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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 41 minutes ago, Chrisdoc said:

    Do you seriously expect people to believe that Thai taxi drivers never try to bargain a fare with you?

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I swear I never experienced this since I moved here.  Like I said before, 10 years ago it happened to me maybe 30% of the time, but I guess I was an easy target with a huge backpack. I get my rides mostly from the airport, Ramkhamheang road, fashion island, Seacon, Mega Bagna, and On Nut.....4 years on it didn't happen once the taxi driver didn't turn the meter on. Swear.




    I don't speak thai, but I do always give my location in Thai.

  2. 1 minute ago, Chrisdoc said:

    Farung should have negotiated the fare before-either meter or amount. He has been here for two years must be pretty dumb to not know that. 


    What are you on about?


    I sit in the taxi and the guy puts on the meter. Every single time.


    The last time I had not someone turn the meter on was when I was a tourist staying in Khao San Road

  3. 21 hours ago, scorecard said:



    Stop some Japanese folks in the street (except usually for high schools kids) and they will run away, 




    Yes, 100% true. My French, non threatening girlfriend almost started crying when she asked a few girls her own age for directions and they just run away. This was on the middle of Shinjuku in broad daylight. This was after our trip to Thailand where everyone was so friendly. She just couldn't understand. I think she took getting scammed at KSR better than this.

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Tofer said:

    Having looked at this Instagram link, I am at a total loss as to why a guy with, what looks like, a comfortable enjoyable life and family would throw it all away for a totally mindless small time robbery and brutal assault....


    Because only psychopaths always put the best face for the crowd...especially on social media these days.  My dad was beating mom silly, but when they were together in public, everything was always so perfect.



  5. 23 hours ago, clokwise said:

    Without children my wife and I are free to travel wherever and whenever we want. We are free to live wherever we want. And we have a lot more time and money to to do whatever we want.


    Friends and family have accused us of being selfish for choosing NOT to have children. We keep hearing "but kids are so cute" and "you'll never understand or experience such love" and "who's going to look after you when you're old" - those are actually selfish reasons TO HAVE children, but it's near impossible for people with children to acknowledge or understand that. Those with children lose at least 20 years of their young lives devoted to raising their children when they could have been fully enjoying their life or working to make the world a better place.


    The climate is rapidly headed for disaster and it would be heartbreaking to know that my children are going to live in a world torn apart by the multitude of effects of climate change and over population, possibly even horrifically dying as a direct result.  MY wife and I are wealthy enough to be able to look after ourselves into our old age, and we have dogs, which are at least as cute and loving as any human child. We didn't choose to be born, so the least we can do is not make things worse by creating even more humans.



    The guy that told you that you have all this freedom because you rely on other people procreation is absolutely correct. The reason you are "wealthy enough" is because other people chose to procreate. 


    Canada is a perfect example of that. They are in business of importing migrants for this very reason and because of this my 2 condos keep raising in value.


    I don't have or want kids myself, but at least I'm not being a hypocrite writing how people who want one are selfish...or even worse make a comparison to dogs who's sole purpose is to exchange affection for food.


    I think you should be ashamed of your hypocrisy.

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  6. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    I am not religious in any way and there are certainly many who abuse their positions within all religions.  However religious belief is a driving force throughout the world 


    I am an atheist myself, but I agree with you there. Religion is simply a step in human evolution. Nothing would have been built and we wouldn't have civilization if there was no religion. 

  7. 11 hours ago, saakura said:

    It seems to me that it is only the foreigners in Thailand who are angry and frustrated over Mr.P's power grab and all that he has done over the last few years to extend it. 


    Not just this. Road deaths, accidents, violence, raping monks, etc...


    I learned long time ago (as a kid really), that you can't change people, but westerners think it's possible for some reason. Explains why many of them are stuck with bar girls.


    Waiting for confused and sad reactions now...

