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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 1 hour ago, KiChakayan said:

    If you haven't had a gastroscopy yet, I'd strongly recommend you get one done. Your are a good candidate for Barett Oesophagus. Which would need serious monitoring.


    I get these warnings from every second poster. I had endoscopy 3 years ago and I'm guessing this would be obvious and noticed. No, I got hernia which I'm sure is a cause of my problems.


    I was very concerned about Barrett's and did ask a doctor about it, but he assured me it takes decades to develop. Him being Thai it is possible that he was just giving me mai pen rai, so I'm still a bit concerned sure.


    Sheryl, how often should an endoscopy be performed? Am I due for another one? Doc wanted to give me abdominal MRI last time I saw him,  but I was against that. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, billd766 said:


    No it isn't.


    A job is work. 


    Studying is something completely different.


    After classes it is the students own leisure time to do as THEY please, not what the government lays down, and certainly not what you say. 


    Sometimes expats like yourself think they moved to a "developing country" just because it has nice shopping malls.


    Of course, I'm not being serious except the part that Thailand is 3rd world.



    • Haha 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

    Then why did you immigrate to Canada ? You brag about immigrating and all the positives well you contribute nothing to Canada. you immigrate and as soon as citizen use the system to go live in Thailand. 

     You should stay quiet you are a good example of what makes the problems in Canada.


    Every month I pay a 25% non resident tax to the government without having any rights (like seeing a doctor) until I re establish the residency.


    You really shouldn't speak about things you know nothing about.


  4. What a bunch of crap replies from sore losers who probably sold everything in their home country and bought in Thailand.


    New Zealand economy just like Canada to a lesser extent now solely relies on immigrants and foreign money (Canada at least still has natural resources). Name me one thing your loser, lazy western economies are actually producing.


    Now elect a social government that supports lazy bums who would rather spend money on Starbucks latte and avocado sandwich instead of saving for a down payment and this is what you get.


    Btw, since when was buying a house affordable. People in the past would pay the bank all their life until  they were mortgage free. These days people act like it's their birth right to have a house by the time they reach 30. Very strange that Thai Visa posters support this while all the time they whine and whine about social services in their respective countries.


    The only reason why Westerners are poorer is because they are lazier. I am looking forward to NZ dollar hitting 10 baht because Chinese money will stop pouring in, so next time you do your retirement extension it will cost ya $80,000. If anything, you should be rolling a red carpet for every Chinese investor. You have no economy left.





  5. 16 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    I reckon it's an inside job. His Mrs likely knows he's a dog and as a result she's done a deal to alleviate him of cash before she crucifies him. It's called  the long long play


    It could be. People think Thai women are stupid, yet they have lived in the same cheating culture for centuries.


    If they ignore things is because they choose to because it benefits them.


    "Delete wife's Facebook".lol and rotflmao

    • Like 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, swissie said:

    It took 144 posts and the comment of a woman that brought this crucial element into this discussion. Better late than never.



    What crucial element? I completely disagree with Sheryl. How is he clearly acting in a responsible manner? The least he could do was wear a condom.



    Just go to many Thai Facebook pages and see the reaction when people try to get rid of a dog.


    Yet, posters here a judgemental?


    So what?



  7. Bulgaria from 7 11 and other big supermarkets is sugar free and tastes great. They have several versions and some are sweetened. You want navy blue one.


    Yollida is also good. They also sell a probiotic version. Again navy blue is sugar free




    • Like 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    The omeprazole or chilling out? 


    My understanding is that it is an acid inhibitor - - and so your issue might be other than acid? Have you had an endoscopy? You should probably get scoped and totally checked out as it could be something serious... 


    It doesn't work. It will work for a few days then it will make my stomach / acid actually worse. Scope came out normal except hiatal hernia/h pylori

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