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Posts posted by gomangosteen

  1. On 4/6/2021 at 6:31 AM, mstevens said:

    The New Zealand government is so ridiculously risk-averse with Covid that they would have a heart attack at the very suggestion of a travel bubble with Thailand. New Zealand cities go in to lockdown when there is more than one case of community spread of Covid. With Thailand reporting close to 200 new Covid cases yesterday i.e. in a single day, there is no way New Zealand would consider a travel bubble with Thailand until it has essentially eliminated Covid - and who can see that happening any time soon?


    I hate the term "fake news" but it comes to mind...


    "ridiculously risk-averse" and "cities go in to lockdown when there is more than one case of community spread"


    That has occurred twice, August 2020 and February 2021. With a total fatality rate of 26 I would rate the government's actions as being successful.

  2. On the Chanthaburi coast between Laem Sing and Chao Lao is the fishing village of Paknam Khaem Nu. Several resorts, a nice rest stop area at south end of the bridge, and Wat Paknam Khaem Nu - The Blue Temple










    Used as inspiration for a fashion show last week










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  3. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    What he heck are they transporting all those live cows that great distance for? Don't they have cows in China?


    I would have thought they slaughtered the cows in NZ and transported them that way. 



    Why were 6000 cattle at sea?

    Live animal exports bring in around $300 million a year and are an important part of our trading economy, as well as a source of income for rural communities, according to the Ministry for Primary Industries.


    For the countries receiving our livestock, New Zealand represents quality and the animals are sought-after for breeding. Exports of cattle, sheep, goats and deer for slaughter are banned.


    The Gulf Livestock 1, seen here coming into Napier Port, departed Napier on August 14 2020




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  4. Christchurch mosque attack sentencing: Brenton Tarrant will never be released from jail

    27 Aug, 2020 3:05pm

    He is a terrorist, an inhumane and wicked mass killer – a "monster" and "undoubtedly" New Zealand's "worst murderer".

    And now Brenton Harrison Tarrant will never be released from prison, spending the rest of his life behind bars without any possibility of parole.

    He has today been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole – meaning he will never, ever be freed.

    It is the first time in New Zealand history this sentence has been imposed.

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  5. Tributes to Kiwi teacher who died of heart attack in Cambodia

    July 07 2020


    The death of a Kiwi teacher living in Cambodia has shocked and saddened his former colleagues and students.

    Jill Pizer, who had worked with Robinson for the past four years at Future Bright International School, said he had been in Cambodia for 20 years and was living in Taphul village, Svay Dangkum town, in Siem Reap.

    "Dan was a dedicated teacher who always had the students best interests at heart,” Pizer said.

    Robinson was very popular with his students, and they were all saddened by his death, she said.


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  6. Absolutely. Ten baht maybe ten years ago, but I'm afraid tooth fairy rates have increased at a greater rate than inflation, I think peak rate may have been 50 baht which went into the moneybox then Omsin Bank


    Now I ask about claiming TF money back .... braces at age 14 and monthly fees. And I don't know if there's a tooth fairy later on for when I age and lose my own teeth?

    • Haha 2
  7. Singapore transit info:


    Singapore Airlines and Changi Airport introducing 'one-way transit' system for Australia, NZ travellers

    11 June 2020


    Singapore Airlines has announced a new 'one-way transit' system which allows passengers travelling out of the two nations to transit through Changi Airport onto any flight operated by the Singapore Airlines group, which includes SilkAir and Scoot.


    The one-way transit channel will allow those who wish to return home from Australia or New Zealand to do so in a COVID-19-safe manner.


    The transit system will only operate for north-bound travellers, so people in Aotearoa and Australia can use the Singapore Airlines network to return to their home country.


    It won't be available for south-bound Kiwis overseas wanting to get home.


    Customers must review all of the transit and travel requirements before booking, including whether they can legally depart Australia or New Zealand and whether they will be allowed entry at their country of arrival. 


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  8. Cambodia, not so simple


    Cambodian Health Ministry brings in $3,000 deposit for all foreign arrivals

    Asia News

    June 12, 2020 


    Any foreigner planning on entering Cambodia from 11 June will be required to pay a US$3,000 deposit as well as other fees relating to coronavirus testing.


    Cambodian Finance Minister, Aun Pornmoinroth, announced the decision following a request by the Ministry of Health to charge foreigners for all Covid-19-related expenses.


    The new requirements are in addition to the rules that require foreigners intending to travel to Cambodia to possess a health certificate issued less than 72-hours prior to departure stating the traveller is free of coronavirus, in addition to having a minimum of $50,000 health insurance.


    The Cambodian government has previously born the costs of screening arriving passengers and the medical treatment for those who test positive after arriving from abroad.


    All arrivals to Cambodia, whether locals or foreigners, must currently go to waiting centres and undergo a Covid-19 test. They must stay there until the results are clear, usually around 24 hours.


