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Posts posted by gomangosteen

  1. 1 hour ago, bamnutsak said:

    Do we ever see any follow-up on these charity spectacles?


    And why no follow-up on the money he "raised", for hospitals, running the length of the country in 2017?


    Rather uninformed cynical response when a five second search is available.

    Simply google "Toon bodyslam hospital donation". Well covered by national news in Thai and English, for example:



    Toon Bodyslam hands over 1.3 billion baht donation to 11 hospitals

    25 Feb 2018

    BANGKOK, 25th February 2018 (NNT) – Famous singer Arthivara Kongmalai, better known as Toon Bodyslam, presented 1.3 billion baht of public donations raised from the charity marathon run late last year to 11 hospitals to be used in the acquisition of necessary medical equipment.

    The donation was handed over to Maj Gen Nimit Samotharn, director of Phra Mongkutklao hospital, on behalf of a representative of the 11 hospitals at Rot Fai Park.

    The 1,300 million baht donation will be distributed to 11 hospitals as following: Phra Mongkutklao hospital 221 million baht; Khon Kaen hospital 143 million baht; Surat Thani hospital 136.5 million baht; Ratchaburi hospital 130 million baht; Chiang Rai Prachasongkroh hospital 110.5 million baht; Saraburi hospital 104 million baht; Yala hospital 91 million baht; Nakhon Ping hospital in Chiang Mai 91 million baht; Chao Phraya Yommaraj hospital 91 million baht; Chao Phraya Abhaiphubet hospital in Prachin Buri 91 million baht and Chao Nan hospital 91 million baht.


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  2. 5 hours ago, Lapun said:

    He must have taken the long or scenic route. According to Google Maps, the distance, as the crow flies between the points (as nominated in the Thaiger article) is 5.67km.


    Still, well done. Very good effort to swim that far & raise so much money.



    He swam back after a break where he was welcomed on the Laos side and met medical staff from the Laos hospital 


    "from the pavilion across the Mekong River to That Sikhottabong Temple in Khammouane."



    "6km, from Ban Na Muang in Laos back to the starting point in Nakhon Phanom province"



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  3. I've only had one instance of being questioned about work, when we lived in rural Sa Kaeo province 2009-10 I cut down a stand of mature trees, up to around 15-20m height. Had two to go when a policeman arrived, he was not interested in my working, just over what I was going to do with the timber, as there are restrictions on the sale of some varieties, permit required. It was being donated to local craftsmen, something for the temple; all ok. Basically a 'keep up the good work '.

    I renovated a classic style 2-level Thai farmhouse on the same property, attracted lots of attention from every 'expert' on my carpentry and painting skills. Lots of advice, but not much in the way of actual help. Never an issue with police. 

    No different here in Chanthaburi, I've been thanked for my work clearing and maintaining an area of no-man's-land behind our house for the last 4 years. Seems I'm now the only farang* in town (pop 9000) since Covid, guess it would be easy to point me out as an illegal worker I don't exactly blend in !

    * Note on above, off topic, there used to be several older (guess 70+) Dutch and German in our area, guess they went back to home countries when Covid hit, none have returned. Suppose this may have happened in many areas? We know one from UK has passed away he returned to England for better healthcare, sad.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, stoner said:

    this one is as stupid as they come. 


    you could literally deal weed on the same island out of your wives legal store. 

    you in the wrong drug business dumb dumb. 

    Stupid? He's well out of the braindead weed class.


    Already on his way to USA "quickly handed over to US authorities and deported from Thailand to face racketeering charges in the United States in short order." according to this report 


    Shane Ngakuru is the cousin of the worldwide leader of the motorcycle criminal gang The Comancheros which is active in organising huge drug shipments throughout the world. It is understood that Mr Ngakuru, who entered Thailand in 2020, is what is termed by international police agencies as a ‘super facilitator’ involved in negotiating huge shipments of illegal narcotics particularly methamphetamine for the crime syndicate led by Duax Hohepa Ngakuru who is known as the ‘international commander’ of the ruthless and violent drug syndicate and who is believed to have his headquarters in Turkey.







  5. 2 hours ago, swerve said:

    Well that's him gone from LOS for 10 years after a holiday at the IDC.  

    New Zealand does not have an extradition treaty with Thailand, seems unlikely they'll need to deport him as USA / FBI get him first, and a Thai news source claims he has already been handed over to the FBI:


    "The FBI considers Shane Ngakuru a "fugitive". If arrested and convicted in the United States he faces a maximum penalty of life imprisonment."

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  6. The NZ news version - full item at link:


    Comancheros member wanted in global drug sting arrested in Thailand
    Oct 19 2022


    The cousin of a Comancheros boss who has evaded police for a number of years has been arrested in Thailand on drugs charges.


    Shane Elwood Ngakuru has been named as a co-defendant of a number of people facing charges in New Zealand.


    Detective Inspector Paul Newman confirmed Ngakuru, who is also a Comancheros member, had been arrested in Thailand following a joint operation involving the FBI and Thai Police.



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  7. 29 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    Remember that far more Brits live, and holiday in Thailand than almost any other nationality, they're over-represented.

    Well off the mark there in terms of holidaymakers.

    The 2022 UK tourism figure to Thailand is 4.7%. Four-point-seven.

    For January to August 2022, UK tourist number is 204,231 from a total of 4,378,920.

    They make up 19.8% of the combined European total of 1,030,003.

    Perhaps not the contribution you expected? 





  8. 12 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Correct.  Time and cause of death need to be recorded. Not unusual at all.

    Essentially, requirement for producing a death certificate. For some of the adults killed,  the teacher and provincial admin office staff, may be covered by insurance through their employment.

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