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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. gigman---- I feel you are a little confused about certain aspects --Lets take the last one first.

    Free Visa Chinese , that means they will get what you are getting, they like you, will be able to come to Thailand and be given a 30 day---YES 30 DAY Visa... It doesn't mean they don't need a visa, it just means they do not have to apply for one in their own country before coming.

    No Thai Person can do in Australia what you do here--- Jump on a plane get off in Sydney & have a holiday. Unlike your host's (The Thai's)--The Australians will demand interviews, checking of bank books, jobs, where are you staying ...etc etc. Then maybe a visa. How many single Thai men do you see in Australia -- Your rattling on about wives of Australians, they come under the Husbands umbrella. Do you really think a Single Thai guy could just wander in, rent an apartment & live the same sort of life you have chosen to do in this country---Oh yes I will just pop over to immigration to get an extension, The reason for staying being....I like it here.

    I don't know you start to ramble here --"restaurant menus in Russian , shops names in Russian ... even a small food stand add Russian menu" Melbourne is the 2nd largest Greek city in the world, the last time I ate there, the waiter had to help me out with the Greek menu---& certainly no one in that restaurant was speaking English. Been to the Lebanese area's of Sydney at all...? The Australians call this Multicultural, its quite accepted. & I think acceptable. Should the only foreign language spoken or written in Thailand be yours --gigman

    "Unfortunately Thailand never learned how to deal with real tourists thats why all this mess. and confusion. They like our money but not us...." Oh dear you poor old Farrang gigman... Maybe Thailand can take some tips from our country----which is 15 times larger & managed to get 6 million Tourist against Thailand's 22 Million. & the largest tourist group to come to Australian are from .......?? ...well they do have it down as Kiwi's, but we know that's a lot of one way tickets..... Yes its China gigman....the country your warning Thailand not to take.

    "no Australia no border officer will shout on guest and it happened to my friend in Thailand airport". Did someone speak badly to your Farang friend gigman ??? well that's even more irrefutable proof that you should probably look for sunnier shores , even though you have done the right thing & studied their culture for 8 months in Pattaya. ................. Good luck where ever you decide to relocate to...............coffee1.gif

    ..... just watch out for those Russians writing their menus up in their own language,

    • Like 1
  2. The Medical part............

    • Telephone medical advice
    • Medical service provider referral
    • Emergency medical evacuation/repatriation and/or repatriation of mortal remains
    • Guarantee of medical expenses incurred during hospitalization
    • Lost of luggage/passport assistance
    What kind of documentation is required to process my claim?

    You have to notify and send us the original documents such as medical receipts, receipts, medical certificate and police’s report. You can find full details in insurance policy

    I think they should make it mandatory for any one renting a Motor bike in Phuket...................... coffee1.gif

  3. I think its called money laundering, and his wife is an accomplice. Investing with dirty money. Apparently, money laundering is perfectly fine for some nationalities but not for the Dutch. The hub of money laundering!!! The question is, how did they bring/transfer the money here?----Isaandon,

    You can ask that question as a pom Isaandon, as to bring a million £ with you would be staggering along with over 25Kg..... however the E.U makes it a little easier with large denomination notes, € 500 etc means you can salter along to your first class seat, carrying just over 2 klg on you = a Million £.....54Million Baht....................................coffee1.gif

  4. Some nutters out there want to blame US for anything and everything: MH370, MH17, chemical attacks in Syria, violence in Lybia, unrest in Egypt, ISIS . . . What's next? Ebola in Africa, bubonic plaque outbreak in China, global warming, giant killer hornets, bigfoot coverup??? Mental illness pervades.


    Mod's......Do save us from these paranoid American posts pleeeeaaaase.............coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  5. The inconvenience to tourists notwithstanding, what about the impact on the local Thai population---did nobody take this into account------Krataiboy

    Also not to mention putting the mafia out like this --they have laid out sizable amounts to create this Empire......oh & of course the graft money paid out to the BIB.....I mean didn't anyone consider this when they gave the beaches back to the Thai People, your quite right Krataiboy really short term thinking here.........coffee1.gif

    Any fool can criticize condemn & complain ---- & most fools do.......Ben Franklin

  6. All the Thai businessmen have been begging for more tourists from China because they behave so well and tip so generously.


