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Posts posted by seville

  1. Hi there Guys and Gals,

    Where are the good places to stay in Khoa Sok, Sarrat Thani. :o

    I've been saying I'm going to go there for ages and I'm going for sure when I get back in March.

    Thanks for any information.

  2. In Thailand most Buddhists won't put down stray dogs, ailing dogs, etc. They believe it's better to let the animals live out their lives in the ripeness of their own karma/vipaka. For people from societies where dogs are regularly 'put down' it may seem inhumane, but it's the way it is.

    Well on KPN, the powers that be have been known to put out food laced with possion in it and let both Strays, Pets and other animals die a painful death.

    A bullet to the head makes a lot more sense to me.

    PAC is doing great things and there is a Vet on Koh Samui who will spay a dog for about 1,200 baht. You can get it done cheaper at Pac, but sometimes they are really booked up.

    What a few of us have started to do on Had Tien is try and get all the female dogs fixed. TNP is much bigger, but if you go around and ask people to donate towards getting certain dogs fixed, it's a start. Tryin to get the dog breeding at Central Cottage to stop would be the first place I'd go.

  3. Why would the thread be closed if people were to start talking about prostitution?

    Rainx has some interesting points, but It's referred to the oldest profession for a reason. Stopping forced prostitution and abuse can best be done if it's made legal.

    Can you tell I live near San Francisco. But I believe this for not only America, but other countries as well.

    Didn't Thailand consider this at one point not to long ago?

  4. Don't worry Lovesun. There are a very small amount of people that live on the islands on this board and I'm sure there are more people on Samui that love it and accept it's flaws then are screeming to get out.

    I can only imagine what these fellas do all day, since they seem to be making postings all over this site in many different sections. Complaining about everything.

    My guess is that they need to get up off their butts and a get some excercise.

  5. I don't know where you are or if you have ever been to the island Lovesun, but the OP, has never been to the island before. Everything SBK says is true.

    Most people can't get to Thongsala their first time w/o crashing thier motor bike, sober in the day time.

    Most tourists staying in Had Rin all have lovely white bandages adorning their loverly red skin. :o

  6. The Half Moon and Black Moon parties can be a lot more fun truth be told. They are smaller.

    The music is a personal choice thing, but becuase they are smaller you don't get as many punters. Don't be foolish and drive yourself by motor bike.

    You are always better off going with a car that is owned by the bungalows that you are staying with.

    You can find the dates on any of the Koh Phagnan Websites. The Black Moon Location is really cool. They lay out is really well done and it's just a cool vibe.

    I've never been to Half Moon.

    Be safe and be smart and your sure to have a good time.

  7. That had nothing to do with big waves, the boat capsized because 1) it was overloaded 2) it had been illegaly modified and 3) the boat drivers were racing their boats in the dark at high speeds.

    Many people seem to fail to understand this, those girls would have drowned regardless of whether or not there were a FMP. They drowned in the middle of the day several days before the party. It could just as easily been Chaweng or any other beach in the world.

    Absolutly correct SBK

    For those of us who have seen how rough the the waves can get on that side of the island one would ask, "What in God's name where the girls thinking?"

    I have lived on islands most of my life and near a body of Salt water for all of it. The stories about tourist doing foolish things on vacation is a World Wide accurance.

    The Boat that capsized, same thing. " What the hel_l were those people thinking getting on a boat that was clearly, overloaded."

    Now, the boat owner and Captain deserved to be punished and were I think.

    The government didn't close down the beach right after those girls drowned, did they? NO. I'm with SBK on this one all the way.

  8. The Thai Forestry Dept. are I think, who you would call. However, getting the baby taken away from her owner may be a trick.

    I would try contacting one or both of the following Wildlife Rescue Centers. One is strickly for Elephants as you will see.

    Sadly if you think the baby Elephant is sad, she more then likely is. Elephants do show emotion. I've volunteered at both of the centers listed below. Edwin at wfft is fairly easy to get a hold of.

