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Posts posted by seville

  1. " Women cannot touch monks because women are regarded as unclean."

    Where are you coming up with this one? How about Women don't touch Monks, so the Monks aren't tempted to break the vow of celibacy.

    Where do hang out soi Nana? What's the saying for a man dying of Aids?

    Sorry to go off, but I truely find this type of thinking to be so offensive. :o

  2. First off the op is in America not Thailand and her boyfriend is in the states as well, right?

    I think this says a lot.

    Enjoy your new realationship and follow your instincts. My guess is all the negative posters had Thai

    Boyfriends in Thailand.

    At 36 living in America, my guess is;

    He worked his butt off to get here or was lucky and came over with his family.

    Has an above average education then many Thai people.

    And understands that American women are not going to tolerate thier men having more then one girlfriend.

    I think Thai men are much more attentive to their women and follow their hearts much more then American men. All stated before. I'm sure he is a lovely person. Enjoy your time with him.

  3. Doonagirl,

    I'd give them a lot of space, a lot. Like maybe have your holiday somewhere else in the Kingdom and let him come see you there.

    If the baby is his, he is going to be dealing with situation for the rest of his life and things are going to be indeed messy. Britmaveric is right.

  4. I use to have that fear, but now that I've hit 40 it doesn't bother me as much. I would love to find that special someone, but really enjoy not having to consider someone else when I want to take my life in a certain direction.

  5. Maybe I should have worded that differently.

    Western women tend to be more experienced and less inhibited then Thai women.

    The guy claimed that he has done a bit of research on the matter. Speaking to a lot of men and women on the subject of sex and is thinking about writing a book about the Western Female/Thai Male realationship, because there isn't one out there and a ton of books about WM/TF realationships.

    His findings make a lot of sense to me.

  6. Well here is something that I think is different in Thai Men then in Western Men.

    I don't think Thai Men are as guarded with their feelings number one.

    If this is his first time dateing a Western women, he has all kinds of new things going on and more then likely finds her fascinating.

    Then there is the sex, as one of the posters on here brought up to me once; Western women are far better in bed then Thai women. He is in rapture with her charms and that she is giving of herself so freely.

    He's in love and wants the feeling to last forever.

    He knows she's a good girl and if she is having sex with him, she must be ready to get maried.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to enhance your life by being with someone either. Many Thai women want to be with Westerners to have a better life. I would love to find a nice Thai man to make it easier for me to stay in Thailand and build a home.

  7. Since I've only spent any real time in the south I'm with SBK on this one.

    :o what to add to the list...

    I agree with everything SBK says, BTW.

    Ask around about the guy before you go out with him.

    Ask him if he's married or has any children, right off. Maybe ask more then once.

    Don't pay for anything until you've dated for a while.

    Always except food if he offers it to you.

    Expect things to go really slow and know that you are going to have to bend to his culture more then his to yours.

    Don't be offended if he doesn't introduce you to people, especially as his girlfriend.

    Don't be affectionate in public or expect him to be.

    This goes for all men, but especially Thai, don't expect him to go emotionally deep with you. If he loves you, you'll feel it. He is more then likely not going to be extremely expressive on how he feels.

    Thai people are shy in general. A quality I adore about them especially the men. :D

  8. Hi SBK,

    I'm counting down the days, I'll be there on the 24th of March. I will stop in and see you. I have to try your ahan mexican. I was being general and really addressing how things are in TNP. I'm sure you know, that it's a whole different world out there compared to other parts of the island.


    There is a nice post about your place on the Phagnan Info. site

    Keep your eyes and ears open for # 28 :D

  9. Bulmercke,

    What was your point about posting this story? I think it is terrible that these two guys got jumped, but this type of thing could happen anywhere.

    It struck a nerve in me because I live on the island that it happened on and I was wondering about the comment saying the police are corrupt. The men were on vacation, had never been there before and yet, they didn't bother to go to the police and report these guys, even though they knew who they were.

    I can't say what the out come would have been, but I have found the police on KPN to be very helpful.

    And jumping two tourists would have been taken very seriously in my opinion. So for those of you out there who are hearing all these horror stories, please understand that the number of people that have nothing but a wonderful time on KPN, far out numbers the stories such as this.

    P.S. Yes, there are corrupt cops on the island mostly extracting money from tourist caught with drugs. But if you consider the Thai Laws concerning drugs...

