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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. What you actually see is biased reporting.

    There are bad events..and killings...everywhere. Not exclusive to the USA.

    You will be duped into believing that the USA has "Karma" or some other wicked, imaginary, powers instigating murders and such.

    There are events going on around the world....that you don't read about. (TV seems to concentrate only on the USA).

    In the philippines, for instance...people get murdered by other ways....bolo attacks (machete).

    American gun lovers are quick to point out that, contrary to popular belief, America is not the murder capital of the world.

    There are loads of war-torn, third world countries ahead of them...............................coffee1.gif

  2. Labour MP John Mann slammed the government's decision to spend thousands on flying Richard Fruin to the UK---OP

    Seriously --how can it cost thousands , a 1 way ticket .....about 300 quid, I think that MP has been holding up the parliament bar to long---where drinks are subsidised at the taxpayer expense------still it makes a good sound bite in a British institution that over the years has had more then its own share of kiddy fiddlers.........coffee1.gif

  3. Wow more bad news for the Thai bashers------ Oh no I forgot.......its all part of the great Thai goverment plot................blink.png

    And world wide---CNN (also in the great plot with Mastercard ) have just released the predicted 2015 figures ---which put BKK even further up the list----

    London is predicted to be the most frequented destination by travelers this year, according to the MasterCard Global Destinations Cities Index published on Wednesday, with 18.82 million visitors expected to spend time in the city in 2015.

    The U.K. capital has topped the Index in five out of seven years, except 2012 and 2013, when Bangkok held the lead position. This year, Bangkok is forecast to welcome 18.24 million travelers, putting it in second place.

  4. Like most of the other posters makio67-------its odd to say the least, do you mean you will then pay rent to him--- or he has to wait untill you die before he can get any return on his property .?....................How old is he ..........????

    Has the Condo been built ?? --- re the tax its regulated on how long the last owner held it for (with a 5 year cap) so if you buy then sell quickly you pay the maximum amount, then it goes down with each year you have owned it (it was supposed to stop property speculation). You can massage the figurs of the sale in the land office (if it is a 2nd hand Condo) Just dont go to over the top.

    Buying & selling in Thailand is relativly easy---but I really would see a lawyer for this one..................coffee1.gif

    I dont want to be over dramatic--but they have this saying in Thailand that usually pertians to marrying a Thai lady------ dont be worth more dead then you are alive.

  5. the largest factor forbiding thai submarines is the fact, that the Gulf of Thailand doesn't have any greater depths than 50 meters . . .the average depth is 28 meters.!! Where do they intend to dive?? I don't know if the Thai Navy is planning to ram submarines into the bottoms of the gulf and bury them in sediment, or actually trying to dive. A thai submarine in the andaman sea is as useless as the balls of the pope...crazygreg44


    The depth of the English Chanel is 45 meters---is that where the English & French submarines sit ??--

    45 metres

    From its mouth in the North Atlantic Ocean—an arbitrary limit marked by a line between the Scilly Isles and the Isle of Ushant—its width gradually narrows from 112 miles (180 kilometres) to a minimum of 21 miles, while its average depth decreases from 400 to 150 feet (120 to 45 metres)

    The depth of the Thai gulf is 80 meters--average depth 50 meters,


    Of course the submarines do not sit in the Thai gulf----no more then the English/French sit in the Chanel, the Thai subs will be for the Adman sea with a max depth of 4,000 meters average between 900-3,000 meters --https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andaman_Sea

    Do I think the Thai navvy needs subs----probably not, I post because I think I am becoming anal about misinformation or non facts that are getting posted here, so someone who hasn't taken any time (about 2 min on Google) to look up can then try to ridicule Thailand. & if the facts do go against them----well its always the "its a Thai plot card to play. There are countries who's people are so much poorer than Thailand's people sending rockets to Mars (India etc) without much comment from the TV posters------honestly, living here for some of you must be hell.......

  6. They have this new covering for all phones now --OP, I think its called amour-lite or something like that, its not flexible but ulture thin ....you don't notice once its on. I had my phone & Tablets done at Pattaya dot-com. You can hit it with a hammer --before they fix it on---not a mark...about 250B for Iphone 6.

  7. I am quite surprised at the number of people Arrested-- I had viewed it as a pyramid scheme more than a Ponzi--in as much as they were selling something --which is the difference between Ponzi & Pyramid (selling their cards---which were worthless)

    Also before we get all the mail--hate Thailand stuff---aren't they really stupid people, farangs wouldn't fall for that type posts ---as it was the last time that this news article surfaced . If we go back to where these schemes originated ...... America / Canada (of course) The law there & in most other western countries who have been affected by these schemes by the Billions---"Bernie Mindorff" alone took that much from "Savvy"--American investors for over 20 years----------------(has always been)

    " the only guilty party in the Ponzi and pyramid scheme is the originator of the corrupt business practice, not the participants (as long as they are unaware of the illegal business practices)." http://www.investopedia.com

  8. Power of Attorney works and is free. Forms available from the land office however they will need to be authorized by the Thai Embassy in the European country the Thai is residing at.

    I have used P.O.A for selling & buying quite large properties in both the UK & Australia..... there has never been a problem.

    you can limit the POA to a certain transaction, or /and to a set time. Which is a safer way to do things---- close friends, do not always stay that way.

