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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 55 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    You missed my point.  She has reasons for staying in Thailand I understand.  You didn't win her, that's what you don't understand.  Maybe if you bought her a house and gave her some money every month you would not be alone in Canada. 


    I don't know you so I said, "maybe." 


    I told my son, "boy, you don't get a trophy wife unless you can afford to buy the trophy."


    I'm watching a male bird bring the building straw for a nest and food to his mate right now.  It is nature. 


    If it is news to you that all women want a man to buy a house and pay the bills you need to grow a bit older and wiser. 




    Yea... some nature. I also watched the same thing the idiot male bird build a nest in my mailbox. I spent 3 days trying to feed the poor thing until one morning I found her dead on the ground because it fell down. Any more brilliant analogies?





    Why would I buy her a house? She has her own house. The reason for her staying in Thailand is that she has a good job - unlikely to ever get one in Canada.


    My wife is not a "trophy" wife.... whatever that means. 


    I can (and I will) always go back to her place.


    Keep paying... and when you stop watch her leave. I leave that life to you.







    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    yes you do after salmonella poisoning. 15% chance. I was fine and now I I have IBS-D. It started in one day. And it never stops.   



    Yea....please don't argue with certified TV doctors

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

    LOL. Take it up with numbeo, bro.


    Per numbeo:

    You would need around 155,223.67฿ (6,235.68C$) in Toronto to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 70,000.00฿ in Chiang Mai (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax). You can change the amount in this calculation.








    First of all you are comparing Toronto to Chiang Mai? Seriously? 


    I also did say if you own your place, bud.


    Regardless, these sites are highly inaccurate as they assume local standard of living vs. Western standard of living.


    According to these very inaccurate sites, the average condo in Bangkok is a lot cheaper than Toronto, but of course they include a complete unlivable condos in their averages that even homeless people wouldn't be put  in Canada.


    Compare the price of condo in Ekkamai built by Cambodian slave labor vs a condo in downtown Toronto and Ekkamai will be more expensive.


    The only thing cheaper I find in Thailand is transportation, accommodation (not always true), the price of chicken and for some reason Ritter chocolate. Of course, local fruits will be cheaper too.


    Anyway, here's my budget for my first month in Toronto. I live right smack downtown. It's supposedly the most expensive city in Canada.


    Condo fees (includes electricity) $396


    Property tax $120


    Food for a single person. About 60% of the stuff is organic $700


    Unlimited 75mb internet $45


    Netflix $10.99 (oh, the selection here)


    No cell phone. It's a ripoff.


    Total $1272or 31,747 baht going by today's exchange rate.


    Cheap as chips.









    • Like 2
  4. 19 hours ago, WinterGael said:

    There is the problem. I'll be living in Thailand with my wife on a permanent basis next year... My income is 30000 to 35,000 baht per month. Medical will be for provincial hospitals, so have been quoted at about 2000 baht per month. If things go south, is there something to return back to home country to. Free medical, that's it. On a total pension of 2000$C/month (4 years from now) I can barely afford to live in Canada, let alone support a wife there. 


    I see how my wife's family lives, and even at 20 baht /Canadian dollar, I can have a better life in Thailand. And my wife does bring in an average of 10,000 /month... 



    You can live quite well on $2000 a month in Canada. Much better than in Thailand. Of course, one would assume that by the time you are retired, you would own your own place instead of renting. My mom gets less than $2000 a month and she lives like a queen. People over 60 in Canada get a lot of discounts, she only buys organic at the supermarkets and on top of that she is able to save money. Travels to Europe twice a year.


    Canada is dirt cheap buddy. You are in for quite a shock.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, The Theory said:

    It’s not about moving to Canada. 

    This guy was financially supported by wife (as he told in his old posts). He is a “Serb” who is holding Canadaian citizenship. He complained a lot about Canada and the system as well in his posts. My guess is things has gone sour and no more support by wife. 





    I was never supported financially by my wife. Find me 1 post where I said that.


    Your "guess" couldn't be more wrong. By all means, keep that username alive by theorizing. I'm "guessing" it's jealousy that I am not paying my wife a salary and that she is a self sufficient Thai woman who I didn't have to buy a house to win her heart. 









    • Haha 1
  6. No, you are right to be concerned. It is not sanitary, however, this really only depends on you.... how well you are resistant to bacteria.


    About a year ago I got a food poisoning so bad, that when I got up from the bed (this stuff only happens at night for some reason) I immediately fainted, fell down the stairs and cracked my head open. It was really that bad and I was lucky to be alive.


