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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 13 minutes ago, SbuxPlease said:


    I'm not sure it's in good faith to suggest that other people's actions are my fault or that I haven't learned a lesson in all of this. I'm taking ownership by trying to prevent it to happen to me again and hopefully as a warning to future entrepreneurs to be aware of this kind of thing. Obviously we're all learning as we go through life and despite lots of previous experience I didn't expect to need a counter plan for humans behaving quite like this when I came to Thailand. Now I know and will react accordingly. It's a shame that it needs to be done, I see it as a real dampening on the economy and if it's widespread, likely slows a lot business development down and in turn probably keeps many good jobs away from the country.


    I'm also not "insisting" on doing  business in a third world country. I gave it a try, some successes and some failures. It's been interesting. I'm not sure I'd recommend it. I have learned to hire more people from a culture I understand to work as contractors rather than in-country staff.


    You sound very optimistic and upbeat. This is a very nice quality in a country where laws are in place and people (mostly) play by the rules. Even if the rules are unfair, at least they are there.


    For the life of me, I don't understand how you didn't figure out the employees were related? Do you speak Thai? Did someone else do the hiring for you? Do you have a significant other here that would have helped you screen your employees?


    If not a secret, how much did you end up paying this girl? My wife works for Siemens and as you know this is a big international company that will employ in Thailand for the next decade. I don't know if it is comparable, but they pay their Thai engineers 70k baht. They do, however, offer various benefits and pension.


    Why wouldn't you do a startup back in the USA? Is it because it's more costly?




  2. It's your own fault for opening a startup in a third world country. What did you expect?


    Lessons learned? Obviously not, since you insist on doing business in a third world country. 


    However, I really do appreciate your honest post. This will be a lesson to many smart people reading in the future. I learned a lot of things before from Thai Visa before moving to Thailand by reading about other people getting burned, so fortunately I did not.



  3. 1 minute ago, Wake Up said:

    I know some guys in USA and Amsterdam that make a fortune on Air bnb. Mainly they buy houses and rent the whole house or room.  I have no beef with them. My only beef are with guys who want to do it with condos without first getting the ok from the condo association or owners or government. I can avoid a condo building that I know allows Air bnb and would not rent or buy there for any reason. Some of us are past the wealth accumulation days and just want a nice peaceful place to live along side long term neighbors or owners. You can’t have both Airbnb and that type of peace and quiet and security in the same building IMO. Someday the world will find a way to regulate Airbnb and it has it place like uber etc. But there are others like me than do not want this invasive species in their building and life. Hope you make your fortune and making money is exciting until one day it is not.  For some that one ending day never comes but for me it has . Best of luck to you.  ?



    The post was a joke, bud

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  4. 13 minutes ago, zig said:

    In my condo building some owners actually complained to police about their neighbors renting via Air bnb, a police raid followed, tenants were kicked out and the owners invited to police. I do not know what happened to them though.

    The condo management became much more strict about such rentals afterwards.

    Still, I have heard that it is not like this everywhere and in some places Air bnb rentals flourish so ... Good luck with making millions.


    Do you think the new higher end "egde" condominium will have these rules and will be taking people to police, or will it be free for all Chinese AirBnB buffet like they allow at "The Base"?



  5. 3 hours ago, Wake Up said:

    I have rented two condos in BKK. Both have security that meet unknown people with suitcases and not allow Air bnb customers. Some owners tried bribes to security but because most owners did not want Airbnb the bribes did not work. In my lease I write that if Air bnb customers are allowed in my building I can move out with one week notice. The two owners I rented from do not want Airbnb in their building also. They want one year tenants. 


    IMO I hope Airbnb is outlawed in Thailand in condo building unless they are designated as Airbnb friendly to warn potential long term tenants and owners. I hate your idea.  Open a hotel if you want to be in the hotel business. 


    Airbnb customers are loud and affect the quality of life of long term tennants and owners that live in their condo homes. 




    Until then I make millions.

  6. 36 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    A lot of these pensioners you mention have bought houses, cars, motorbikes etc when they first came here and taken Thai families out of poverty and gave many of them better lives, so now you are saying they wouldn't be a big loss? I think it is time you got a life and stop being so selfish.


    You contributed to Thai baht appreciation by doing exactly that. If someone from communist country like myself has to explain this to you then good luck.


    Tip of the day!


    Thousands of Brit, Arabs, Nigerians and Jews that are arriving daily to Pattaya are also contributing to the strength of Thai baht. Can your government compete with that? Maybe it could if it had pretty girls, but according to you western women are dogs, so what's a guy gonna do?


    Expect 10 baht to Aussie dollar in 10 years.

