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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. Why are these threads so popular? What's the problem putting some petty cash in the bank?


    For years, many forum members of mature age here have been complaining about cheap backpackers and welcoming every new visa rule limiting their stay. What's the problem of putting 800k baht in the bank which at your advanced age should represent 2-5% of your wealth? Most of you should be on extension anyway.


    Unless, of course, everyone has been lying.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, See Will said:



    I have well filled bank accounts, a pension box in gold, land secured via a German law Office and a very wealthy life.


    your words are more the ones of a stone table drinker, whore spiller and just can make a living with the hand in the mouth, are you? 




    What's your post about how rich you are got to do with wife having control over your life in Thailand?

  3. 3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    I send USD and Bangkok Bank does the exchange. It has always been a good rate. Someone just said that Transferwise is more expensive for Americans and the more you send the more it costs. not the case with my US banks. one flat fee. I transfer $5000-$10000 at a time.  Maybe Transfer wise is good for sending small amounts.      


    Nope, it's better all around.


    I do a lot of transfers and I have saved literally thousands of dollars last year over using a bank.


    Get verified and try it once. Do the same amount of transfer with your bank and transferwise and you will see. Transferwise is a peer to peer exchange, so this is why they don't make money on exchange rates. They only charge a transfer fee.

    • Like 1
  4. "BANGKOK, Oct 4 (Reuters) - Thailand's central bank, concerned about the number of property loans going bad, said on Thursday it will require buyers of homes worth more than 10 million baht($306,465) and of second homes to make downpayments of at least 20 percent."


    I am in Toronto now where for the past 4 years while I was absent the government brought so many anti bubble regulations yet the prices increased 30% while I was gone. The above 20% downpayment rule on buying a second home (investment property) has been a rule in Canada for decades.


    I used to believe there was a real estate bubble in Bangkok, but every city which is a major economic center is experiencing it. There is a real estate bubble all over the planet. Thailand may experience a crash in tourist destinations like Phuket, Chiang Mai, etc.... but if Bangkok crashes I am pretty sure the whole world real estate will crash.



    • Like 1
  5. I don

    46 minutes ago, ThailandLOS said:

    Lol, I've been buying btc since 2014, so not worried about the current price at all.


    Oh, so you have a tiny 10% equity increase (in fact much tinier if true inflation is considered) which you can't even realize without selling property or adding debt. Now google the term 'sound money' and 'fractional reserve banking' and make an effort to comprehend the difference.


    Here's schadenfreude right back at you. Enjoy the Canadian winter  ????


    I don't need to google anything. Third world countries are full of scammers pumping crypto and and MLM.


    Snake oil salesmen everywhere, lolz

  6. 2 hours ago, ThailandLOS said:

    Oh look who is here, 'Mr KnowItAll' to tell us crap about things he knows nothing about, as usual.


    You talk too much, but I guess your heard it before.



    I did. Like late last year when real estate bears were pumping their bitcoin going to 100,000 (while buying it in the 10,000's) and telling me my real estate is overpriced (up 10% since your bitcoin crash).



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