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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. I was reading this medical journal a few weeks ago & they feel that by the end of this year scientists in Japan will be growing human organs in pigs and transplanting them into humans.

    I think somethings obviously lost on them here. They're going to give you a new heart grown in a pig to replace the old one which got

    clogged up from eating too much bacon and sausage...................................coffee1.gif

  2. I am on a Marriage retirement / extension Visa , I will have to return to my own country for a sickness death--as I am also the executor of the estate I do not think I will be able to return to Thailand before my Visa expires in 10 weeks. I have read older posts on ThaiVisa that talk about 30 days as the period to renew early ---however on other forums They are stating

    1/ Up to 3 months in BKK

    2/ At the wim of the immigration dept that you visit.

    Has there been any official change since people posted these answers --- is there any other way to renew when not in Thailand.

  3. "I have considered getting and using one of the IPTV boxes in an attempt to dislodge myself from True's costly monthly addiction...Pianoman"

    What is it that you get from True that you can not get "Free" from the internet--??

    Sorry Pianoman I am not trying to hijack the thread--but I know nothing much about the boxes, I woke up this morning to sit & watch my Football (UK) team play then watched Match of the day to catch up with them all, latter today I may watch a Thriller that I am following from the BBC , or I have got quite interested in watching Poker from America (when you are sitting there knowing all the cards its quite interesting) I got around to watching the Movie Noah last night, although I have a pile of movies to get through. Yesterday I was watching channel 4 documentary's --My mail order Bride (shot in BKK & Kiev ) & The worst place to be a pilot.

    I consider myself to be a computer blond & have several times had to run to ThaiVisa comp page to ask about something...but even for someone like me, its all there to watch 15 minutes after its been screened on TV , or a few days after cinema release.

    Maybe I am missing something here with not paying for a box, but just what.............coffee1.gif

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  4. I'm a 34 year old British male who own my own Ltd company in the UK as a sole director doing IT contract work and running a few online businesses. I've just come back from a 17 day holiday in Thailand and completely fell in love with the country and everything about it.

    I've decided I want to live and work out in Thailand. -----james007lamb


    The Brain is a wonderful organ, its starts working from the minute you are born-----and just doesn't stop for a second......until you get to Thailand..............coffee1.gif

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  5. I do not know if the latest legislation has altered everything, but I have had to go to court with a few people over the years up in Issan & it does (did) seem the sentences--(fines) are lighter up there---(this may be of no help to the OPs Friends situation)---the last one was working illegally as a teacher 8 years overstay---6,000baht fine & allowed to do a U turn in Laos. Someone posted that the IDC unit is better than the standard prison, this is not so, it really is a bad situation in the IDC , partly because they do not know each day how many inmates will be in there, the overcrowding last time I visited there was horrific, Also you really do need to have some money if you are in there---yes I realize if you get sent there for not having enough funds its a bit of a catch 22 situation.

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  6. Thanks for the advice Pattaya28........ I know that not paying the Fox channel for watching their sport is an offense & it does keep me awake at night just thinking about how to help the Murdoch empire out in any other way possible.

    I have Broadband hooked up to my house in Issan--I am in Pattaya for a week or so to meet friends who are flying in---I do carry a  Dongal set up for when I travel , but I know from experience that the Markland is very bad for reception---concrete & steel all around---have to sit out on the balcony just to do a e-mail.---it just doesn't do the trick---hence the asking,



    . About me not paying the Fox conglomerate---- you wont tell anyone will you........................w00t.gif

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  7. I should have asked this with my Restaurant questions....

    I download Boxing , UFC  & some football etc, watch in the next few days as I cant stay awake for most of it. 

    Anyway when I am in Pataya where I stay (Markland) is woeful for any decent reception, I belong to private sites so the download is usually very fast, can be done while I have a coffee or a meal.


    So who --what establishment--has decent (fast) free Wi-Fi, I have Starbucks on the list, although I haven't checked the Pattaya one out, most of the Mcac's I have been in are quite slow. I miss the shopping centers in Oz, most all of them are fast Wi-Fi & if you have the smaller tablet, you can set it on download, put in your backpack & window shop.


    .So Free---Fast Wi-Fi ..............where..............coffee1.gif



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