    The more complaints by concerned people the better the chance to get the baby off the street, but finding out where the mother is also important. I'd call and talk with Edwin on what the best approach is.



  9. This would also be my basic understanding of the reason behind the female desire for a faithful partner. In all honesty it is an understandable concern, and one i can appreciate. Some of the talk on this thread about it being the lack of honesty, rather than the action itself, i find hard to really believe. Of course, the lieing is dissapointing, but i bet there are very few women here who would be cool with it if their partner turned round and told them honestly, beforehand, of their intentions.

    Don't be so sure of this. I think most women would prefer to hear about it before hand. Being, " cool with it", as you say, well no. I don't think most women would say, "okay honey, go out and have a nice time."

    I don't feel a man who is not monogomous is immuture, he is simply not monogomous. People that aren't monogomous and they know who they are; should not enter into marriage. Unless the person they are marrying knows that they are going to have other lovers.

  10. Growing up here in HK, it is perceived by people here(me included) that the west is more open and casual with this matter.

    It depends on where you grow up in the West, Religion and a number of other factors. Also, when you are not married having many partners, one at a time for most, is acceptable. After you get married, it's different.

    The West is certainly more critical of someone who spends time visiting prostitutes.

    If the lady is sleeping with all and sundry, then the man runs the very real risk of failing to pass his genetic information on, from a biological point of view this is a catastrophe for him. His need to be able to trust his partner is significantly greater or else he may unwittingly end up in a situation where he raises another mans child. This situation is not uncommon.

    I think this holds a lot of weight. My guess is that if you ask a man, " why is it you feel it's okay for you to fool around, but the idea of your wife fooling around incites you?" Often the reply would be, "I don't'know, it just does."

    There are also plenty of men who see their wives as the mother figure. She is to be pure to some degree. The idea of acting out a sexual fantasy with her would somehow degrade her and the like.

    I myself have never been married and have told many of my boyfriends that I, like many women have already stated only feel right being with one man at a time.

    I have cheated on two boyfriends. Both times it was with ex-boyfriends that I got back together with right after.

    With some men, I have been perfectly fine with them seeing and sleeping with other women. However, if I ever find a man that I decide to marry and he has an affair I'm sure I will be crushed. If married and he approaches me before he goes through with an affair, at least we would have time to talk about what it is that he sees in this person and if this is something that is going to threaten our realationship. I would have a chance to prepare myself for my for the next move.

  11. I know a few lads that do cheat, but they always seem to justify that its just a one off and means nothing. I love my wife/gf. I then ask them well did you tell your wife/gf - oh I could never do that they would leave me.  I then ask well if you think its ok for a one off then its ok for your wife/gf to do the same. The answer is oh no I wouldn't like that and if she loved me she wouldnt cheat on me. 

    What is that... I mentioned this before. It blows me away that men have this dbl standard and I say men because most women who are okay with an open realationship are just that.

    Maybe, it goes back to the Alpha Male idea and that's just how these guys are built.

    Honesty of who you are is always the best choice. If your lying your partner will always know. Women always know when their man is cheating and we are a sneaky lot, we'll catch ya. :o

  12. Wow Steve!! I just went to your website the shots of the lighting are wonderful.

    Nice to know your on the island.

    Hey what do you know about Solar? My Thai friend and an Aussie guy I know say the chap in Thongsala is good. I want to have my space running on solar by 2007.

    I'll be sure to look you up when I'm ready to build again.

  13. I'm with SBK all the way. Watch out GirlX Full Moon Party is moving to Thong Nai Pan next month.

    I agree with the republic of KPN Steve, but frankly tell all my Thai friends NEVER TO SELL THEIR LAND. Long term leaseing is where it's at.

    I'm heart broken with what going on over on TNP Noi.

    Your not part of KP properties are you?

  14. Seville..... how could anyone know that they were thinking of an affair before meeting someone? Nobody has a crystal ball in life.....

    Fast Eddie replied, but I will too.

