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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Believe me, I've just returned after 6 weeks there and used both my GP and the hospital services.

    Unfortunately, things move slow and I had to spin a BS story about why I couldn't continue a particular event.

    If you are British, it's a walk in the park. If you are elderly it's a walk in the park with breeze!

    All any hospital will probably ask you for is your address and tel number, but you will need a referral from a GP unless you can convince them it's an emergency.

    I really don't understand why people who have paid into the system are so scared, the constantly quote 'rules'.

    Maybe they'd like to do it but are so tied down here they can't and begrudge anyone else.

    Geez, if they love rules so much one wonders why the heck they ever moved here!!

    As Nike said, Just Do It!

    Away more then 48 years---back there last year, registered (for that they just needed my NI number ..... I got my stamps Cards & p45 so often when I was younger I knew the numbers.) Just needed to see a GP but then that involved going for blood tests----it wasn't a problem..........................coffee1.gif

    The last thing the Telegraph printed about expats & N.H was in Sept 2013.....


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  2. I wrote before about this happening in Australia in the 90s---- Same problem.....slightly different solution, They were being inundated with Asians saying they were going to school --but heading to the beaches, Mainly Japanese, but lots of Indonesian/ Thai / Chinese mainly females as Australia was more Liberal in its approach to "Genuine" Students & allowed them to be able to also work 20 hours a week. . When the then government of the day clamped down on it -- the Asians answered with much the same vitriolic responses I see here..."Australia will go down hill---fast-- without our money" "This will affect your tourist coming here"....etc etc....many had boyfriends & were doing much the same as here, scrambling around looking for alternate visa's getting married etc. Australia took an extra 47,000 students in that year 1990https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=australia+closing+educational+visa+schools+1990s&

    Of course 78% ( Australian figures ) were not attending, in fact most didn't even live in the state that had their school.

    The people with the private schools were getting rich--so as Australia didn't have the man power Thailand does, that's where they concentrated, If a student didn't attend school a certain amount of hours & days a month, then the school was told to expel them, if it didn't, that school was shut down-- as many as 7 schools in 1 month in Melbourne were closed, The schools there still have to police their own students, or lose their license to be a school.

    Well you can just imagine how sympathetic the average Australian was to the plight of the "Plastic Students" as the papers named them .......... oh yes weeping in the streets for them they were.......often wondered how many now live in Thailand..........coffee1.gif

  3. The Philippines was always rated amongst the best & the cheapest in the world for dental work..... & I think still is.

    Filipino Dentists must earn a total of 6 years of dental school (2 years preparatory; 4 years proper) to obtain the degree Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.).

    Presently, the country has a total of 25 dental schools, in which the board licensing is administered and regulated by the Board of Dentistry of the Professional Regulation Commission. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dentistry_throughout_the_world

  4. Bo(i meant to type no but as the topic is about Isaan). I have a very smart "SWIM" who keeps marrying these hookers. One of them even gave me the Evil Eye when I was visiting, as if she knew that I knew about her wicked ways. Life is a better teacher and I didn't point out the obvious and my "SWIM" of course got robbed of well over a million baths, and within two months married another one.

    *SWIM=someone who is not me

    Wow some teacher if you can not get an acronym right---SWIM=someone who is not me.... Without the N", it stands for Someone who is Me........coffee1.gif

  5. "my wife likes to get matching color T shirts-----pgrahmm"

    ..............Wow trendsetters, use to love looking at that in Hawaii.............maybe you could even get the curtains made from the same batch................. coffee1.gif

  6. As I believe that we are also proud of our own countries, why, haven’t I seen any farang house displaying the flag of their country?



    Yes I am so very --Very proud of my country --- but I prefer to live somewhere else.................................. coffee1.gif

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    Apart from Thai, the nationality with the most inmates in jail is Nigeria.

    No that's not quite true---I used to do a lot of prison visiting for some years--up to 2005-as you go into the prisons, (especially Klong pren Central Prison) they have a large blackboard up stating what numbers of what nationalities are there, Cambodians always outnumber everyone but the Thai's.....  Nigerians, are high on the list though, some Prisons even 3rd in line..... From what I could see they do know how to use the system though, most found God immediately & had a lot of Jehovah Witness missionaries & other God Squad people Visiting them  & running errands.............coffee1.gif

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