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  8. On 4/11/2018 at 5:59 PM, tingtongtourist said:



    doesn’t earn close to or more a six figure salary per month, doesn’t at least have a bachelor from a reputable educational institution, doesn’t own a car and a condo, cannot hold a conversation about anything slightly more complex than what to eat



    i must ask, where on Earth (other than in the imiginary world of a Thaivisa member) do you find this thai lady ?


    six figure salary?? lol and own condo and car lol


    In 10 years i have met countless farang here,  and NONE have a partner like this.


    if you have, then great for you but theres 2 majour problem with your scenario:


    1. 90% of farangs dont have access to this kind of lady. you think you gonna find em on dating sites? lol

    2. Any Thai lady like this AINT gonna want a farang. if they have all those things they are usually arrogant and have

    Thai thinking:

    will not lower themself to be with a farang and prefer a Thai guy of the same stature.


    also just to add, the girl like you descibe sounds good but is many times more dangerous to farangs. why?

    -they are a lot smarter in how they fleece you.

    -most guys cannot say no to them.

    -they expect to live the like of a starlet. you will be broke in no time.


    and about splitting the bill..lol..it doesnt matter how rich they are, a lady like that will not tolerate a farang that " go dutchy" and ask half the bill.





    I gotta be honest here bud. I had better luck with Thai women he described back in Canada than here in Thailand. Fact, no Thai woman of that status would give me 2 seconds of her time. My wife's not that bad, she earns 40k (plus bonuses) a month and has a house that she owns before I met her. Now a woman earning 100k a month in this country she would have to be a really successful business woman or a surgeon at bumrungrad....I dunno.


    I definitely lowered my standards, but to be honest @ 44 and numerous health issues I'm not exactly a great catch.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Jabers said:


    i agree. its sad that there are people that dont like something and spend all their time on an old man forum arguing against it.

    i dont like toyotas, but i dont spend my life collecting thousands of post on forums arguing with people that like that.


    its pathetic it really is.


    i have found that most the people so negative about it, are the people that are mad at themselves for not buying in early because they know they missed their chance at millions. and now they are so pissed about missing the chance all they can do is try to fight it and hope it never rises anymore just so they can feel better about themselves


    Nope. I don't spend all my time on old man's forum (lolz) trying to justify the chance I missed on crapto. This is literally my fifth post on the subject. Anyhooz, even if I bought it at 2 bucks and held it all the way to 10k, I'd still think it's a scam. But I didn't and neither did you. Most of you guys are day trading satoshis at whatever price level and loving those fiat. Maybe you are making some money on spreads, but to me the risk is too big....and it's not even because I think bitcoin is garbage, it's because of vulnerable and unregulated exchanges that get hacked daily. Add to that the unlimited government and bank regulations, there's no chance in hell I'd touch this with a 10 foot  pole Nong Nat was rubbing herself with.


    Anyhow.....why does my opinion bothers you so much? Is it because  betcoin crashed worse than US real estate back in 2008?



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  10. 1 hour ago, phycokiller said:

    I think troll is the word, you even got a reply from one I see. by the way, for all the trolls out there, a record one trillion dollars worth was traded in just one hour yesterday, and the price went up so they were mostly buying in. seems the institutional investors and the experts they employ arent able to see through the scam as well as the trolls here. oh well


    Dead cat bounce :)

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  11. 42 minutes ago, jesimps said:

    What are you even doing on this forum? You say "Whata life" and yet here you are, not even a crypto trader spending your life arguing about cryptos. At least the traders are here to share their views, TA and maybe pick up a few trading tips.

    Be truthful, you're one of these strange people, all forums have them, who become orgasmic over knocking whatever it is that the majority posters are interested in.

    I regard you and one or two others on here as sickos.


    Oh, look....a group of people behind this Ponzi decided to bid up bitcoin a bit, so we got a poster getting his confidence back and blasting posters who see through this scam.


    Post a screenshot of this.

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