    1. You could be feeling unsatisfied in your realationship or feeling like perhaps you want to act on a sexual fantasy that does not involve your partner.

    2. You meet someone and feel like you want to explore what you are feeling, but are in a realationship.

    There are more, but you get the idea.

  15. So many posters in the last 24 hours.

    The rulers of England could only have one wife, but most had many lovers.

    I would say that women use their sexuality as a tool or sometimes a reward, there for giving it a higher value in a woman’s eye’s.

    I agree and I'm a women. It is so obvious, look at the fashion and cosmetic industry. I live in Califoria!! Last night, I was listening to the list of things that two 20 something girls wanted to save up money to have done to themselves. Treatments that I'd never even heard of. Your looks and sexuality for a women are huge and women in power no it.

    Morality is subjective, right. I think we can all agree that breaking an agreement and not be honest with the person is wrong, in most cases. It's wrong to harm another being, just for the sake of doing it. Things like this.

    Is it wrong to go out and have sex with as many people as you can?

    Well to me, no.

    Is it wrong to go out and have sex with as many people as you can, knowing that your partner is not okay with that? YES

    women are TAUGHT in the west, that men are supposed to chase the women. DON"T BLAME US, I find it as limiting as you do !!!!

    Hmmm ... I don't agree. I think men and women are told that they are not supposed to be with more then one person at a time and that if they do seek out and affair with someone else, the should NEVER tell their partner.

    If we break things way down to the level that we are all animals.

    Primates and other pack animals, generally an Alfa Male that mates with the females in the group.

    Solitary animals that only come together to mate and then the females goes off on her own.

    And a very small group, such as Orcas and Elephants, that one female is the leader of the group.

    I think we as humans naturally fall into one of these 3 catagories and that our abilty to think and that we are more emotional then say a Dolphin, give us the oppertunity to have those life long realationships.

    But a never ending, life long partnership that is based on trust and all the juicey things that most of us want, is rare. If you are lucky enough to share that type of connection with someone it is such a gift.

    But most of us are lucky if we have a good 10 years with the same partner and that is also a gift.

    For Humans I think the best you can do for yourself and others is to be honest and try and live by what you know in your heart is right for you, even if that means you have to let another person down. I'd would much rather have my lover tell me before he has an affair that he is thinking about it, then to have him tell me after it has begun.

  16. Hey GirlX,

    Where else did you post this topic. I'd like to see what others had to say.

    I find it a really good topic. Especially for someone who is an outsider and knows that they will never really be accepted or treated the same as a local.

    Did you get more responses from Thai people in other places?

  17. I can't speak for all the sections in the forum, because I only tend to read posts in a hand full, but I don't think the average poster on Thai Visa blame the Thai people for the mishaps that happen to Farangs.

    I think most of us think that the Farang was not using common sense and got caught up in a bad situation. The comments on this topic show that.

    I must say though again, I tend to make comments in sections that I have an interest in. Being that this happened in Samui etc.

    I think most of us that live in the Gulf, blame the tourist for being stupid not the Thais, but maybe in other sections it's different.

  18. I would hope that the average married man would not cheat on his wife.

    I'm sure there have been all kinds of polls taken concerning that and maybe someone has the data.

    I do however, think that if you are a man who has thought about cheating on your partner while in the west and have not yet acted on that impulse; that you are more likely to go through with the impulse to cheat in a country, such as Thailand.

    In my opinion, women are naturally more monogamous then men.

    For what ever the reason I think this is true.

    The society you are raised in is going to dictate a lot of your behavior. There are a lot of people out there that just see sex as sex and makeing love as something different.

    However, most of the people out there that see sex as just sex are men. I also think that the average Western Man isn't secure enough in his realationship to say to his wife, " You know, I really want to have sex with ... and I don't want to hurt you, but I don't think this impulse is going to go away."

    And Lovejoy you are absolutely correct, women can go out and pretty much pick a guy out of a crowd and go have it off with someone with out too much trouble.

    Very few women make a habit of this and if they do, guess what? Why not get paid.

