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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. The N.Z climate and the fact that it is an English speaking country sounds attractive - but not sure about the costs involved. Philippines is also an option. I hope to be able to do another 5 years in Thailand, but that is far from nailed on with the " anti- Farangs " feeling.

    What will be will be.

    I am on a rant tonight & I should just leave this alone & go to bed----that's stubbornness for you..,,


    Albert----where is the anti farang feeling, Please shut me up....post just one thing from the goverment that is anti Farang, dont tell me its the Visa's thing that apply to everyone no matter what color race creed etc.... post an anti farang message that they have put out---that will show me up to be real stupid.....& I Will just have to send apologies.

    You say that NZ sounds nice it is..... I am from the UK lived in NZ through the 70s Australia through the 80s-90s....citizen of all 3 countries....you wont walk into any of those places like you walked in here, does that make them anti farang ??


    Look at the list down below....its all the countries that can just fly in here without a visa and stay for at least a month, longer if they wish.......Wow most of them are farang, what a shock.

    What about the countries that can not rock on up and get in.....Taiwan India..Saudi Arabia.....etc ..etc...Wow there not farang..whats happening Albert......I'm confused.

    To disagree with the visa thing....that's OK, to pretend that there is some great anti farang plot........


    . Honestly Albert ......best go put that tin foil back into your hat mate...... you don't know who is out there reading your thoughts.......................coffee1.gif

    Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bahrain Brunei Darussalam Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea, South Kuwait Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain South Africa Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America Vietnam

    • Like 1
  2. I am sure I am  not the only person who came to Thailand for a few weeks, and found a reason to stay a few weeks more, and then a few weeks more,

    what kept me here,

    a 32 year old thai girl, of course------------SteveFong


    No your far from being the only one Steve....I came over for a few months break.....15 years ago

    They can be addictive Steve, (TG) but like most addictions----people still want the fix even when they don't have the money for it.....I am not saying this is your predicament, but you do see this situation of people not going home...A thread yesterday--the guy selling Sausages in Issan---the youtubes videos of the guys sleeping rough on Pattaya beach, how do you sort those things out if not by just enforcing the rules that were here for that---"you want to stay & have enough money to do so,-- show us, OK---do an elite card do an investment---&   stay"

    I do hope you can sort your problem out or can take your lady back to whatever country....saying that Steve unless you are a Scandi (who are still quite lax) you will find out what Visa rules mean when they put her through the system.


    Good luck mate..........coffee1.gif

  3. The Musashi group, which is one of the biggest sellers in Oz.......... Its the just whey protein powder, so absolutely no sugar or sweeteners, no color or flavoring, I get the instantised which is more expensive at 18--20,000bht --for 20 kilo

    If you are into flavoring, then just a small bottle of Vanilla essence, or what ever flavor essence from Big C baking dept, but I find I am used to the no flavor & can use it on cereal or even soups, They sell so much of it to the health clubs that they often run out for months at a time..... its imported from Canada.....I'll give you a quarter lb sample if you want...........OK thanks for the shop

    • 100-WP-Concentrate-185x185.png
      Nothing But Pure 100% Whey Protein. No Sweeteners, No Flavours and No Additives. 80% Protein with Low Fat and Low Carbs. Ideal Post Workout Supplement

      From ฿12,000

    • Nothing But Pure 100% Whey Protein. No Sweeteners, No Flavours and No Additives. 90% Protein with Negligible Fat and Carbs. Ideal Post Workout Supplement - The fastest absorbing protein available--From ฿18,635
  4. Cherrys ---yes I had forgotten about that on Third rd...... it had only just got started when as I was leaving, so just ate there a few times, yes it was great food....... thanks for the reminder ginglee.

    will also look at Tincup....that ones new to me......thanks petermilk

    • Like 2
  5. TingTong I dont know how much you can store but up in Issan we buy the 20 Killo 44 lb sack for 12,000 baht they pay all freight --Asoke BKK ......its from the Musashi group, we get a shop to vacuum seal it in 1Kl packs...they charge us 20 baht.....price wise it would work out at 2,725 baht for 10 lb....... http://www.thaisupplements.com/20kg-pure-whey-protein

    Now help me out I am in Pattaya next week where can I buy some L-arginine from.

  6.  " I especially like how the article says the reason for decline was political instability, but since May it's been very stable...so why no increases and further drops in attendance?--FengFarang"


    You must be single / young / or quite affluent FengFarang, People (normal People) take sometimes all year saving & planning for a holiday, once their embassy tells them not to come, or their put off through TV / newspaper reports, then that idea gets shelved & another place picked  / deposit / planing ...etc ..etc.



