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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. concentration camp

    Also found in: Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

    concentration camp
    1. A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group the government has identified as suspect.
    2. A place or situation characterized by extremely harsh conditions.
    Much ado about nothing.----geriatrickid,

    geriatrickid,, nowhere in my post did I refer to them as concentration camps----- however you do refer to them as-- "The lodging provided is luxurious"

    & that there is --"Much ado about nothing" I don't know if you are like me an Australian--but can you ever think of a situation (other than war) where a Australian national faces a prison sentence from their own government for speaking out about a situation of abuse & molestation of children --because that was why this law was brought in after a report of it surfaced & was put on Australian TV.

    "I will not enter into a discussion of an Australian law meant to protect the integrity of the judicial system and to prevent the interference with the police to investigate alleged wrong doing and the prosecutor to bring charges."--geriatrickid,

    This is complete rubbish---I don't know where you cut & pasted it from-They are not under Australian law

    That's the whole idea of placing them there---the idea comes from The American action which has people sitting off of an Island near America...some for 12 years without being charged for anything---They have no representation ---because they are not in Australia.

    what is the silliness you are writing about "integrity of the judicial system"

    And for the other Australians out there ---whatever your feelings are about legal or illegal immigrants --this is about bringing in a draconian law that now can apply to any whistle blower on any subject

  2. she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

    They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

    Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

    Its so luxurious there that Australia had to pass a law just this month---universally condemned --especially by NZ, that anyone working there & telling what the conditions are really like...receives a 2 year prison sentence.

    This is especially enforced if they know of any rape or child molestation by the prison guards ---which apparently is rampant in the camps. And was being reported before. I have to point out in fairness that none of the prisons guards are Australians. but the place is administrated by Australia

    This is the bases of the law which our ex Catholic priest ---now PM brought in 16 days ago....he obviously learnt a few things from his years with the catholic church.

    Today the Border Force Act comes into force. It includes provision for a two-year jail sentence for “entrusted persons” continue to speak out about the deplorable state of human rights in immigration detention without the express permission of the minister for immigration and border protection. This strengthens the wall of secrecy which prevents proper public scrutiny....If we witness child abuse in Australia we are legally obliged to report it to child protection authorities. If we witness child abuse in detention centres, we can go to prison for attempting to advocate for them effectively.


    Doctors and child health workers from New Zealand have written to the Australian prime minister to condemn new secrecy laws in immigration detention centres and warn they will exacerbate the risks of abuse of child asylum seekers.

    The latest letter from senior New Zealand paediatricians adds to a growing number of national and international professional bodies and individuals that have expressed concern about the conditions in Australian detention centres, and the increasing secrecy around them.

  3. If it wasn't for the Ayatollahs and Mullahs running Iran, Iran would have been a good country,

    but it isn't so, and in this round of game Iran won, and won big, all Obama wanted to do is to get

    Iran out his to do list and get on with what ever little he's got left of his presidency...

    Iran want to go back to it's former glory of being a middle east super power at any cost, so said

    the Iranian leaders and so said the people in the streets...

    Did you read the OP, or did you just see "Iran" and "nuclear" and then spout your nonsense?

    This writer is clearly a lucid and perceptive man....it would do well for the hawks to contemplate what he says.

    Seastallion---- its just another one of ezzra deep analysis---your get used to them, they all have much in common with the way George Bush explained things...................coffee1.gif

  4. I lived 7 years in Pattaya----and now nearly 10 in Issan, the only thing I didn't like about Pattaya was the traffic......never got around to buying a car there--other than that I found it a fun place, & I often go back to visit, as someone mentioned --when you live there you find the spending level you want--there are some real good deals there, you don't go to walking street to have a beer if your a local (unless its 3-1 happy hour) & when I lived there I never ever bar fined a Go-Go girl---but I took plenty of phone numbers from them. (& came to a private day time agreement with them for latter in the week)

    Where do I like to live now----Issan, & I wish I had come to live here sooner---but that IMO doesn't make Pattaya a S**t hole, had a lot of fun there---a lot of laughs---would never slag the place off......because if I stayed in what I thought was a s**t hole, then I would be the idiot for doing so.

  5. Cambodia became a French protectorate in 1867--- don't you just love that word protectorate....yes we are just here to protect you all----& as with your neighbour Vietnam, we will bomb, shoot, fight & kill any of you that want us to go away & stop protecting you....................coffee1.gif


    Great photos by the way----- its nice that they have taken the time to digitize it all for future generations..........

  6. And another big step further away from the "west, the EU and the US.

    And how big step is America taking away from EU & the west------ oh wow look at that seems China is number 1 for the USA, that's OK as long as Thailand doesn't do it---because then they really will be despots ...bad people .....etc...etc

    America is now getting closer with Communist Cuba ----they are putting together a deal where trade will be flowing again with Iran........ can you imagine how the Thai Haters on here would react if Thailand dare do anything like that.

    Trying to find independent sources to expand your export market---& not solely relaying on the west----------Wow that's really terrible.