  10. There are so many factors to think about when being on the outside looking in, especially if you live some place like TNP. That's a rowdy bunch of guys out there and I know that Western women and Thai have to reel their fellas in a lot. Between the snooker, the cock fighting and now the boxing stadium it's going to be a real nightmare for a lot of women.

    The biggest thing I see is that the western women don't try and bond with each other, can't bond to the Thai women and are left kind of hanging out to dry with no support other then their Thai partner.

    I think that you see a lot of Western women/Thai men realationships failing because the women jumped in way too fast, having some kind of pie in the sky expectation. I myself having been one, I think this is common. If you meet your guy in Thailand you are playing by Thai rules, better learn what the the rules are before you start dating.

  11. Hi Girlx

    Been away for awhile and only tend to be on TV when in the States. To answer your question, Nicky is the women who is teaching at Sin & Oy's. Her classes are very good. She has mats and everything and

    was charging 100 b. a class, which is half the price of all most anywhere on the island. She started teaching at Honey :o . She and her husband Paul have been spending the winter on TNP for over 10 years and are both lovely people.

  12. do you disagree with that seville? if so you have got to be naive... i mean how much time have you really spent with these bar boys anyway? i did not take issue with them for having too many girls, it's simply their lifestyle. their lifestyle often also includes: drinking, selling drugs, gambling, fighting, lying, stealing, etc. it does not lend to their being good boyfriends. and to be honest, only maybe 2 or 3 of them would i refer to as "good guys" either. up to you if you don't think so.

    Never gave an opinion about anything, just an observation of what I know to be true of young men that work in tourist areas. And pointed out why I made the comment.

  13. Thanks for your response and also for the offers of help. I have learnt my lesson, albeit the hard and costly way. I did finally receive a reply from Phangan-info, apologising for our Bad Experience and they would look into our claims. They added that the resort would be taken off their Recommended list but as to date this has not happened, also that no other contact had been received from myself.!!!!

    By the way the Kayaking is advertised in the restaurant there on a huge sign.... as is fishing, boat trips run directly by the resort and not outside operators..

    Anyway, we are back home now, and looking forward to returning to Phangan. Thank you to everyone wh made our stay a welcome one and to all the advice we received.

    Next time check in with here first!!! SBK is on the island full time, as you know, and her place is very sweet, close to everything and on the sunset side of the island and the sea is calm for little ones.

    I'm there part time and just LOVE helping people find places that will make them happy. Girlx is on

    Thong Nai Pan, which I think is great for families that want to spend most of there time on the beach, kicking back. TNPyai is flat almost all year, has Kayaks to rent and I love most of the Thai people that run the resorts there. I use to live there. If the sea beyond the bay is calm you can paddle to Than Sadat, go to the water fall there, have lunch and paddle back. It takes less then 30 minutes to Kayak there.

    You may want to pack life vests for the kids though.

  14. who said anything about too many girlfriends? there are plenty of other things they do too that qualify the statement that they are bad boyfriends. :D must be kind of fun to be a bar boy though hey? they do love their lives for the most part.

    "yes farang girls will throw themselves shamelessly at you if you work in a beach bar, especially if you develop some trick like fire twirling or tatooing. however you will quickly tire of the brainless chitchat, the nights of too much drinking, the juggling of girls and resulting catfights, and the STDs. i suggest visiting a coffeeshop in banglamphu and just smiling at a farang girl you like. ask her how she likes your country and if there is anything you can answer for her about thailand. show her you are smart and friendly rather than a whore after her money or free sex. good luck."


  15. I must say I tend to lurk around the Phangan Sites to see if there is any interesting things going on and I have seen bad reviews of many of the places listed on The Phangan Info site.

    I would assume that the owners of the site read these posts, but maybe not.

    You would hope that someone running a site like this would check on the bungalows now and again to see if the standards are kept up, but that's not very practical.

    Also, as many of us know already, change can happen quick at these places and sometimes the whole staff changes and the quality goes down.

    I did not see anything about Kayak rentals on the site.

  16. Lived in heavly touristed areas most of my life and on average if your a guy and you work in a bar, you have lot's of girlfriends. It could be said that, that is one of the perks if your a guy.

    This is not just something that happens in Thailand. :o

  17. The U.S. is really hard to have Thai people come and visit. Get as much documentation as you can. Prof that he has been working W-2's and a letter from his employer will help, but the truth is you'll be very lucky to get him in the country.

    Me and my friends tried to get a friend of ours over for a visit and it didn't fly.

    Good luck to you.

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