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johng last won the day on May 12 2021

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  1. Customers are told they don't need to do anything what like don't run out to the bank and withdraw your money... ohh no bad customer
  2. I'm still wondering about these stickers.
  3. Well yes but I had ass-u-me-ed that he was talking about that as he used that abbreviation and ass-ume-ed again that 2 and 2 would = 4 😋
  4. Alex Jones is great and still on air despite being fined 100 bizzilion dollars for "hurty words" !!!
  5. Maybe your computer has been hijacked,trojan,remote access,virus etc etc or your Internet provider has decided that they will (for the sake of the children) not allow access to certain sites.
  6. HTTPS://transmissionbt.com/ https://thepiratebay.org/index.html I hope not to get in trouble for helping a forum member with the PB.org
  7. I took some small amount of Schadenfreude seeing the next door business also fail quite quickly I suppose due to the advent of cheap internet and the rise of the cell phone and possibly his very high overheads ( well comparatively high)
  8. I gave you a link to a very respected bit torrent client....yes you are doing something wrong. Not trying to be rude or anything but It seems you don't know the difference between downloading a file and streaming a file or what the PB does or how to use BitTorrent clients. If you take a bit of time to learn how things work then it will all make sense and you'll see there is no need for a Netflix subscription as you will find most everything you want with torrents.
  9. Sorry no I can't recommend a streaming site I thought you were asking about the pirate bay (PB) and just told you that its working fine. The Torrent client I use is called transmission which downloads torrent files for later viewing. https://transmissionbt.com/
  10. Search for PB proxy choose from one of the very many sites listed pb.org works for me.
  11. In the year 2000 I tried out receiving Satellite internet from Europe online http://www.europeonline.com/en/search.shtml This was using the above mentioned Nokia 9600 connected to PC via SCSI interface and a program called IPDVB of course this was only receiving data as there was no uplink to request any data..the results were "intersting" These from the analogue days.
  12. Yes please do report back,I for one would be interested in the results.
  13. Yes there are but seeing as I was on a shoe string budget we just recorded start and stop time on a paper notepad and shouted out to customers "come in boat number 2 your time is up".. and then the government regulations came in and shop oppened right next door spending millions with all the required "stuff" Wasn't long before we were "stuffed"
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