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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. There are very few sugary treats I will avoid, but krispy kreme is one of them. It literally shuts my lungs from the amount of sugar they put in. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Hardie said:

    Roselle is common or 'nam krachiap' is common? 'You're conflating two different issues. 'Nam krachiap' is common, yes. That's why I was inspired to look for the dried flower. But dried roselle? I don't know. They aren't the same thing. One is a drink; the other is a flower, usually dried. I would hope that the drink is made from the dried flower, but I don't honestly know that, as it's a profession I'm not intimate with. Is every orange drink made with real oranges? Even if it is, that doesn't mean that the dried flower is available everywhere, nor that I could readily find it. It might be, but I doubt it: trade secrets.


    If you were drinking 'nam krachiap', then I'm not surprised it didn't lower your blood pressure, though that's a question I had, might've even tried that if beets weren't readily available at Big C. I bought all they had. Hibiscus tea, or even 'red zinger', made from dried roselle will definitely lower blood pressure, assuming it's high in the first place. It's well-proven scientifically, tested head to head with pharmaceutical meds. Sounds like your wife knows her 'yah samoonprai', ยาสมุนไพร, that's a good skill to have...



    Yes. The dried flower is very, very common.


    I can find it in every herbal store here in Bangkok. Also, every royal store (the stuff from royal garden) carries it. My cupboard is full of them from 4 years ago when I was buying them thinking it was magic.



  3. 14 minutes ago, xylophone said:
    Well anything outside of themselves and their close family, because nothing else seems to matter in their lives and they are not really interested in finding out what's outside of their self-imposed perimeters.
    My GF asked me why I was still very white and didn't go out in the sun, so I tried to explain to her that I had tried to get brown whilst working in the Sahara desert – – blank look.
    Dropped the "Sahara" and tried to explain what a desert was, another blank look and so on.
    I come from New Zealand and trying to explain exactly where that is by drawing a rough map of the world, is tantamount to trying to teach a goldfish how to ride a bike. And the amusing thing about this is that just about any Thai I have spoken to who asks where I come from and I say, "New Zealand" will nod knowingly. But asking location is a different story and if I say Finland (or any other "land") they will nod again.....
    I appreciate that the level of education for many everyday Thai people can be very minimal, however none that I have ever known have bothered to find out about anything which falls outside of their everyday events/life. And that was quite an eye-opener for me because my ex-girlfriend was university educated and had a degree, but that did not stop the blank looks from appearing whenever I tried to explain something.
    The best I could try to do, and something which seems to have worked here, is that I ask if they have seen the "Lord of the Rings" movies and tell them that this country is New Zealand (sorry, CGIs apart).
    Also pointless trying to discuss anything else happening outside of Thailand...……...


    You are doing it wrong.


    Try to make a Facebook connection somehow. Let's visit New Zealand teerak and make pretty instagram, photos. Also, mention that Steve jobs is from New Zealand and you will be shopping for an iPhone. Tell her that the best somtam you can buy outside Thailand is in Auckland. After trip she'll be able to at least point it on the map.

    • Haha 1
  4. My wife's family in the south grows mushrooms among many other fruits including rubber trees. They have been doing it for decades and no one ever expects to become a millionaire raising mushrooms only.


    Thing is, even today where they have tens of millions in land and bank account, they still choose to live relatively poor.


    Personally I don't understand, but to each their own, I guess.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    haha exactly... a clampdown 'quite a few years ago'...  and yet child pornography is still openly on sale - the authorities have done nothing to stop it.


    when you understand more about thailand you'll realise that just because the authorities say they will do something does not actually mean they will do anything.


    i dont need to report anyone as everyone knows it is on sale, and, sorry to repeat myself; the authorities do nothing.


    I have never, ever seen it on sale. I remember a lot of regular porn being sold at Pantip plaza years ago, but now I don't even see that.



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