    They have got to eat somewhere-----they have got to sleep somewhere, & they will spend money, its probably true that they wont be losing 3 baht gold chains to some lady-boy on Pattaya beach, or making a life long commitment's to some girl who's family has a sick buffalo. but to write them off because they are noisy, or do not queue up in the same orderly fashion as us, would be shear stupidity. The latest figures from Australia (2012) was that just 626,400 came that year, but stayed & spent 4.2 billion Australian $$. They expect them to be spending 9 billion Austrian $$ by the year 2020--www.tourism.australia.com/documents/.../MP-2013_China-Web.pdf That's a lot further to travel than Thailand, but their most welcome when they arrive. I think the Thai businessmen are welcoming them---just not the Mama san type business people that you may talk with.......................coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  7. **Warning Computer Blond posting**

    1/ I was reading the Daily Dot & it was reporting on how popular sites like Pink Meth & other revenge sites were--- where people post compromising photos of ex wives /boyfriends etc, So I thought that would be a hoot & went to have a look, I had never heard of Onion servers & Tor software , but apparently these things have to be downloaded before you can access --- Is all that stuff safe ???

    2/ Some other sites I have tried to join ask to sign in through your e-mail, or through your Face-Book Account ... I have put in the e-mail then a false passwords but they know its incorrect , do these sites have a connection with MSN ?? Is it best just to open another e-mail account specifically for this.

  8. 1/ Never been but have been told its nothing but a dustbowl....-----Pattaya pom

    2/We know why most expats go there ---and I 3/ dont think tilak would be happy about living in a condo rather than buying land/house in the village.

    1/ What bar did you hear that in PP..........

    2/ No enlighten us PattayaPom...why on earth would anyone leave a paradise like Pattaya to come here.

    3/ No ones living in a Condo here --- as I write there aren't any--but you could have got that information by reading the article ............... Kalpapruek Condominium" would be the first group to complete condos in the area

  9. Thaksin running away was about the best result Thailand could have asked for - - imagine if he had stayed & done his time....12-18 months maybe & in a lot better condition than most.

    Then free to travel around Thailand supporting whoever he anointed for office...(he couldn't run himself of course) He would have had a much bigger influence being here than sending SKYPE messages to his followers.

    Looking at the Forbes interviews again where he admits that he phones Yingluck 3 times a week, that she sent him his passport & refunded Millions of baht that the Thai Governments confiscated from him, he also seems reflective on what would have happened if he had just faced the music instead of running away.

  10. Another fine example of the Pattaya girls. So caring and loving. For a price or when it's convenient.

    Is that all girls who are born in Pattaya or are you just making a silly comment.?

    In the 7-8 years of living there , I never actually came a cross a girl born in Pattaya...but I think we can just put Tatsujin's post down to Post-traumatic Burning............w00t.gif

  11. I have to clarify: I am not worried about divorce as it is her property /land anyway. What worries me if she dies before me and the dreaded family leaches come and kick me out. Her immediate family are OK (mom, dad and brother) but extended family are hard core leaches. The one advantage I have is we are long distance away from the family.

    What would you want Tommy---that you should own your girlfriends house if she dies....??

    Maybe clarify --did you pay for the land , or for the house to be built ???

    If you are about to marry---ask for a 30 year lease.

  12. Can anyone clarify what the LOW fee of 500,000 baht does give,   5 years ?? less perks ???   but no visa runs, no yearly trips to obtain ( O visa)example.


    5 year tickets to Europe---250,000 baht,    expenses 50,000 baht.   = 300,000 baht.

