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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. For all of you wearing your rosé colored glasses, something like this may someday happen to you. In Thailand it is not a question of will something bad happen it is only a question of when.

    And for all you people living in London-- Glasgow--the USA who are all completely safe and sound & nothing like this would ever happen over there-----stay at home, be safe....................coffee1.gif



    PS & you can donate your rose colored glasses to ttthailand, so he can carry on scaremongering.

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  2. im just pleased that in 18 years i have never had any of his problems beyond a 30 minute wait at immigration, but even those are few and far between.

    good for him for speaking up however, he certainly seems to be far more efficacious at being heard than any of the miserable twunts that post here.

    Yer much the same HooHaa.....sometimes its crowded, sometimes OK--but seems that every whining expat here has a horror story, & to make it worse its all wrapped up with everything else that's bad about Thailand--makes you want to ask the inevitable question about keep returning -------"Why"

    London HR was a bad stop off for me, waited well over an hour & half at immigration with my TW a year ago, (& this wasn't when they were on one of their many work-to-rule weeks), but with the new Terminal's opening they seem to have improved on that a lot-----although it can be a hell of a walk.

    I used to dread going home to Brisbane, you didn't have to worry about Taxis overcharging you--- there were none, because of the flight time restrictions the airport was shut if you came in on a late flight, so no coffee or food, & Taxis weren't about to hang around. But I am told, that has improved.

    I think with immigration people have to realize that if you are returning to your own country, then its of course easier --you can just place your passport in a machine, or only have to pass a prelim check on your passport.

    I think BKK airport can be a headache, (as with most airports) so I guess all the complainers must be wondering how it didn't make the CNN...top worst 10 airports for passengers , ...I guess because there was no room after they had listed these airports, of which many of are in countries that the complainers come from----

    France -Paris-- "This airport is the worst in the world. Seriously, the place doesn't look like a place where people from many countries arrive"

    Frankfurt-- Germany "Since the seats are metallic and not comfortable, the best places to sleep are actually on the luggage conveyor belts, or on the floor just next to the rental car "

    Italy --- "The only way this airport could be improved would be to destroy it and rebuild"

    Berlin Germany--- "Seating is limited, queues are long, restaurants are crowded and hallways offer little personal space"

    USA--New York City---- "This worn out airport repeatedly makes it to the top of least favorite airports because of its security lines, drab décor, poor restaurant selection, lackluster cleanliness, counter intuitive layout and the notoriously unhelpful staff Once through security a beer is pretty much a necessity. But wait! No can do because the bar is on the other side !!!


  3. I thought you would need a work permit even if you Volunteer ???

    You do. You also need proof that you are OK to work with children.

    You can not just show up and wok there.

    Yes I would say that you do --NOW-- things have changed a lot since the early 90s robertthebruce....I dont know if Woody still owns the Tahitian Queen in Pattaya, but he used to get groups together to paint the orphanage, especially when an American ships came in--& they would often supply the paint & guys to help.... Pattaya...I guess Thailand, was a lot different place 20 years ago....Work permits---proof that you are OK to work somewhere.....it just wasn't an issue

    • Like 1
  4. i used to go and take goodies down at the one run by father ray in pattaya. HEARTBREAKING.

    Yer I used to teach (Free) to some of the "special needs Kids" in there in the late 90s early 20s , the heartbreaking thing for me meatboy, was the absolutely scurrilous job that the British rag--The People- , done on the guy that ran it Father Ray,

    He never quite got over that & died shortly after.

    • Like 2
  5. Congrats kunjay....and welcome to Thaivisa---where everyday is Christmas Day,

    and the contributors wake up laughing and singing to greet the new day..........wub.png


    The pessimist sees only the dark in the tunnel.

    The optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel.

    The realist sees a train coming in the tunnel.

    The train driver sees three complete idiots sitting on the railway line.

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  6. Prince Andrew's guards 'turned a blind eye': Yard officers watched as Duke partied with young girls, says Epstein's butler-- Dailymail**
    • Protection officers accompanied the royal to Jeffrey Epstein's mansion
    • Hundreds of under-age girls are believed to have been abused there ----------Dailymail 12/1/2015
    • ------------------------

    But I know how crown protection works --- and they would not let Prince Andrew get into a compromising position like that-----Alwyn

    Oh dear Alwyn... it would seem that the elite palace guard do just what there told to do----much like all the other royal flunkies...........coffee1.gif

    ** Can not put a link to it for obvious reasons

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