    Yer it was all OK by late May/ June, but I didn't see the families & kids arrive by July......Whats wrong........................coffee1.gif

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  7. I had it done about 4 years ago baglay--& have 3 different friends also had the procedure , its possible you can get it cheaper at different places, as has been written the procedure has been around for many years, & the Pattaya doctor done his time in the Munich hospital I believe.

    If you have BUPA, or probably any insurance they will cover part of it as everyone does have Cataracts to a certain extent. The lenses as mentioned are flown in from USA & the insurance wont cover that, I was in my mid 60s when I had it done, & walked out with 20-12 vision, which after about 6 months settled at 20-16 last time I took a test, their is a little "Halo" effect around lighting especially from oncoming cars---apparently it is always there for normal sight but the brain just adjust to it, & after a year or so that did seem to happen.

    Its expensive-----but really what a great gift to give to yourself, they like you to stay in overnight.... its not needed but is a precaution against infection, I woke up the next day with the Doctor standing at the foot of my bed waving my glasses around and saying........ These now are wellicks.....just wellicks....(relics) which proved to be the case, never been near a pair again.

  8. Thanks Guys, most of the places were around when I left.....although you tend to forget them when your not living there........... I'll try the Domicile on second road  & the Beer Garden  thanks gk10002000

    • Like 1
  9. Let them have their holiday, not yours.


    At the end of the day they will have been ripped off for peanuts in farang money, and they will have had a good time in their mind.


    I used to do the translator bit for friends who were more than happy to be ripped off for products/services.

    The bottom line is this is Thailand, if farangs are more than happy to pay 500 baht per hour for a massage just coz it costs 50 quid an hour back home, let them.

    Dont bother telling them the same service could be had for 150 baht per hour, all you do is spoil their holiday.


    Do you often suffer from this type of confusion rgs2001....?? Try reading about the massage part again, maybe with your specs on if it helps.


    Also They love the Thai massage scene, & as one of them is female---I guess  that will be excluding Some establishments that I used to know."

    "As one of them is female"---- Do you think I was excluding the places where I used to go ---because this is about the price of the massage......... cheesy.gif




    *Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity....................coffee1.gif

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  10. I would not buy any vehicle manufactures before the 2011 flood, there are too many damaged vehicles on the market. I would buy a new vehicle, what will be give me free insurance for the first year plus a 3 or 5 year warrantee. Both the Merc and BMW's repair and maintenance costs are high and I have heard there insurance is also loaded. Talk to the wife and find out what she would like.


    Do you mean the privately own cars HUAHIN62 ..?? because the manufactured ones that were caught in the flood were quite publicly trashed (if they wanted to get the tax rebate.


    Floods: Honda destroys cars

    Customers need not worry about buying the flood-damaged cars seen so often in photos. They will be systematically destroyed and scrapped. 


    Photo above of flood-damaged Honda cars being destroyed (demolished). Photos of these cars became quite famous during the floods (See photo gallery).


    I didnt want to bother pointing out that their numbers, show a massive drop pf 20% in Chinese tourists, so,


    They have shot even their bread and butter in the foot,


    Thailand can forget Jewish and Americans now as well, with their permission of demonstrations at the US Embassy and the burning of the flags, even while there is a demonstration edict out there


    No one ever expected fair treatment frrom Thailand,


    Now they are  certain


    I am not happy with these developments


    ELAL have flown to Bangkok ever since I can remember, where does being Jewish come into your story?



    I also thought it was an odd comment to make FF...Does he mean Jewish Americans --Israelis or just all Jewish people will no longer come to Thailand........ ??   Odd.





  12. Is there a drop in tourism, of course there is, but that’s not the real surprise, the surprise to me is that it isn’t bigger, do you know of any other country that would have a military takeover, & over 30 embassy’s warn there citizen’s not to travel here, --- on top of that you have the stopping of the phony tourists – the guys going down to do a U turn & coming back in were of course being counted as a visiting tourists, they weren’t / aren’t.  So yes there will be an adjustment of the figures, to more true figures. But if the doom & gloom guys are waiting for Thailand to do an economic meltdown because of this, Please….don’t hold your breath.


    Let’s blame the Chinese

    Then silliness about the Chinese taking over Thailand, because they will be getting the same visa rights as the farang now has, although the Americans & the Europeans posters here, do not seem at all worried that their own countries have either already done this—or are fast moving ahead with it.  Some 7 years ago in Americas case. 


    "The escalation (**in Tourism U.S.A.) is a result of China being  granted “approved destination status” by the U.S. in 2007 and also a 2012 executive order by President Barack Obama to reduce the time it takes to get a visitor’s visa at an American consulate."