    3 visa runs a year X 5  =15 runs + visa (laos)  100,000 baht icl expenses/time. 

    total  400,000.       say 100,000 extra for hassle free + any other perks given not known about.

    ginjag -- your hypothesis, is based on the fact that nothing will change on the short term Visa front---that you can just trip across to Lao / Cambodia & do a U turn in 5 years time with not a care in the world.

     & all that for the saving of less then 20K baht a year 384 baht a week---& that is if prices do not increase at all in 5 years----good luck with that.--Not exactly the most forward thinking person are you.


    Have a look at the post below from a person that has had a EC........ Some people, especially if they are or have been business orientated Try to plan ahead., its called being proactive

                                                                                                                                                       ..or to put it another way.

                                                     Some people try to plan ahead about what is going to happen

                  Some People watch while things happen

               & Some people say What the F**ck happened




    -------------------------------from TV post----------------------------------------------

    If you are relatively young ( as I was ) when you get this card and you intend to continue coming to Thailand  for years or decades ahead, then the cost per year diminishes.

    When the government looked at closing the card down, they surveyed the present cardholders for their response. The response was that the government would be collectively sued for breach of contract. This was accepted as being too expensive to proceed with by the government and thus they had to adapt the scheme.

    I went through all the usual what if questions about this scheme and I am not a wealthy man, but as I intended to come to this country for a further 2-3 decades, I decided that the one off cost that I paid would diminish quickly as the years went by and that is exactly what has happened.


    A lot of people are negative about this card, but in its early form where it required a once only payment, this has been a good investment.

  13. Go and learn Thai then at a repuable school, and get an Ed Visa

    Invest THB 10 million is condo's and get an investment visa

    or the one you didnt want mentioned the 500k TE card (less than THB 300/d) and gets you 5 years of hassle free visa's

    Get a job in Thailand

    Thailand doesnt recognise "common law" relationships and one suspects that aint going to change

    + Marry her +++ & about a dozen other ways to stay.... that are grey areas (not to mention on TV ) but for someone who has come from a successful business , try thinking on your feet about them--its not difficult.

    One Example "JUST completely HYPOTHETICAL" If one of the million abandoned village girls having babies would happen to put your name on the birth certificate as the father, I guess you would be looking for a dependent Visa.....This is not England they will not be asking for a DNA....but of course no one would do that or any of the other 6-8 grey area things that come to mind...... as it Just wouldn't be right.

    Look at the Elite Card again...300 baht a day.....have you done the math on what it would take to relocate, not to mention having a Thai girlfriend who wont be happy in most of the surrounding countries.

    2 young people in a place like Thailand---its so easy to make a living here thewaggaringa or you can view it from the bar stall & listen to how its all going to collapse -- how they hate farrangs...how they have got it in for us.

    Good luck on your new start here................................coffee1.gif

  14. Never mind lostsoul49.....Dry your eyes, maybe your get a real Best Buddy when you lead the charge & relocate to Myanmar ..........coffee1.gif


    lostsoul49 posted Yesterday Visa Page

    "I say we all move out of Thailand for Myanmar.... That'll screw em up" ---- lostsoul49

  15. Just moving away from contemplating our own farrang navel for a little bit, it will be Interesting to see what will happen to some of the Boarder towns, Aranyaprathet has become a thriving little place with probably the best laid out & cheapest (counterfeit ) market in Thailand--most goods are only a third of the chatuchak price & the market itself has grown quite large. ...Last time I was there, more motels were being built....... Nong Kai has done a thriving trade mainly catering to backpackers, & lower end tourists (price wise I mean)--I guess the same on the southern border....I don't get down there much. Casino's built on the other side of small border crossings --like Koh Kong etc, when I first went there 15 years ago it was like going back into the 60s..... no cell phones would work, the ferry trip from there to sihanouk, was a knock out trip stopping at the other islands to off load supplies. Someone posted question--will the property price go down in BKK-Pattaya.... no but some other smaller towns maybe. Also defiantly the time to be in the market for a 2nd hand Van / People mover.

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