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  7. Lol.... get used to it. Expect the price of your "girlfriends" to keep going up along with your McMuffins.


    The baht is high because Thailand is a developing country and the economy keeps going at the higher rate than your "Western" countries that stopped producing anything 2 decades ago. The exchange is completely justified.


    My wife's job is practically guaranteed for the next 10 years because BTS/MRT keeps expanding, while in Canada they do research proposals for 4 subway stations that last a decade. A few months ago I did an example how how I lost $100,000 Canadian dollars in 4 years due to a strong Thai baht. So, what am I going to do? Should Thais be kept poor because some of you are complaining about the price of a bar-fine?


    The other day I was reading how some sexpat tefler was complaining about Cambodian currency not going up and putting his "retirement" at risk. Cry me a river!!! I guess people should keep being exploited, so you can retire in style in a 3rd world country.


    You guys make me cry..... from hilarity.


    • Thanks 1
  8. 14 hours ago, mark5335 said:

    Daily renting of condo rooms requires a hotel license in order to be legal. Otherwise, the minimum rental period per tenant per condo should be 30 days (and comply with your condo's own by by-laws approved by the co-owners).


    Time to have some serious talk with management at "The Base".


    By serious I mean a Wai, Savadee Khrap and how much for condo these days

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    You remind me of old days when people think that was easy to scam people your idea is just stupid 

    1. You can't rent a condo and after rent it out again 

    2. Why do you get stupid people to fall for your idea 

    3.if you need money better go back home work 

    4. Or make a proper business with all the necessary paperwork 

    5. 555 and 555


    I don't need negative people like u in my life. I found a way to propose my business idea on a crowdfunding platform, so even the initial investment will be free.


    And kebab and coffee shop sounds like a great idea. I can offer this service to discriminating tenant who otherwise shops at 7/11.


    God, I love Thailand!!!

    • Haha 2
  10. 4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Very unoriginal idea.  Not going to work.


    I have 2 new, fresh business concepts, but hesitant to share them here lest someone steal them prematurely.



    Actually some Chinese are doing just that.....or so I heard.

  11. 9 hours ago, poanoi said:

    bunch of nonsense, the fee is aimed at making foreigners pay a fair price

    for the tax subsidized service, only wrongdoing is my own  government

    dont follow the same principle and kick out the millions of freeloaders.


    why should a tax payer or state feed insignificant others ?


    So, should tax paying foreigners still pay a different fee? What about foreigners married to a Thai? I'm sure "your government" doesn't have a different pricing structure for foreign spouses.


    It doesn't bother me either way. I have a very low opinion of Thai hospitals, anyway.q

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

    That's a very offensive post. There is nothing 'fake' about anything I've written. I've been travelling to Thailand for a good many years (as well as various other Asian countries, India and W. Africa) and involved in various projects with the government (e.g. Thai MoD, OHEC etc) and several private companies - most recently AIS. I work for a branch of the UK government. I have an office and secretary in Exchange Tower. And yes, I do know lots of HiSo Thai people.

    If you'd like to PM me we can arrange to meet, I'll show you my credentials and you can think about whether you'd like to repeat your comments directly to my face.


    I wouldn't be able to repeat it because I can only offend people behind a keyboard and not in person.


    Anyhoo.... what was so offensive about my post? Didn't you offend just about every "Thai-Chinese" by calling them spoiled and lazy?


    Yet, me saying the same about bargirl struck a nerve?



  13. 1 hour ago, HauptmannUK said:


    I have been coming to Thailand for many years, working in Bangkok and associating with people in government and the business community.

    I dated a lot of girls - and since I can speak/read/write Thai the 'field' was pretty big. I never considered a relationship with a 'bar girl' and certainly never considered marrying one.

    I had two serious relationships. Both highly educated Thai-Chinese and from wealthy families. One was fairly senior at Thai Life insurance co., the other fairly senior at the company behind Terminal 21 etc. Their careers had progressed rapidly thanks to family connections.

    Over the months both girls turned out to be as shallow, dishonest and money-grubbing as the worst bar girl. They just had more money and an exaggerated sense of their status. They were both immature too, with frequent tantrums and mood swings - basically over-indulged and spoilt.  




    Wait.... this reminds me of an interview I saw on a popular teaching site that shall remain unnamed.


    I worked as a teacher in Bangkok for 100k a month, but....but.... I am so much happier in Isaan with  30k and no electricity.


    What really reeks of your post being fake is the "Thai-Chinese" connotation.....as if they are the only wealthy group in Thailand.... or the ones with decent jobs.


    You "associated" with people in "government" and "business community". How many of them got stuck with a short time girl? 


    That's right. Come back under another user name and try again.....



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