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Posts posted by Jedsada3

  1. I'm a bit confused why now am i so freakin hesitant?

    Maybe you are not 100% convinced that it will work.

    Anyway, as already said above, you are the only one who knows what to do.

    Don't ask friends help you take a decision, you might hate them later if you follow their advice and it is a fiasco.

    To find out by yourself if you really want to do the "big move".

    Take a blank sheet of paper and draw 2 vertical lines to divide it in 3 parts. On the top of the left column write "QUESTIONS", on the middle one "PRO" and on the last one "CONTRA".

    Keep that paper in your pocket all the time and when a question comes in your thoughts, write it down. Don't try to find answers immediately, they will come by theirselves... and when they come, write them down in the corresponding column.

    When you have time, sit down with your wife, drink a cup of tea and talk, try to find some answers for the other column.

    Don't forget to always have a "Plan X" (extreme solution) for every question.

    For exemple, when I wrote that list of questions before I moved here, there was the question "What if it doesn't work and I've nowhere to go in my country of origin? The "plan X" was : I will go back to my mom.

    Hope you will find an answer to all your questions.

  2. Well, come now....everyone who posts on the internet is a financial genius, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, martial arts expert, Seal Team 6 member, etc etc etc.... surely you have learned that by now??? biggrin.pngwink.png

    Yeap, a simple Yes or No from an anonymous keyboard warrior don't always hack the mission....some additional info explaining the Yes or No is needed...and really desired by the person posing the question whether they asked for some details or no.

    And sometimes those details given in support will show that keyboard warrior ain't got a clue what they are talking about. Some of the answers to questions seen on the internet, especially related to computers, are simply comical and completely wrong (but usually well intended).

    You forget the most represented categories:

    • the never happy
    • the professional complainers
    • the ones who have nothing to say but criticize the previous messages
  3. Your adapter uses heat to get rid of the extra energy it is drawing from the wall socket , converting to 110, and then sending to your laptop. The laptop is not using nearly the amount the adapter is pulling from the wall socket, that extra amount is the heat you are feeling.

    "the adapter is pulling from the wall socket"

    In this case I would have said "the wall socket is pushing to the adapter"... whistling.gif

    Adapters are like humans: they take more than they can eat smile.png

  4. Used to have the same problem here.

    When I see that the fruits are coming (size of a Tic-Tac), I crush 3 or 4 heads of garlic mix it in 1-2 liter of water and let it boil.

    After it cooled down, I spray the infusion on the tree (I get only one).

    Last year I could notice that the white "powder" was a lot fewer than the years before.

    This year, I sprayed about one month ago and I will do it again this weekend.

    I don't know if it's a mushroom (oidium) or a caterpillar... but it seems that it doesn't like garlic smile.png

  5. In 6-8 months, you will have another problem : your laptop will get hot!

    A lot of dust and micro-particle flying in the air will close the ventilation circuit

    Don't do the mistake to spray air in the ventilation holes! It will push the dust inside and you will have the same problems I used to have a fe wyears ago.

    Better use a vacuum cleaner and suck 2 or 3 minutes long the ventilation slots when your laptop running. Do it once/month and you won't have heat problem.


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