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Posts posted by johng

  1. 1 hour ago, docspinoff said:

    thought it was to help up in the times of low income ..

    If you have a 5/15 amp meter and use less than 50 units of electricity per month then  those units are free

    ( I'm not too sure but think  must be below 50 for 3 months before it becomes free ? )

  2. 1 minute ago, Iron Tongue said:

    Whatever they may be bribing other governments to not point fingers, the people in the street have discovered that China, and their products cannot be trusted

    They make just about everything at the moment, their products are almost impossible to avoid ! my (small) hope is that "people" will now realise that making things (all sorts of things) instead of pushing bits of paper around,fractional banking and Ponzi schemes (well now not even bits of paper but electrons) not only makes a country more self reliant but gives the "people" a job to do,money to feed themself and maybe some pride in a job well done....+ there are too many people on the planet  some way to maintain a steady number must be found.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    the Chinese will be barred immediately, probably forever.

    Just before this all got "really serious"  there where a couple of  shops/restaurants   with signs baring people from China.

    Then some "netizens" where outraged  and they changed  it to all "foreigners"    the netizens where again outraged and the authorities told them to take the signs down.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    he other 60 plus million that are panic buying and being selfish,

    When they keep saying "don't panic don't panic"  but you must stay indoors and not goto work/put your whole life on hold to stop a "deadly" virus .. its understandable that  people panic.


    However those idiots targetting NHS workers and even "bin men" ( dustmen) are very sick individuals and need a good 

    "kick up the bum"  there are always some idiots unfortunately. ☹️

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  5. 1 minute ago, baansgr said:

    It was actually under Taksin 1st Jan 2006

    No I believe the laws where brought in by a previous military government but where never really enforced until as you say "Thaksin" revived them  for a shortish while during some crisis  or other  I remember  they shut supermarkets and petrol stations too during that time..but the restrictions where soon relaxed again..until the latest coup.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    If if they do get tested will you eat your words along with a side of crow? your attitude is highly inappropriate

    If they do get tested then that's good...my "attitude" is that there has not been enough testing

    ( in Thailand)..and a complete disregard to foreigners in "forcing" them to  report themself at overcrowded immigration offices..other countries have  declared "immigration amnesties"     with only online reporting being required remember Thailand 4.0 ?

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