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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Autopsy detects no sign of an attack on British Koh Tao backpacker--OP


    You really don't think that some of the loons on TV will take that as proof do you---

    ---not when they have serial killers & conspiracy theories to hold onto.

    We are just so lucky on ThaiVisa that we have so many over qualified

    Doctors & Detectives to solve all these crimes for us...........


    Any progress on the reported sighting of Lord Lucan...................coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  2. lighten up guys. It is hardly character assassination is it\

    That's true nellyp..........its only a game of football.......

    So have a good laugh at my team...Arsenal, ....I often do.........between the sobbing..........coffee1.gif

    Jack Wilshere.

    A professional hospital patient whose career has been blighted by appearances for arsenal


    Arsenal; The only team that can finish 3rd in a two horse race.


    Arsenal football club have banned the Vuvuzela from their stadium.

    Other things on the banned list are English people and trophies.

    The mid-season football transfer window is now open.

    Or as Arsenal fans like to call it - January.


    • Like 1
  3. The voice of doom Costas.....he has gone this far he may as well have a shot at it.

    You have waited a while up2you2, & I think to locate him you need "Private" help from the BIB,

    locating someone who has to use an ID card isn't impossible, if the right people are asking the questions,


    Its really up to you if you want to spend more money looking, because once found he may not have the funds to pay you anyway.

    • Like 1
  4. My doctor said I should avoid any unnecessary excitement.
    So I've started supporting Tottenham Hotspur...................................................coffee1.gif


    It's getting closer---

    Saturday, February 7,
    White Hart Lane......The Arsenal
    • Like 1
  5. In my opinion they are absolutely correct to do so and I applaude them for actually following through with their laws and not going weak in the knees and caving to silly international pressure.After all,even according to Buddhist philosophy,the spirit can never die so they will just be forced to go to their next body and life so since they wasted this one they can go ahead and start fresh one and hopefully they will remember their punishment in their subconscious and make better choices next time,in the next life.Westerners seem to be so dull headed that they cannot seem to grasp the fact that no-one ever dies really-death only means going to another life,but thoise same silly Westerners always think of themselves as very advanced and scientific.Yet any and every person in Thailand , farmer or street cleaner,knows that the spirit never dies but just goes on to another life.............that is real and useful knowledge.Cheers


    I think you may have your countries or religions confused gosip108

    Indonesia practices Islam--& is one of the largest Muslim country's in the world.......................................

    There is less than 1% of Buddhist there.

  6. "decrementing" ---??? ---The act or process of decreasing or becoming gradually less.

    2. The amount lost by gradual diminution or waste.

    3. Mathematics The amount by which a variable is decreased;----http://www.thefreedictionary.com/decremented

    -------------------------------.w00t.gifw00t.gif -


    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ---- Fear of long words.............................coffee1.gif

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