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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Thanks for sharing that with us. Until I read your post I believed that everything experts said was correct and that they always got everything right and that the world was perfectly certain. But now I have been enlightened by your profoundly wise advice and I understand that 90% of the predictions of experts are wrong and now I also know there are no certainties. Thanks again.

    Yes Paddy...one thing you can be absolutely certain of .......is that there is no certainties.................coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  2. I strongly advise against learning from strangers on the Internet about how to inject yourself with medication.....attrayant

    Its a Vitamin attrayant, not medication. I remember some 20 years ago when I first arrived in Thailand & was partying hard in Pattaya, we used to get B-12 & multi Vitamin shots, it got popular after it was found Frank Sinatra (Rat Pack) mob would take them when they were all partying in Vegas.

    They are (or used to be) quite cheap, I mean 50 baht then, taken in the bottom, I am sure you will find a clinic that will do the jab for you if your anything like me & needles (terrified) The B-12 stings a little.

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  3. A full breakfast (there are a variety of options) with fresh-brewed filter coffee would likely be about 300 baht.----SantiSuk

    300 baht for Brekie...... I guess the Ubon people must be a lot richer then their Udon cousins...........

    Bacon / 2 eggs / tomato / 2 sausage / 2 toast & Coffee & they still complaining about it gong up to 90 baht here..... it is Essan, after all not Suk street.

  4. The Japanese tourists are vulnerable in TH.

    They are naive and can't take care of them-self in a country like Thailand.

    Wow some pretty nutty posts of late..........or is it just the Xmas cheer kicking in..................coffee1.gif

    Why There Are Many Japanese In Thailand? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/548251-why-there-are-many-japanese-in-thailand-especially-in-bangkok/


    Japan contributes the greatest number of tourist arrivals to Thailand.

    According to Japan Tourism Marketing Co., 886,783 Japanese tourists visited Thailand in 2010. In addition, there are more than 7,000 registered Japanese businesses and over 47,000 registered** Japanese residents here BKK (the largest Japanese population in Asia outside Japan)

    **Unofficial figures for Japanese living in BKK (registered & unregistered ) put it at 70,000+ the largest single foreign community in Thailand.



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  5. I looked into this matter for a friend who has a problem with his Triton's satnav,he needs to change it into English everytime he needs it and then all of the streetnames and hotel names etc are still in Thai language.

    In Singapore the truck is sold with the satnav all in English and it should be able to download an update from there so you have the menu and all of the names in English?

    I could not get into the site because had to authenticate the satnav but if you have that it should be possible.

    Guess what the main Language is in Singapore..................... Duh..............wub.png

    Singapore English is regarded as the main language in Singapore----http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Singapore
    • Like 2
  6. simple! the americans and the vatican!


    Have to agree...but more the Vatican then America, P.I also had some spin off from Vietnam (although not as much) but the madness of the population growth, re the Vatican, has put the country into basket case territory.

    It can not grow fast enough to sustain its own population growth.

    From just over 26 Million in 1960---to over 100 million today. & people criticize China for having a 1 child policy.

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  7. .."they have attacked JT just because he is gay"-----guzzi850m2


    He is Gay...!!!...... whats he doing living in Patatya..??.........w00t.gif

    Wow gay....I really will have to give this some real serious thinking about......... OK thought about it--you got it....clap2.gif


    Seriously, ...... he isn't really getting attacked on ThaiVisa because of that surely.....???




    Found the vote change button jingthing....its been did.....as an ex Pataya'rite .....Good luck....

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  8. So how does one change ones vote Jingthing...??

    I first voted for sandman..... because for no other reason then I thought it might be a hoot having a dyslectic poster being the top guy.

    Unfortunately...other people didn't think so, & I see he has sank out of sight.

    As you feel you are well equipped to replace the dyslectic sandman, I will swing the whole might of my 1 vote your way.......


    when I know how.......................coffee1.gif

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  9. "If he is guilty of anything, then fine, send him to gaol.---But lets prove it first, hey."---Bluespunk


    Wow that's a unique concept Bluespunk........find him guilty first......wonder if it will ever take off on Thai Visa...................coffee1.gif

    Britain does not have extradition treaty's with most of the countries around Thailand, so although he probably flew in here, would be quite surprised if he stayed.


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  10. I don't have a problem with all the murder and mayhem I only want an IOU. I'm easy to get along with. I don't even want interest.----thailiketoo


    Glad to see you have no moral objection to murder & mayhem thailiketoo-- So basically your principle stand on the matter is, as long as you get your money you don't mind what happens........OK got where your coming from now , & good luck with the debt...................coffee1.gif


    If you use the quote function as it was meant to be used you will see that my other numbers were correct but if you want to post in your lone ranger style it only serves to make discussion difficult---thailiketoo


    No your figures are incorrect thailiketoo-----or maybe Wiki & the other search engines are all incorrect & you have it right with 86,488 (by the way where did you get such a concise number -- as you never print a source ?)

    The Mariel boatlift was ended by mutual agreement between the two governments involved in October 1980. By that point, as many as 125,000 Cubans had made the journey to Florida ---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariel_boatlift

  11. You're getting a bit carried away. The same gambling and club business interests that were in Cuba also built Las Vegas and managed Las Vegas for quite some time. So everything you are saying about Cuba and the mob can also be said about Las Vegas. Ho hum, not news. Castro said his people could leave once and in one month 86, 488 did. Al Capone (scarface) went to prison in 1931 and died in Florida after he got out of jail. That puts it into context.--thailiketoo


    No thailiketoo---the reference to Scarface was the Cuban Scarface re the 1983 movie--AKA -Tony Montana .

    They didn't send 86,488 they Cuba (sent 125,000 ) but why not explain how this happened thailiketoo, ?? in 1980 Jimmy Carter made one of those sweeping statements that America would take any Cuban that arrived.

    Castro said OK & immediately emptied out all his prisons , mental asylums etc,

    This was called the "Mariel Boatlift--please Google

    He sent to America his Rapist, murders, & lunatics, & this is what made up the Cuban contingent in Miami.

    Before the year was over, Miami had seen its murder rate more than double.

    And by the end of 1981, Miami had a highest murder rate in the world two years in a row, according to a 1987 New York Times article.

    I am not trying to make out that Cuba is a workers paradise thailiketoo---the thread is about the madness of America singling it out, as it has for over half a century , while at the same time saying to countries like Nth Korea--Iran etc, that the only thing stopping you being brought back into the fold is that you have (or trying to get) nuclear weapons, other than that--we would accept you & your regime ....China your most welcome, just step up.


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