganda from China

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Right.  Tens of thousands of fake Turkish passports found in Thailand and Malaysia.  Given the facts behind the Erawan bombing, you would have to be stupid or blind not to see the connection.


  10. 2 hours ago, dallen52 said:

    So what are the indemnity agreements in place?

    Apart from 3 years warranty. 

    This transmission  problem re wrote the global policy on extended warranties.


    My experience still stands that the technical levels of expertise and support are not in place in Thailand. 

    They talk the talk, but can't walk the walk.

    Pure guess work.

    Try this, try that, your cost of course.

    Need car three days.

    Becomes five days.

    No loan car available. 


    Customer service is agency staff with little tech savvy. 

    Expensive replacement parts compared to other countries. 

    Indenification has nothing to do with service warranties.  Products liability claims from design and manufacturing defects were indemnified by Ford, but warranty service issues were not.  I don't think you understand the underlying claims.  Ford designed a powershift that gave the performance of manual transmission but ease of use of an automatic transmission which employed a double clutch.  The transmission required frequent maintenance and software adjustment.  Failure to do so resulted in stall outs, lurching, over-revving, and slippage.  So, you're correct about poorly trained local service staff, but replacement parts were not an issue.

  11. 2 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I know a bit about global legal disputes. I would be surprised if judgements like this are not paid from global legal budgets- funds originating outside Thailand. 


    That aside, if you think any class action suit against a large Thai company will go to verdict or even be accepted for hearing, I must disagree. I won't even name some of the Thai companies involved in recent misgivings. 


    Mining companies 

    Food production companies 



    No reasonly clued up person living in Thailand could ignore the systemic corruption and unethical business practices that are ritually practiced here. 


    Let's see who is right - me or you. I am waiting... 

    I worked directly for Ford, and know the indemnification agreements with the Thai dealerships.  Most of the issues raised in the litigation related to poor warranty service.  Believe what you want about the litigation, but I had direct involvement.  BTW, most of the environmental claims against mining companies, involve foreign companies, but have not been filed.  The class actions for environmental claims that have been filed are against recyclers, waste disposal companies and refineries, all Thai-owned.

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