    Foreigners must now pay for all expenses, including US$5 for the transport between the border and a waiting centre, $100 for the coronavirus test, $30 for a day at the centre, and $30 for meals.


    To ensure all foreign arrivals pay the fees, $3,000 will be collected from visitors with the charges deducted from the deposit before it is returned.


    Anyone testing positive for Covid-19, everyone on their flight will need to undergo 14 days of quarantine, with foreigners required to pay $84 per day for the duration.


    Foreigners testing positive for Covid-19 have to pay $225 per day for hospital treatment.


    The Health Ministry added that a charge of $1,500 will be levied for cremation services in the event of death.

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  9. ^ most recent data I found



    By the end of 2017, Thailand reported suspected mined areas covering 391km2, of which 84% was located in seven eastern and northeastern provinces bordering Cambodia. Most of the rest was in Chiang Mai, bordering Myanmar, and in Pitsanuloke, on the border with Lao PDR. This was a decrease on the 422.61km2 of suspected mined areas at the end of 2016.


    North: Chiang Mai, Pitsanulok, Tak, Uttaradit

    Northeast: Buriram, Surin, Sisaket, Ubon Ratchathani

    East: Sa Kaeo, Chanthaburi, Trat

    South: Chumpon, Yala


    The greatest challenge to completion of Thailand’s Article 5 clearance obligations is the high proportion—around 90%—of remaining contamination located in border areas that are subject to demarcation disputes or are inaccessible due to insecurity.


    Operators in 2017: 

    TMAC’s four Humanitarian Mine Action Units (HMAUs)
    Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
    Thai Civilian Deminer Association (TDA)



    Thailand released a total of 30.98km2 in 2017, 10% more than the previous year. As in previous years, Thailand’s main focus remained on survey, seeking to define a realistic estimate of contamination and avoiding wasteful use of clearance assets

    My pics - display from the Humanitarian Mines Action Unit in our town, Tha Mai, Chanthaburi.

    As well as de-mining activities along the border the HMAU staff play an important role in educating children in the dangers presented by landmines and unexploded bombs.





  10. I had flights booked with Singapore Airlines for April/ May and October//November.

    SA have been good to deal with, full refunds received for April/May booking, and I've had refund on the travel insurance as well. 

    I have the option to change the October flights to a later date without additional fees, for now I'm leaving as-is, if I have to transfer to 2021, well that's life. 

    I've been fortunate in that I have a contract extension and due to NZs lockdown conditions plus extra work available my savings have been far more than anticipated, my only wish would be an improvement in the exchange rate by the time I go back home.

    Meantime, phone and video calls, that's the way it is.

  11. From 2019

    The Kiwis helping to clear landmines in Cambodia


    Steven Lim (left) and Kiwi colleague Portia Thompson (right) visiting a local school for mine risk education. 


    Dr Steven Lim spent 30 years teaching economics at the University of Waikato. Upon retirement, he decided to dedicate his time to improving people's lives in poorer countries. As part of this mission, he works with the Cambodian Mine Action Centre, helping develop a national strategy to rid Cambodia of landmines by 2025.


    Mine action focuses on the surveying of contaminated land, clearing landmines to release land to stakeholders, and promoting mine risk education among vulnerable communities. The Cambodian Mine Action Centre is possibly the world’s largest government demining organisation and is devoted to saving lives and supporting development in Cambodia.



  12. New Zealand has a long history of supporting demining operations in Cambodia.


    NZ Army 1991-2005 Cambodia

    The NZ Defence Force demining specialists worked alongside the United Nations to help the UN establish the Mine Clearance Training Unit, which took over training and supervising Cambodian mine clearing operations on behalf of the UN, and the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC), which was responsible for mine clearing.

    The New Zealand engineers were among the first mine clearing specialists to arrive in Cambodia, and they set about developing training programmes, and teaching the locals how to develop standard operating procedures so that mine clearing could be done cohesively and effectively.


    Photo from the UN peacekeeping mission in the 1990s


    Landmine clearance had been identified by the UN advance mission as urgently needed. New Zealand engineers took part in this, developing a landmine clearance programme that included a training component. The trainee mine clearer at work in this photograph is closely watched by a New Zealand army engineer and another trainee.


    Successive governments have continued to provide financial support for demining and agricultural development projects in the region. 






  13. 15 hours ago, anterian said:

    It was a cobalt bomb, the slang name for the radioactive source in an x-ray type machine. 

    He was likely referring to this one from 2014:


    Seven dead after scrap metal workers cut open WWII bomb in Bangkok

    Bangkok: At least seven people died and 19 others have been injured when a massive World War II bomb exploded at a scrap metal warehouse in Bangkok as workers tried to cut it open, officials say.

    The 225-kilogram shell was found at a construction site by builders who then sold it to a suburban scrap metal merchant believing the bomb had been defused.

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