  9. Life

    Glass half empty

    There goes the neighborhood ......... the neighborhood of over priced, often shoddily made merchandise to a new
    concept--fred Kubasa

    Glass half full

    I live close by.. and I did not know that there were 2 shopping mals to be build I expected an Ikea and a shopping mall now it will be 2 shopping malls not too bad more choices are good.----Robblok

  10. , I'll use my eyes. They're far more reliable than Thai statistics,

    I am still waiting for 1 link from you----- This is from wiki..(its 2015..)which I am sure Wiki is on in the same plot with the Thai government that you and your tin foil friends seem to think is going on. Is there any point you seem to have all the inside info---the money is now going back to China......no links of course...just your eyes....why am I am I bothering to answer -----you win KB....... I'm out------ all the stats in the world cant beat your eyes.

    International rankings

    The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 published by the World Economic Forum ranked Thailand 35 of 141 nations. Among the metrics used to arrive at the rankings, Thailand scored high on "Natural Resources" (16 of 141 nations) and "Tourist Service Infrastructure" (21 of 141), but low on "Environmental Sustainability" (116 of 141) and "Safety and Security" (132 of 141).[16][17]

    In the MasterCard 2014 Global Destination Cities Index, Bangkok was ranked number two of the world's top-20 most-visited cities, trailing only London.[18]

  11. Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

    Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

    The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

    Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

    As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

    Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.

    So the one link is to a local newspaper about a meeting that is over 2 years old then about what might happen---the other link is "I live here trust me"

    OK that seems to wrap it up for me KB......you win.............all completely irrefutable stuff.................coffee1.gif

    Two other people who actually live here agree with me.

    Do you actually know about the Chinese tours and how they work? There are many more than only one article on it.

    Why would you take the word of a link from someone that doesn't live here over three people that do?

    You're haven't really thought it through, have you?

    You think I'm wrong, but, I KNOW I'm right. Why don't you yourself provide some links disproving my position?

    Seriously KB just look back at my posts----I have provided that many links (none of them are 2 years old from local meetings talking about what might happen) to Visa/mastercard......etc etc showing how much money is being spent in Thailand by Chinese tourist---the answers that come back from people with your mind set is that its all a plot thought up by TAT & the government---so the last links I posted on Chinese tourism were from America'

    For now, many countries are reaping the benefits. According to Brand USA, a tourism initiative launched by the American government, the average Chinese tourist spent $5,400 during their trip to the U.S., outspending other international tourists by 21 percent. These figures were released at the beginning of February-- Yes KB this not 2 years ago--http://www.ibtimes.com/chinese-tourists-break-spending-records-abroad-inbound-tourism-falls-1798196

    You can find many figures on the Chinese spending in Thailand from Bloomberg bank to where ever ----but post them & you will be told its all lies & plots by TAT.

    But after all you do not need to take any notice of the facts do ....as you stated........"I KNOW I'm right."-(KB)

  12. my cataract surgery is planned for coming monday Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital. one eye first and if (after a week) i'm happy with the result i might get the other one done too. multifocal lens, cost ~THB 100k per eye.

    You are IMO going to the best hospital-& the best surgeon for that procedure I wouldn't recommend the place for many other type of opps.

    You are also having the magnified optic lens...I have had it & so have many of my friends (about 6) all with Doctor Somchai.

    The worse result from one friend was that he thought his eyes felt a little dry / gritty but that was solved by another visit to Somchai.

    I can not see the point in getting the procedure done (unless its absolutely necessary) without having the magnified lens replacement.

    Not ever having to wear glasses again is a great experience---

    And you get the free T-shirt.............coffee1.gif

    The procedure while uncomfortable --as mentioned by a poster is so much better than a visit to the dentist--I had both eyes done at once.

    Don't make my mistake Naam----I brought a condo in Ban Chang and started the renovations same week, every thing color wise was just so much brighter--I keep looking at the color chart in the paint shop saying.....I like this, but does it come in a lighter shade----yes said the girl we call it white.

  13. Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

    Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

    The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

    Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

    As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

    Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.

    So the one link is to a local newspaper about a meeting that is over 2 years old then about what might happen---the other link is "I live here trust me"

    OK that seems to wrap it up for me KB......you win.............all completely irrefutable stuff.................coffee1.gif

  14. Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

    Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

    The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

    Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

  15. As NongKhaiKid I had the same bad experience in Mae_Hong_Son at the end of last year;

    I go there about twice a year ;

    In march 2014 I and my family , we went to a new Hotel , entrance of the town , right side, coming from Pai ;

    we paid 500 baht for a comfortable room ;

    The same year in november, I and a friend of mine -journey with our MTB , stopped at the same hotel ;

    the price of the room was 800 baht ! ;

    I didn't discuss a long time and we went to a GH not far from the little lake ;

    Not the same comfort but two good beds for 200 baht the room for two people ;

    and a great breakfast at the same place for 120 baht/person

    So you looked around & found a "Comparable" Hotel with a great breakfast for 120 baht per person.....

    Braking news---Thailand has options.......

  16. I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    It was only, a week or so That ThaiVisas ran the headlines that Thailand came second only to Vietnam as the cheapest country to have a holiday is Asia.....maybe look at your own countries exchange rate (if your not American)

    Just love to see the posters that state because Thailand now has a military government---& so much corruption they are thinking of next going to Vietnam or Cambodia-- Myanmar.......no one see the irony in that statement.

    A lot of People both where I come from UK & lived long time NZ--Australia, are struggerling , It would seem if their is a "Grexit" (as there now naming it) The Euro will take another hit-------I will be quite surprised if the figures at the end of the year are not down for tourism world wide.

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