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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 1 hour ago, Ks45672 said:

    It's still a logical step to protect his investment until the next bullrun


    People who bought gold for $1900 in 2011 are still paying to keep it secure even though it is only worth $1190 in todays weaker dollars


    Bitcoin and some other crypto could have had a chance if the incredible amount of crap coins didn't hit the unregulated open scummy market. Now, it's giong to zero. No bull run. It's a falling knife. In the downward spiral. Turn off the lights.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 9/16/2018 at 2:16 AM, Krataiboy said:

    Here's a cautionary tale which might get a few potential returnees thinking. . . 


    A pal of mine in his eighties who has been resident in Thailand for many years recently announced that he was returning to the UK on a permanent basis. He reckoned it was affordable and he wanted to spend more time with his family, particularly his grandchildren who he only got to see once a year when he flew back to Blighty for a few weeks' holiday.


    I tried to point out some of the cons as well as the pros, just in case he hadn't thought of them. He clearly had, but his mind was made up. As I rather wistfully waved him farewell and bon voyage, he was in high spirits and clearly relishing the prospect of a new life in the old country.


    I heard nothing from him for a week or two and left him alone, assuming (correctly, as it turned out) that he was having a hectic time catching up with friends and relatives and organising the nuts and bolts of his new life.


    Then suddenly, out of the blue, came an email announcing he was coming back to live in Thailand. You could have knocked me and his other pals down with a feather. He didn't go into the reasons and I waited until we were celebrating his return with dinner at our favourite restaurant to satisfy my curiosity.


    He listed a few problems which on their own weren't game changers: the reality that he would only be able to see his family occasionally; because of work and travel problems; the difficulty of making new friends (particularly female!) and building a new social life; the thought of enduring those long, cold winter months. Plus, of course, the higher cost of living.


    Individually, all of these drawbacks were manageable. But in combination they were enough to shatter his dream of forging a happy new life in his former homeland.


    My friend's disappointed family urged him to try for a few months before getting back on the plane to LOS, and I said I thought they may have a point. After all he had been away less than eight weeks. But he was admant that he had made the right choice. "I knew after eight days," he said, "that I would rather be in Thailand."


    After two decades of living in the most volatile,  intriguing,  mixed-up, delightful, infuriating, contradictory and utterly endearing country in South-East Asia, what could I say but, "Me, too"?


    A cautionary tale? More like a stupid post.


    So, he was expecting that everyone bows to him and his glorious return after he mongered in Thailand for many years including his family who, god forbid.... had a job.


    The female company that he so missed back in his home country will be available in Thailand for him as soon as he opens up his wallet. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, ndfdjnd said:

    After having sex with about 20-30 of these girls over the last 5 years, I now have herpes (for life) and have had gonnorhea or chlamydia at least once.  So, I don't know, maybe don't follow my lead.




    Yes, I think that's a good idea.

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    Gold is considered to be a “monetary instrument” by the US. The CBP website doesn’t explicitly say if it is value by weight or face value (such as a 1oz gold buffalo with a “face value” of $50) but it does refer to instruments valued over $10,000.  This has been discussed on the Kitco forums but here has never been a consensus reached.  



    Well, actually there has been a consensus. When gold was shooting up in price 8-10 years ago there have been plenty of reports from people being parted from their gold by a border agency because they were declaring it at a face value.

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