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Posts posted by theguyfromanotherforum

  1. 30 minutes ago, Matptg said:

    nope, you're wrong. This decision will make it together


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just say rich Thais don't like to work?


    Is your girlfriend the same?


    She will expect you to be the "leader" if you know what I mean. You should google the word because that's what better off Thai women will use instead of support.


    I had a pretty well off Thai woman in Canada. She still expected me to be the "leader". She dumped me and I'm sour grapes, but I noticed that her husband now is some failed real estate agent and surprise, surprise.... she is a real estate agent too. Sorry, but I am in no business getting someone a job. Good riddance, after all, I guess.


    Anyhoo.... I completely understand the rest of your post. I am originally your poorer neighbor from the east of Italy with the same mentality. Bangkok is a joke, but there is something that keeps me here..... the mess....the hypocrisy..... the life. I like the noise unlike the boring, suicidal life in Canada. You being from Italy, you don't have to go back to Canada, but I do. You're lucky.



    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, gerry1953 said:

    What is important is they are decent people, not lazy, respectful, and without high expense vices like drugs, alcohol and gambling.


    Blah, blah, blah..... non lazy, respectful people don't ask for money.

    • Sad 2
  3. 2 hours ago, ev1lchris said:

    My optimal situation is where I have a handful of really good clients and I just work for them remotely while traveling the globe.


    yes. #meetoo


    However, the reality is quite different.


    I'd venture to guess most digital nomads are living of their parents allowance while getting paid $100-$200 a moth with their  youtube and blogging experiments.


    There's one very young guy in Hua Hin... I think he is a video game tester and makes well over 100,000k ($US) a year, however, this is a job he brought from United States.... not something he found while dicking around Thailand.


    I have also set up my business in Canada and brought it over. I did it for a few years while still paying tax back home and stopped....as there are "trust" issues once you cross over to a third world country. I'm not saying what I did.... it's with computers but it's not programming.


    Anyhoo.... good luck. Like with everything, if you suck at work you won't succeed. 90% of people suck at their work.





  4. 34 minutes ago, rick99 said:

    OP here again.   She’s 24.  5years university. 39kg. Fantastic wife and will stick with the gym.  She works out harder than everybody but me.   The idea of increasing her weight with toned muscle will increase her curves and shape. She’s already gorgeous but too skinny.   Nice abs and shapely legs and butt will all be improved and maintained. I included the word “stubborn “ because she doesn’t listen  to my training suggestions (which are based on decades of workouts..) She would listen to an older experienced knowledgeable Thai role model....just about sets and weight amounts and proper muscle isolation techniques) .  It wouldn’t take long.  Actually after the last six days she already looks toned.   But she needs to increase fat and protein... etc.    sorry no bedroom aerobics needed yet but gee thanks for the kind and thoughtful offers.  LOL. We own a second place at the Base.  Perhaps I should simply ask for a thai wife (who’s into fitness )come show her a bit and then grab lunch together.  She doesn’t need any motivation to lose fat or workout.  Just proper techniques in thai.   Thanks for all the suggestions.   


    Seems like you got a pet. Keep improving her and she'll find another owner.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    I don't see that. Seemed like she was being polite to him by answering and declining his unwanted advances. He was a pest. Who by the way does not sound British to me either. 


    Not sure what his angle is.


    He is selling content on YouTube and Patreon. 


    For as low as 27 a month you can get a hidden content on how to pickup prostitutes on Tinder.


    There is even a picture of one of his bargirls on patreon with a certain picture in the background.


    The guy is as dumb as they come.


    Must be pretty embarrassing to be outwitted by a Thai girl in his own "native" language. Is it even English? 



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  6. 7 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    This ruling has now been changed in many Japanese cities as they probably realised they were fighting a battle they weren't going to win. And this is in a country where the law is enforced rather more strongly than Thailand.


    This ruling can be challenged, but every building has the right to ban AirBnb and short term rentals. I know in Toronto short term rentals are allowed, but in my building and many others downtown rentals under 6 months are not allowed. Hence the guests are stuck staying in houses, shared rooms, ghettos and undesirable locations.

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