  7. So far the Agent that i met told me, if purchase under Individual Name (foreigner), we need to transfer the whole sum of the purchase price from Oversea to Thailand Bank,----OP

    Is it that you have funds in Thailand already & do not wish to bring more in ??

    Because there are many posts on here showing you how you do not to have to do that.....(which the Agent may not want to tell you) ---gray area--so if that is your sole reasoning for forming a company...have a look at the posts.

  8. I'm not Thai bashing here,---Cape Thai

    No of course your not cape Thai---as we can all see by the unbiased way you told the story................coffee1.gif

    I'm not Thai bashing here,---that should go along with all the other great statements

    The cheque in the post

    This wont hurt a bit

    Trust me ...............etc

    Someone is buying some groceries --possibly a bit over the top This equals............The whole Thai race is one step up from the Nazi's

  9. sorry to be so thick on this---- so are we saying that the spell check is not in TV........ but in the program that is running it Firefox etc......

    because i have done this to no avail.

    Before I didnt need to spell check......when I miss spelled This Visa would just underline it in red...thats what I am trying to get back to.

  10. As posted, mist lifted and heart attack averted. I had been expecting huge hassle and mountains of paperwork/blood sample having to have been DHLr'd to the UK, but no! One 'phone call +44 191217777 and brief chat and done! How refreshing smile.png This of course will not be repeated when I must travel personally to TOT tomorrow with everything bar the kitchen sink to explain to assorted cretins my standing order must be changed and that no, I am not a thief who wants to divert money from my own account. I've cancelled all other appointments for the day.

    I don't eat junk 'food' and it doesn't calm you down. Raw food diet. Give it a go.

    I was surprised how easy it was when I phoned the UK pension people 4 months ago---- so much so that there seemed to be a lack of security.

    I only get a very small pension as I left the UK at an early age----so I just wanted it to be posted in once a year---but 13 weeks is the longest they told me---& the first 13 week payment came through few weeks ago.

    "Raw food diet. Give it a go."----I juice, --Green only--but I dont think that I could just eat raw.

  11. "economic and military bilateral relations between Beijing and Bangkok continue to strengthen"

    Any blind fool can see that China by far is the great beneficiary of those ' bilateral relations'

    so far Thailand is the one that spend the mega bucks with China, and if China holding the

    Chinese tourists as a bargaining chips,,, well they can have them back....

    but what can you do when all leaders of Thailand are of Chinese origin and pretty much in China pockets from birth?

    So ezzra (once again such deep analysis of the situation) - is that it was all so much differant under other goverments --?

    there was no Thai Chinese ??---your partly right, because the person it seems , America would like to deal with (Yingluck) comes from a near full chinese family.....who's name really was Seng Saekhu.....just how does fit with your analysis ........coffee1.gif

    Following the 1938 anti-Chinese campaigns, his son changed his surname to Shinawatra and the rest of the family followed suit. Yingluck Shinawatra (born 1967), Former Thai Prime Minister, and Thaksin's sister.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinawatra

  12. HELP....!!!

    Just updated my comp---& noticed that the spell check no longer works in Thai Visa---is it a Thai Visa add on, (I can not locate it) or is it from somewhere else....I run programs TV through--- Mozolla, ......Annd I reaaly needd the spelll check featcuree

    Fanks for your help

  13. You should know that Thailand is the hub of engineers.--After all, those same PEA engineers did a pretty awesome job when they replaced a high voltage pole right opposite my house a few months ago.----Anthoney5

    Yes their quite stupid those Tha's ...it's so reassuring that these sort of things could never happen in the west........coffee1.gif





    I could fill up pages with pics like this from Europe & especially from America.......... America has a whole internet site with pics of their brilliant "Engineers"--???

  14. Turn off at Sa Kaeo (about third of the way) & stop off at Aranyaprathet---for the night, your GF will be knocked out at the market there---at least 50%---60% cheaper than Pattaya for knock offs, (in fact when I lived in Pattaya I knew of market stalls that just brought their stuff from there) in those days the market was the other side of the boarder --Poi Pet, they relocated after one of those disputes that closed the border. Also she can wander across for 20 baht & buy you some duty free drink.

    Scenic places--theres not so many, take the mountian road----304 its really improved over the years with upgrades & a lot of it turned into Dual highway, I do the journy about 3-4 times a year.

  15. you buy for 70 baht and charge a customer170 baht. now that is being just downright greedy. sell 3 caps and you have 300 baht profit . what kind of life style does he expect to live operating at that kind of profit margin.

    ''a honest day pay for a honest days work'' concept/meaning must have been lost in translation for this wannabe wealthy piece of scum.---slapout

    I think thats the whole idea of being a drug dealer slapout---I dont belive their product is price regulated........................coffee1.gif

  16. French President Francois Hollande said For the eurozone to have lost Greece,

    would have been to lose "the heart of our civilization."---OP

    I dont think he done to well at Anatomy when he was at school.........................coffee1.gif

    **Greece.---Setting a new world record for the most Bank Holidays every year.

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