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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 10 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Actually Bangkok tap water has met international drinking water standards for decades and they openly provide real time test results online.  So do not agree bottled water is the only safe option.  At the current costs of RO filtering even most suspect water can be safely used with home filter systems.




    Yes, yes...



    And crack is also safe until you smoke it.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

    No idea why that would change my view that victim blaming is wrong.


    No victim blaming, but most people are judgmental.


    I don't see much "victim blaming" when women get poured with gasoline by jealous boyfriends and husbands. I think most people are saying is that it comes with the territory and will feel less sorry for a woman who chose this line of profession.


    The woman will, however, get equal justice. At least in the West she would. In Thailand it will depend on who is who.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    Do you even understand your own post?  Title = "Thailand , not for me". You even state you planned on staying for 10 years but only made it to 5. Implying you did not like Thailand and could not stand living here anymore. Even stated you liked Canada better. Then after a few pages changed up and said you will be back in a few months. Seems like when you get a tenant for your condo in Toronto then you will have income to return and live in Thailand. Could not stay in Toronto because if you live in the condo you don't have income?


    Oh, look. The Deerhunter's mom showed up to answer for him.

    • Sad 1
  4. 1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

    It sounded to me like he was trying to persuade himself he made the right decision than persuade us.  It is called self justification.


    What right decision?


    The thread title is Thailand not for me.


    I am not staying in Canada forever. 


    It seems to me like you don't understand basic English.


    Are you a TEFLer by any chance?

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  5. 40 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I've been to Canada once. I do know Canada has more fresh water than anywhere else in the world, and the Yanks are very busy trying to filch your oil reserves. I don't pretend to know anything about Canadian banking or investment.

    FYI, Australian banks cut dividends in 2009 by 30-40%. It's back to business as usual. Short sellers have never attempted to take on the banks, because they know they will get bruised badly.

    Have you ever been to Australia? What on earth makes you think you are somehow qualified to post investment and taxation advice about a country you obviously know nothing about?

    When you've dug yourself into a hole, it's best to stop digging.


    I was married to Australian. She lived in Camden.


    For the record, I liked Australia much better than Canada. However this topic is about some old guy investing his life savings in equities. Markets do tank and sometimes take really long time to recover. Yes, banks will always survive and will be bailed out, but certainly the peasant shareholder won't come out on top. If he has enough money to retire in Thailand than the difference between 3% in safe term deposit vs 6-7% in equities really doesn't make sense to me IN OLD AGE.



    • Like 1
  6. This is what bothers me a little about Thailand. My inability to act.


    In Thailand when you see something like this you just can't act because you will end up in much worse situation than the assailant or a victim.... especially if you are a foreigner. How nice would it be if I could go at him with a baseball bat, but the "culture" would not allow that. 


    So, all you can do is vent on a forum.




    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, wolf81 said:



    Personally I think I could live here fine with my GF and daughter in the countryside of Thailand if I'd have around 300.000 EUR in investments (no housing and car loans, no rent costs, etc…). That should average at least around 45.000 Baht per month (assuming a 5% average profit). Of course I mainly eat Thai food and both me and my GF are not party people. 


    If you're single and you got double the amount, you should be more than fine, right? Unless you like to spend much time in the bars and with bargirl perhaps, then you might get short on money, maybe.


    Excuse me, but investing money and putting it in the market when you are retired is a complete lunacy. You know, just like the occasional real estate crashes, markets can also go down substantially and as in case with 2001 and 2008 many companies may disappear and never recover. 


    When you are retired you should be taking your money out and putting it in "safe" and protected guaranteed investments like term deposits which give you lower yields. Also, investment income is taxed.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Mate yh you got dumped. Face it. Happens to us all except your not even 50 and you got kicked to the kerb. Ya best get down your local singles night cos amazon won't solve all life's problems.


    1am now. Exciting Thailand ?


    When I get back to Bangerz mods can check the IP address where I posted before moving to Toronto.


    It's going to be the same IP..... my wife's house.


    I know, I know.... haters gonna hate.



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  9. 1 minute ago, Rc2702 said:

    Ooh you have really climbed the ladder. You have an Amazon parcel. That's just amazing. You got a returns label too. Don't forget to leave feedback I bet your good at that. Do amazon sell balls? You need despo 


    It's half past midnight in Thailand. What are you doing so late arguing with me.... remember you got such a great and fulfilling  life in Thailand there should be Thai pretties lining up for a hunsum man like u, lolz

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

    Defo to some degree post 483.


    This guy just cannot be honest even with himself. I'm reading recent posts suggesting the door is still open for his return but if that's the case why all the bashing? I mean surely if it was that much of a hell hole you move on and you go onto better more suited surroundings but this guy just went home and he spent 5 years slating that place too.




    Bashing is stating the facts? What's the ploblem?


    Here's what. Being called a basher from people who seem to be stuck in Thailand with no option to go back.



    Meanwhile there are daily threads with only bad news on this forum with the very same participants bashing Thailand who.... wait.... accuse me of bashing Thailand.


    Anyhoo.... I just received an email that my Amazon parcel is waiting for me at the concierge. Gotta love these first world services.





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