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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. On 9/3/2018 at 1:53 AM, Ks45672 said:

    I spent about 12 years dating Thai /Asian women before eventually marrying one , she doesn't depend on me for anything financial and even wanted to split the bills when we eventually moved in together but I just laughed..... 


    She still prefers to work her career  ladder than stay at home spending my cash, I don't object...? 





    Yes, the video is as real as the women on Thaifriendly with masters and phd....

  2. 6 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    There were nearly 600 shooting victims in Toronto last year — a record high.

    Increased murder and mayhem 'new norm' for Toronto






    Total murder rate in Toronto was 61 - 39 to gun violence.


    That's about half a day's rate on Thai roads.







    Why does this topic upset you so much?

  3. 1 minute ago, neeray said:


    And I guess you heard about the Yorkdale shooting today, and the one yesterday and the day before.

    "Toronto the Good" is fast becoming not quite as good as it used to be.


    That shooting wouldn't even make it into Thai news. No one died, yesterday or the day before. Every single day there are a lot worse news reports on Thai Visa (and that's just the stuff that gets translated) that wouldn't happen in the whole year in Toronto. 


    Very safe city and the price of real estate keeps shooting up.



  4. 1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

    Another one bites the dust. I too am one leg out already but need to hang on until kids get settled into the British curriculum school system so moving will be easier. Thailand is going down and hanging on to depreciating assets is just dumb.


    The problem is rest of the world sucks too. Maybe Musk can start those Mars trips by the time I'm ready to flee the junta.



    Well, suck is a relative word. I enjoy eating western food again, drinking world class tap water and breathing clean air. 


    I also find everything is cheaper in Toronto than Bangkok.....except rent and transport. However, I have taken care of housing costs and can walk everywhere because I live downtown.


    I have been saying on every thread that pops now and then comparing the cost of living that I would need 200-300k baht a month in Bangkok to have the same quality of life in Canada. Even then, if I lived in Maha Nakhon every time I go out I'd still be exposed to garbage and pollution.


    To each their own, eh.



    I'll be back in January ?

  5. 5 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Maybe go to Central Lad Prao and check out the movie "Crazy Rich Asians" plus check out the Thai girls in that theatre (they all speak English) if you go to the English only screen (no Thai sub) I think you in your limited time in Thailand think that well off/rich  Thai are those that are teachers , Gov workers , nurse , girls working owning small shop in malls. No I am talking Thai that own apartment buildings, factories, Malls, International Companies or International Franchises, Airlines, Bus Companies ect. Check that vid I sent you about the Rich Kids in Thailand and see how much they are worth and what they own.  Thai Hi-so would not even date you as you would not be equal to their worth and they would not want to be looked down on for dating a farang that was not wealthy and had no culture. Hi-so Thai think most farangs are below them. If you are young, handsome, intelligent have money you may be able to date them if not forget about it. Below some of my friends at a restaurant, you probably don't know and can't get in. They also travel the world as they have money in the bank can get visas easily and some have more than 1 passport.13323656_10210167119477376_7622431565849039788_o.jpg.a8f3e1d09c05991fa745ec9470a23474.jpg11312774_1080829908598591_3694080719370763018_o.thumb.jpg.9b567d7986d17354e869967cdbe30e90.jpg


    I don't see how these pictures prove anyone being hiso here? My ex who lived in Canada used to dress like this when in Thailand and yes, some of her friends were wealthy, but some of them just had regular office jobs. 


    I was ugly 15 years older, not with a lot of money and dated a woman like this. Maybe a difference being that we met in Canada instead of Thailand where her family didn't have a say about who she dated.


    Personally I think she was great and a great squirter too, but she was never as generous as my much poorer wife. And an import point to note is that just because her English  was much better, she was still dumb as a post. No business acumen and she relied for me on everything. Wouldn't move her finger. I highly doubt she would get hired at the same international company my wife works for even with her qualifications and a degree from Canada. 


    Anyway, if anyone wants to meet one of these girls, they are mostly concentrated on Charoen Krung road.


    • Haha 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

    No.. I won't 'shut up'.. certainly not for you..  Accept that we live on different planets..  I eat in Thai restaurants with my family often and I can tell you that tips are an appreciated addition to their meager income.  I tip chamber maids too.. they earn little and have families to support.. my wife knows ladies who work as chambermaids ..they say they don't often get tips but appreciated them when they do get them.   It is not about 'showing off' as you say.. it is about showing appreciation.  BTW.. I'm not an American.. Canadian/Australian duel citizen.. ?


    Who are you dueling with?

  7. 4 minutes ago, ndfdjnd said:


    I stopped reading here.  White girls have nothing on Asian chicks.  Tube in London will have 1, maybe 2 hot girls per carriage.  MRT or BTS in Bangkok will have 5.


    Oh boy.... another UK virgin has spoken.


    Whatever you want to believe hunsum man......

  8. 13 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Thats merely a guide.  Lots of times tipping is mere change, Baristas for example. Coffee is $2.15 in Dunkin Donuts, tip the .85 in change.






    Everything these days in Canada is tap and go. I remember Starbucks staff used to have a jar full of coins, but now they must be getting really annoyed with the lack of tips. Same in food courts and other fast(er) food establishments.


    I understand the American system and why you need to tip the waiters, but in Canada there is really no reason as everyone earns a fair wage. I always found it insulting that waiters in the restaurant demand a tip, while a cashier at wall mart and McDonald's get shafted. It's extremely unfair as working at McDonald's is actually hard work.



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