     Only 20 years ago Chinese simply didn't go abroad unless it was for work or study but now thanks to rising incomes and a relaxation of western government restrictions, they are the biggest force in world tourism. Both in numbers and spending. Nearly one in ten international tourists worldwide is now Chinese, with 97.3m outward-bound journeys from the country last year, of which around half were for leisure. Chinese tourists spend most in total ($129 billion in 2013, followed by Americans at $86 billion) and per tax-free transaction ($1,130 compared with $494 by Russians). More than 80% say that shopping is vital to their plans, compared with 56% of Middle Eastern tourists and 48% of Russians. http://www.economist.com/news/international/21601028-how-growing-chinese-middle-class-changing-global-tourism-industry-coming


    If the Thailand government did not take note of the tremendous income in Chinese tourism, they would indeed be committing economic suicide.



    Chinese tourist are not big spender. They came for free tour, free food, free bus, free concert, free protest.--- Suriya4


    From any point of view--- we should welcome the Chinese tourist. Seriously—think about it, why wouldn’t you.  If you are here just for the “Social” side of Thailand, then they will be leaving you completely alone, unlike the Russian tourist, they won’t want to fish in the same gene pool as you.  They are a different type tourist ---they will not be getting 5 baht gold chains stolen from them by lady boys on the beach, & they will not be buying a new Buffalo for some bar lady, so for these “venders” they are defiantly not “Quality tourists” maybe this is where the posters feedback about them never spending any money is coming from. But they do want value for their money--- they do want a good price, however they do spend, on average more in gifts than any other tourist. Just go to any Airport where they are leaving—they are a headache for the Airlines because the amount of gifts they are returning with---Just observe next time you’re flying.


    The other thing that Chinese buy is quality; they are the home of counterfeit goods, they do not come here for them. So they will leave me alone to negotiate my $12 Rolex. Like the Japanese they shop for original brands.


    We should welcome them because as tourist they will force the prices down—

    New York--China has become the city’s fastest-growing market for overseas tourists, with the number of visitors from the country jumping 19% in the past year alone, outpacing even the globe hopping Brazilians. Hotels in all the five boroughs, however, are not reaping the rewards, because the price-sensitive travelers are heading to New Jersey, where room rates are significantly cheaper & busing into New York.


    The outcome of that report is that the Chinese would not pay the $150 a night in Manhattan, leaving empty rooms thereby forcing the prices down for the next tour group to $75 a night. Do you think that other tour operator’s don’t notice that?? No matter where their groups are coming from.


    When I was living in London in the 60s American tourist were arriving & as Europe was still rebuilding from the war, they were quite affluent in comparison to other tourist. The complaints then were the opposite of the Chinese; they were putting the prices up by spending too much. It didn’t seem too much to them of course. London is now quite an expensive city.


    What would you rather have—I don’t mean American or Chinese I mean. Tourist who accept the prices they are given & just pay-& then the next one it’s just a little bit more etc… or those that argue & demand a better value, whether it’s a hotel room or a girls company.


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  13. .

    walking around, toughing things, coughing, sneezing, throwing your bodily fluids around and go back home before you knew anything was wrong.---monk213




    Isn't EBOLA caused mainly by sexual contact --- or at least the exchange of bodily fluids ?????--- I can remember some of the madness going around in the 80s when AIDS first made an appearance, With some posters, its begining  to sound a little like that.............................coffee1.gif



    "it's extremely unlikely that someone would catch Ebola from simply being on the same plane or in the same public space with someone who was affected. That's because Ebola doesn't tend to travel through the air like the flu and other respiratory illnesses. In order to catch Ebola, you have to touch the bodily fluids"-----http://www.vox.com/2014/7/31/5952515/facts-you-should-know-about-the-ebola-outbreak

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  14. I think you belong to a group that most internet people refer to as ..."Sleep walkers Franky"..................coffee1.gif



    I am really glad that Google reading peoples mail allowed you to walk the streets of 101 countries safely.



    ** Anyway the Liverpool --Man U match is now there for the download....

    • Like 1
  15. Never been in Cambodia be I'm curious, how much do I need to invest to buy a buisness that would allow 2 persons to live confortably there?

    Not really interested in running a bar, but a bungalow resort close to the beach or a guest house in Sihanoukville, how much would it cost? And is it worth it?

    Yes of course its worth it nico-- I just happen to have a few for sale at the moment.....(Your timing is great) .... You can buy, then just sit back , put your feet up & count the money.


    Give me a PM..................................coffee1.gif


    *** Also Have a bridge for sale in Sydney if that's more to your liking.....

    The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works non-stop, from the very second you're born …..until you come to Thailand.

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