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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. ...motive.....???


    TW$50 million...............................................coffee1.gif


    Shih Chia-chin was picked up by chauffeur Hsieh Yuan-hsin upon his return to the northern airport of Taoyuan on 18 August, police said on Monday. Three hours later the accountant of Shih's company received a phone call from kidnappers demanding a ransom of TW$50m (£1m).

    After negotiating with the kidnappers, (** don't you just love the way the Chinese always want a discount )

    Shih's family wired TW$30m to three designated bank accounts and alerted police, according to a statement from police in the central city of Taichung.

    It said Hsieh tried to withdraw the ransom but gave up and fled after he was asked by a bank clerk to show his ID.

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  2. >>>>>And no one would be concerned if these louts stuck to the terms of their licences>>>>

    What are they doing that is 'loutish'?

    It may have been a typo from Johnnie99 -- touts is a typical British word.. to Tout -- Attempt to sell (something), typically by a direct or persistent approach:...... Sanjay was touting his wares


    I think the night time approach is a good compromise , tourist do like the open air selling, you feel your getting some sort of bargain, also there are some quite talented people doing T-shirt designs etc, hate to see everything moved to enclosed markets

  3. Its after they are caught that the expenses cut in--Jamhar If you just do the math on the cost - death penalty--against life in prison with no parole then you are into real big money with the death penalty.

    These figures are just for state of California.

    The cost of the present system with reforms recommended by the Commission to ensure a fair process would be $232.7 million per year.
    The cost of a system which imposes a maximum penalty of lifetime incarceration instead of the death penalty would be $11.5 million per year.

    California has spent more than $4 billion on capital punishment since it was reinstated in 1978 --that is about $308 million for each Person--- re the 13 executions carried out.


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  4. Well, I have read everything available since I was able to...definitely more than 15 + years...and no apology for doing do. Just reading or watching media does not imply a complicit viewpoint.

    We all watch nonsense on the news every day; but we continue to watch the news. Not because we agree with everything broadcasted, but because we can balance and define our personal/political view point vis a vis national/international news and newspaper articles.

    We all read material in newspapers and online that we disdain. This does not imply that reading Trink's articles for 15 years plus somehow negates the right to object to them.

    We had the option to write to the Bangkok Post letters column, back in the pre-Internet day, but they were quite biased about which letters they chose to print.

    I am sure your mother gets the irony biggrin.png

    frances, its a social page about bars & bar girl prices ---How much (little) to pay for sex, where is the best place to go and see naked women----- its not the national news, I am at a loss how you can equate the two.


    & when I am in England I do not look at the social page to see what ball the queen is going to this week just because its in the newspaper-- let alone avidly read it for 15+ years, I have no interest in what color the Duchesses gown was or how many sequins were on it--why would I sit & read something year after year that wasn't relevant to me.


    I think you should stop digging now frances ---the hole is deep enough.

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  5. Sanuk711, you have your point of view and I have mine. But your lowering the discussion to trivializing my concerns to tin foil plots and other issues having nothing to do with the issue demeans your arguments. It shows a complete disregard for other peoples points of views via negative personal attacks.--ripper



    If you feel I am doing that----- Then my apologies ripper.......sad.png

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  6. Great story.... I used to read his column every week, & I think he tried to do an internet blog just after they gave him the tin-tac but wanted to charge for it when everyone else was free, He did have rather a funny attitude to AIDS which upset some people & earned him a lot of critical letters.......you could only get AIDS if you were gay .....I think that was his belief, or something along those lines. He was a person of his times---I do not think he would be that well received now.

    **Still....."the girls in the suburbs cost only 35 baht,” “Then it went down ‒ if they weren’t that good-looking ‒ to 20 baht"......where is that time machine........coffee1.gif

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  7. We all know that Thais are in denial with a lot of,things, as we all have came across it..., in one situation or another...

    Please speak for yourself, I see in this respect no difference between Thais and other nationalities.

    Your right Stevenl, there is always someone ready to dump on Thailand, either living & enjoying life here, or bitter because there not here.

    Sort of makes you wonder what they are like when they wake up in the morning with the sun streaming trough the curtains.... Oh <deleted> not another day in paradise......................coffee1.gif

  8. I have seen the "Swede" in my soi in Sathorn, BKK talking to an acquaintance of mine, before. Not a Swede at all! Iranian, I think. very scaly person with shifty eyes...

    Wow that's a brake for him then, he escapes the Thai-Visa Death squad penalty as there is no unemployment payment back in Iran.........

    ***But a scaly person with shifty eyes......maybe we can add on a few more years for that..............................coffee1.gif

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