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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Hi Neole , I also had umbilical hernia surgery through laparoscopy at the BKK hospital last year, the cost was about 180K, Then 2 months ago I had a very large hernia done in Essan hospital (Udon Thani) & was in bed for a much longer time, cost about 60K. I really do not know what the removal mass from the stomach is Neole so I couldn't comment on this.

    Neole the time your mother is spending in the hospital (especial since it is laparoscopy) seems quite long, with my laparoscopy I left the next day (35 hours) to recover at a nice hotel nearby. Mine was paid for by BUPA so I didn't have to leave early-- the whole point about laparoscopy is that it is less invasive then normal surgery. The costs you mention may be higher because of the room rate---when I was last in Bumrungrad hospital for facial reconstruction after a motor bike crash, (3 years ago) the single room (there was only 1 to each floor then,) was 14K a night --once again when I could, I left to stay in a nearby hotel (Bumrungrad also has its own apartments for 1,600 a night) & saw the doctor every day for 10 days.

    Neole--I was older then your mother for all those events.

    Their are 2 other options Neole, the doctors are not exclusive to Bumrungrad, they have their own surgeries in BKK, & will operate at any other hospital. Now you have seen this doctor he may be reluctant to do this, but surfing the net will find you one just as good working at the other hospital (BKK etc)

    2nd option Neole is--if you are from the UK, their is a way to fast track the NH, & have elective surgery done near immediately --if you are from the UK you can PM will explain the steps for that.

  2. "Would be interested in more input"

    Here's mine...

    1. Where is her mother in all of this?

    2. How can a clever 10-yo child out think and intimidate her adoptive father?

    If she can get you to start doubting your skills as a father, and match you intellectually at 10 years of age, you are in for a very rough time.

    Another helpful poster for you blackion....if the poster doesn't know the answer to How can a clever 10-yo child out think her adoptive father ....then he has either never been a father, or its so ... so long ago.........

    .(*and intimidate--) I certainly don't see any intimidation there, just the normal worries all kids (but especially girls ) have when reaching puberty.

    • Like 1
  3. Has anyone had any experience in the high end Laser engraving machines for engraving on metal (& other products) ?

    My Daughter is looking at buying one with some friends.

    If you want you can PM me,

    I am sure everyone else will find the thread boring as hell........rolleyes.gif

  4. monk213 --from my own personal experience, BUPA seems to be streets ahead. On paper some look the same, but it seems BUPA will pay for things it doesn't have to pay for IMO.

    Had universal health care like you in most of the countries I have lived in (NZ-Oz-UK..etc) so I shied away from buying a policy for years also, l got the minimum policy when I did as I was told you have to wait 6 months before you can claim, 2 weeks after had a motor bike crash, & was flown down to facial reconstruction unit Bumrungrad. I told them I didn't have any insurance, but the wife told them the story of just joining, they phoned BUPA who agreed they would pay for everything as it was an accident not an illness, everything came to way over my policy, however they paid (most of) it. The next 2 years have been just great for the Hospitals.....operations for Tumor in the stomach , hernia, back problem, ...etc......etc

    Seems to be all clear now, but I think I would have to live to about 90 before BUPA comes back into the black with my policy.

    I had the same mindset as you monk--- I am a citizen of all the countries mentioned & was quite dismissive of health care insurance---but you cant always make it onto a plane, & also if its needs to be done but isn't life threatening, the queues ---waiting time--from what I am reading are horrendous.

    A policy at your age would not be that expensive.

  5. "You my friend, are one weird dude. You wrote (copied) a total load of "stuff" and just implied anyone who is German or of German descent is a perv.--Alwyn"

    Alwyn you really should take a panadol & lay down, In your rant you are the only person who is talking about Germans = Pervs & Kiddy fiddlers, nothing that I wrote anywhere dose it make that link . I wrote that the Royal protection unit would do as they are told--Then you end up agreeing with me.....

    "which is why I do believe also that Princess Margaret's stories are probably true"---Alwyn

    And I'm strange..............wow...................coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  6. If you are holding russian passport, they can not deny you 30 days visa waiver. I thought that was the deal with Russia and Russian tourists were allowed unlimited 30 day stamps because Thai officials did not read the fineprint smile.png

    What "Fine Print" muratremix.....???


    Are you having another Fantasy day.....?.

    Please lets have a link to your story about a contract between Thailand & Russia, where just no one noticed the "Fine Print" that had been inserted on the bottom.......facepalm.gif

  7. Fifteen billion dollars. That’s roughly the price tag of the coup d’état to date.----OP


    "but he told us he’s had $1 billion of the funds seized by a succeeding government returned to him". ....33 Billion baht a gift to Taksin from sister



    Rice Pledging scheme ..... which wasn't a scheme at all but truly a huge scam, still numbers coming in, but between 750--985 billion baht. Of course there can be no figures for the pain & suicides caused amongst the farming comunity


    Others can add to those figures, even though we are already well ahead--but its not just figures, The beaches are being given back to the people, The national parks are being given back to the people. I am no apologist for a military government, but I think most people realize this could not have been done under a democratic government--They would have been tied up in the court system for 10 --20 years, just to have some "dubious" Judge rule on it.

    How is the situation at the moment---- A F**king mess, but you don't turn back generation of graft & corruption without a Hugh mess,


    And who knows maybe they wont even be able to do it, But for the sake of the next generation of Thai kids---- its really really worth a shot.

    • Like 1
  8. Whenever I go into a Tec page on Thaivisa, I have the Facebook/twitter/e-mail option come up at the left side of the page. This actually obliterates some of the article, which I have to move up to a small space near the top to read the first 1-2 words of each line. On all other Tec pages I go into (non ThaiVisa) this internet option in at the end of any article.

    It makes me not bother with some articles, is there a way of moving this obstruction. ?? (as shown below)

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