    Also, it is not only food that will make you sick. I was told by doctors that there is often a $ht season just like a flu season in the west, so you gotta be careful around people.


    BTW, charcoal tablets are completely useless if you get bad food poisoning. The benefits are also often exaggerated and it may actually kill the vitamins and minerals in your body. Definitely not recommended to use if you are on any medication. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 3 hours ago, newnative said:

        You'll win that bet.  It might be 100% booked, which is not the same thing.  I'm sure lots of people have booked The Edge, hoping to resell the booking and make a profit before they have to come up with the actual money to buy the actual condo when construction is finished.  A condo is only 'sold' when the transaction goes through at the Land Office.

          The Base was fully booked but when construction was done something like 300 bookings were returned to Sansiri, which had to find other buyers for those units.  Which is why, even though it was touted that The Base 'sold out' in only a week, the sales staff were still on hand at The Base for a several months after it opened.  



    This. Many times this.


    Also, sold out might just mean that foreign quota is sold out if as you say Chinese tourists went crazy buying this. Thers is that 51% that they need to sell to Thai "investors".

    • Like 1
  8. Western currencies are all going down the toilet- except perhaps US dollar. Australia, NZ, Canada, most EU countries have no economy left. Yes, they lower currencies to increase competition, but at this point they are still a far cry comparing with Thai wages. Lets just take Thai (sex) tourism into account and you tell me how can any Western country compete with it? Result? Thai baht trough the roof.


    People here hoping for a coup  or even worse civil war for a currency to drop are not very smart. This is the same reasoning I hear here in Toronto when people say they are hoping for a 50% real estate crash. Real estate crash of such proportions would leave many people unemployed with social services deteriorating beyond repair. A civil unrest in Thailand would leave many foreigners penniless. Why do you think your assets would be safe when everyone else is suffering? Have you really lived such a protected life in your "nanny state" that you are beyond stupid?


    32 minutes ago, muratremix said:

    If AUD is down to 18 baht, do you think Australia will have same food / rent costs compared to 5 years ago?

    Thailand is getting more expensive, but it is still cheaper than Australia & Canada.


    Wrong. Been in Toronto for almost 2 months now. Everything and I mean everything is cheaper than Thailand except transport and maybe housing. I say maybe, because the same quality housing in Bangkok that's not built by Cambodian slave labor would cost more than Toronto. So, it helps a bit to own a property here instead of listening to people who sold everything back home to "live a dream". 



    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    Toronto 2.8 million, Bangkok 8 million.  Yet Bangkok run much better than Toronto, no ridiculous streetcars, mindless stop signs, traffic lights, no parking yet parking on major roadways, endless bylaws.

    Toronto is what happens when men no longer run a place: a bunch hens pecking and implementing ideology instead of systems.


    Thanks for the lolz.



  10. 6 hours ago, Capt Rob said:

    Great post - you would have known that you were going to press a few folks buttons with such a denigrating description of Thailand.

    Still that said I have found it interesting to read responses and I am only on the first page!

    With health issues it would seem that you have limited choice and I suggest you might have built your case around them - reinforcement/confirmation - something most of us have done.

    Equally you are challenging the reasoning and values of other 'farangs' living here.

    Sure there are many issues here to address, chiefly the plight of the folk at the bottom end of the food chain and failure to address the issues which are glaringly obvious ( road toll, corruption, critical thinking etc).

    My Canadian friends including the non-French speaking ones, tell of the PC madness and their embarrassment with their government from the top down( google Jordan Peterson for some definitive words). Australia equally has some PC obsessed folk as does Europe generally - all of the forgoing will tell you nothing I suspect you do not already know.

    You were a guest here of the Thai people at large so I think your words to describe Thailand are wanting.


    There are thousands of "guests" in Canada including Thais and they don't have to apologize to Canada when they describe the shortcomings of a country and  living in fear of some computer crime act or worse. 


    When people get raped, for example - the criminals get prosecuted. 


    Canada is too PC? Omg, omg..... that's the worst Thai apologists were able to come up with? First world problems, no?


    Visa runs, subpar Western food and dirty air are the only negative words I used to describe Thailand.... and they are all factual for a Westerner. These things affect me personally, so I mentioned them. Things like corruption, blatant disregard of  human life, no laws, the elite, people driving like animals did not affect me, so I didn't mention them. 


    Anyway, thanks for bumping this thread. It was so very much dead.



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