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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. On 8/23/2018 at 5:07 AM, Laza 45 said:

    2 to 5%.. CHEAP Charlie!!  Use your head and think about what these people are living on.. If you get good service show your appreciation by being generous.. it doesn't cost much.  Keep your satangs in your pocket... 2 to 5 % is an insult.. 


    Shut up. You know what's insulting? A bunch of Americans who come to Thailand and impose their "culture".


    Thais certainly don't think of you as a hero because you tip. What they think is exactly what I wrote... you making sure that every poor Thai (how ironic) will not have to open up their wallet and tip... because some high horse Westerner wants to show off.


    Now there are places where you should certainly tip, like massage places. My wife tips a local security guard every year because he fixes my bicycle tires free of charge every time my fat ass blows them.


    But she certainly doesn't go around like a parasite spreading out cash.





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  2. 1 hour ago, Naam said:

    please provide numbers and source for the claim "very relevant these days" implying that relative to their numbers more expats are leaving than "those days earlier".


    you can't? i thought so! :coffee1:


    Numbers and sources in a country where every number from real estate to traffic accidents is rigged?


    You gotta be joking and if not can you advise where these sources can be found?


    Anyway, oops I just gave some posters the opportunity to say I bashed Thailand with this post.



    • Haha 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    I think people get defensive because most of the "I am leaving " threads appear to have a sour grapes aspect. They appear to be based on perception rather than factual. Most try to justify there leaving decision by making out that "everyone" thinks the same way and "everyone" is leaving. 



    That's funny because this thread implies the exact opposite of what you just wrote. I mean I couldn't have been more specific about the situation applies only to me.


    Did I call anyone a sucker for deciding to stay or did the exact opposite happened?



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  4. 3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


    You wrote I didn't. " makes me wonder why would any fool move to Thailand and waste their life? For what really? Visa runs, sub-par Western food and dirty air? "


    We took this out of context a bit, didn't we? I was talking about young people with good lives in Canada, earning decent wages and a bright future. 


    In any case, if you think any of these 3 statements are wrong, you are welcome to voice your opinion.







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  5. 8 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:


    You and gaff are just Thai bashing to the nth degree with a nice mix of vitriol and racism.


    This is another lie that people just keep repeating.


    Nowhere in this thread did I bash Thailand. People bashed me starting on the second post because I am of opinion that I am better off in Canada. 


    I see the government's return to happiness propaganda actually works better on Farang than Thai.




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  6. 2 minutes ago, gaff said:


    This is clearly the truth concerning most Thai.

    But some people smarter than us are going to explain us what they have no idea about...


    Farmers and beggars from any western countries are smarter than 99% Thai, this is clear and something that cannot even be discussed.







    Now, to be fair, being smart is individual thing and Thailand as many have said on this forum (not me) likes to keep it's citizens a little "uninformed". It's really not their fault. But Thai women are smart when they are on their turf. How many old and young men that were successful back home got outsmarted and left penniless by Thai women? 


    Just because I hate hockey and baseball (I think they are stupid sports that idiots watch and parents encouraging kids to watch and practice those sports should be thrown in jail for child abuse) does that make me dumb? Well, yes.... according to most Canadians.



    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, giddyup said:

    Where do you get anger out of irony? Perhaps keep a dictionary handy?


    What irony?


    I'm allowed to change my mind and can come and go out of Thailand as I please.


    And to quote a smart person (myself) "there's nothing you can do about it."

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  8. 24 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Find a forum that has your new interests at its base.  Stop posting in Thai forums because they will only depress you more and drive you to try and insult happy expats and make them all feel as depressed as you.  


    It's not good to try and make other people sad and to critique their lifestyle.  No one put you in charge of the definitions of happy and sad or good and bad. 


    The guys living in Thailand know and if they wanted to be miserable they would move back to Canada too.  So why and try and spread your own brand of misery here. 


    Get out and go to Marche Movenpick and have something to eat.  That always made me happy.  Or look at photo's of Margaret Trudeau bum, that's what we did for fun when I lived there. 


    Nope. I'm not going anywhere. I enjoy Thailand foruming.


    It's rather amusing to constantly read this reinforcement of happiness, yet when I open this very forum it's page after page of negative topics and even more negative and miserable replies. 95% of the replies here is whining and complaining from people that should be the happiest. 


    So when I'm back in say 4 months I will read from the same people how Thailand is crap and how things are going downhill. Don't bother....Thailand ain't the same it was 4 months ago. "Pattaya is going downhill!!!". "The Russians are back!!!"..."don't steal our hook.....i mean women!!!", 


    Hell I might even show my Thai wife this thread. Thais may not know sarcasm, but they understand hypocrisy. 



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  9. 7 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    You cannot step in the same river twice.  I tried and it wasn't the same.  Best forget about the good times and marriage and family and concentrate on your new bleak cold existence with dour Canadians. 


    Please go on. It's 1am and I'm trying to put myself to sleep.

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  10. 1 minute ago, duanebigsby said:

    I agree totally. Most immigrants make a heart felt decision  to leave their own countries for a better life. They start from scratch and it's hard work.

    People like manic assume they;re sucking the welfare teat and ridicule immigration on social media.



    To be perfectly honest with you, most people sucking off welfare and using the system to the core are people who appear to be born here. Just the other day I saw an able bodied man (certainly looked in a better shape than me) walking down the street with his Tim Hortons breakfast paid by Canadian taxpayer stopping by Affordable Canada housing office than banging the glass door like an idiot and swearing at the FKNG government because they only opened at 10am (it was 9:30 at the time).


    You understand that after spending 5 years in Thailand and witnessing extreme poverty where no government assistance of offered whatsoever, this sort of behavior is from someone spoiled to the extreme.


    Like I said, most of the people using the system are born Canadians - mostly tat freaks that choose that lifestyle by choice. I am not even making this up. They admit this on national TV... they say they choose this lifestyle because they don't want responsibility in their life.


    So no prob.... they government take care.





  11. Just now, duanebigsby said:

    So the word of an anti immigrant Native is better than an anti immigrant  white Canadian?

    Canada needs immigrants.


    Yes, agreed. Canada has no economy left except immigration. And they have a lot to offer to Asian immigrants like top Universities, clean environment, low crime and quality housing.


    And people like The manic who are caught with their pants down can keep complaining from Thailand about hard working immigrants (most of them arrive with a ton of cash these days) who will keep working even harder to acquire top properties in Canada and keep the economy and his disability government pension going.



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  12. 3 minutes ago, The manic said:

    He is not an immigrant in Thailand.  He receives no welfare, housing, voting rights, rights to hold political office and does not receive citizen ship as do the parasites who are invading the West through stealth, falsehood and immigration.


    A native born Canadian born Mohawk has spoken.

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