    I think trust and insucurity do go hand in hand. The OP is not married and perhaps at that stage in her realationship that she is wondering why her Boyfriend has not asked her to get married. I'm just projecting here.

    A move such as this is going to test their realationship on all kinds of levels and is very well going to be the place where they decide if they will get married or part ways.

    The one that really gets me is that it's okay for the man in a realationship to have more then one women, but if he finds out his wife is cheating on him, look out!!!

  19. Interesting, but I think the business owners and the party planners are far too clever to let the government shut things down all together.

    My guess would be the Black Moon, Paradise, Half Moon and all the Bar Owners that have DJ's once a week will staff up and hand out flyers to come and party at their places the night of full moon.

    Shuting down Full Moon also affects Samui, so my guess is that, try as they may they won't be able to shut the party down.

    Remember when they tried to close ALL the bars down at midnight or what ever it was.

    It will be interesting to hear how it all went. How can you stop all the bars from playing loud music.

    I'm sure Becki will have a full report soon.

  20. Lovejoy I think you make a good point, but I don't think it's so much that we have low opinions of males.

    I personally think most Westerners are brought up to believe that you find a partner, you are supposed to get married and be faithful.

    This is what is the accepted behavior in there society dictates.

    A man or women, considering cheating has their own sense of guilt to deal with and the knowledge that the society they live in does not support them in having affairs or visiting prostitutes.

    Then they arrive in Thailand...

    All the rules have changed, for the men. Their Thai Boss has two mia nois, his co-workers are telling him all the spots they go to have a good time with beautiful women and it's all very normal and not hush hush like back home.

    I'm not saying it is okay to break your commitment to someone, BTW.

    I think it is far more tempting in Thailand, mainly because it is accepted in Thailand and to take it a step further it is accepted even more in Polite Society then the lower classes.

    Having a Mia Noi is considered a sign of means in Thailand.

  21. Boo, let me just say that I value you and your experiences. I personnally do not see how one can seperate a generalisation used by a person and their opinion.

    You have stated that you can, I respect that. I wasn't trying to read anything into what you said. I had a reaction to how you worded what you said and made the choice to make you and Seonoi aware that, "to me," things came across a certain way and it would seem that I'm not the only one who got the same kind of reaction.

    By you putting, "whatever," at the end of your sentence in your last post, puts across a hostile tone. By making the choice of using the word stupid does the same thing.

    Next time some mysoganist posts with the all "American women are....(add insulting generalisation here)". I'll let it stay?
    That's up to you. I often find myself wanting address these types of comments, but then think to myself, "What's the point."

    I chose to post what I did, because I wanted to give GirlX some validation and to just bring to your attention that I had a reaction to your comments. Because I do, find you to be a good poster and do value your opinions, I thought I would bring it up.

    It's exactly the same thing IMO, I don't let it through about western & thai women in this section so why is it easy game for the whole nation of thai people?

    I don't really follow what your saying here.

    Yours in understanding,

    Seville :o

  22. (not locals- especially in TNP

    Here's an example of what Boo was talking about. Most of the Big Bosses on TNP are local Thai people and the people working 10 hours a day are from other areas.

    The guys you see working a few hours a day here and there, the ones playing cards all day, the guys who are raising fighting cocks etc. are the locals from KPN.

    Then there is a hand full of older men in their 60's that you see bouncing back and fourth between Noi and Yai and they are the ones really calling the shots.

    My ex. is from one of the BIG KPN families. Because of that fact, he gets away with everything. It took me a very long time to understand why all the Thai people let him run around like he is a prince, then I realized that on KPN he is a prince.

    His family is one of the original families who settled the island. The old saying, "it's who you know, not what you know," is for sure applied on KPN. When ever I would walk up to get a Taxi, the guys who knew who I was would let the other drivers know. I always thought it was strange, but then I realized they were warning them not to mess with me in case it got back to my boyfriend.

    Hey SBK, what are locals from KPN called? You said the locals from Samui are Chao Mui.

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