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Posts posted by Jedsada3

  1. I don't understand why some peope always try to overgo the rules... to save some time?

    They might save some hours of their so precious time but if they get catched they will lose a lot more!

    Believe me: do all due reports on time, even if you leave the country on the next day. No one knows what could happen and delay your depart... and if it happens it's always more costly (time, money and nervs) than a report on time.

    • Like 2
  2. “Western socialist mentality”? Really?

    I would have thought/hoped that concern and compassion for, particularly, disadvantaged children deprived of their childhood, was a universal trait and not one limited to “Western socialist mentality”!

    Just because Asia “runs” differently does not mean we have to accept it, or ignore it, and abandon basic principles of humanity.

    We are all 'world citizens' and I would suggest it is YOU who is out of touch with that reality.

    You might be right, we don't have to accept it...

    But while the NGOs, the UNESCO and all those "I know better" who are offended by children work discuss without end what is better for them, children remain hungry. Then it's better to see them selling food for survive than sewing sport shoes or football balls that you will buy without thinking where it's coming from.

    Instead of shouting it's a shame, why don't you sponsor that courageous little man?..

    Show us you are in touch with the reality and work to change it!

  3. Hello,

    The coolest room in my house is the bedroom (aircon during the night) and situated North side.

    There is a cabinet where I keep medication and other stuff which doesn't support hot weather (resin, candles etc). Except 3-4 bottles of wine, there is no food.

    Butter, eggs and chocolate are in the fridge with water and vegetables. Self made mayonnaise and other sensible food come also in the fridge otherwise...

    I buy enough fresh food to consume within 2 days and try to keep it out of the fridge.

  4. My point, do they not have the intelligence to also lay a pipe and start putting electrical cables down at the same time.

    I wouldn't talk about intelligence but about coordination and information deficiency.

    And it's not typical Thai!

    In the 90's I used to have a house in Germany. The road where it was situated was a unpaved road which went to nowhere, at the end only field and forest.

    One day, the municipality decided to tar it. After 3 months of living in the dust, the noise and in a fully closed road (no possibility to enter the road all 3 months long), we finaly had a nice road to drive to our house.

    You won't believe it but exactly 2 months later, they open the new road again to lay waste water pipes and electrical cables. The road was not fully closed but we had the inconveniences 2 months long.

    A few years later, Deutsche Telekom open the road again to grave optical fiber... but until today, it's still not connected.

  5. When I moved in my house 3-4 years ago, there was a power cut almost everyday, sometimes "only" 20 min sometimes 1 to more hours (depending on when I called them).

    It didn't concern only my house but the whole vilage (10 houses).

    Every time, 10 minutes after I called the hotline the power came back. One day, there was a guy who spoke English so I discussed a bit with him and asked him why it happened so often and why do I have to call every time. He said that I was the only one to call. The other village people (I'm the only Farang here) never call. He advised me to go to the Elect. Company and to complain because he was sure they don't know about the power cuts.

    On the next day, I was there and tried to explain with my poor Thai knowledge and with their poor English understanding that we have power cut everyday. They say they will check it... and since then, we have less than one power cut per month and when I call, they already know that "Ban Farang mai mee fifa".

    So my advice: go to the Electrical Company and tell them about your problem.

    Don't ask for rebate. You will never get it and their attitude will change from excited to help Farang to passive-defensive.

    Keep smiling even if you are upset: YOU need them and THEY can HELP YOU.

  6. Hello,

    We have sisters, brothers, buddies and friends.

    We didn't choose our sisters and brothers, they were there when we saw the light or they came later but no one asked us if we want them as sister or brother. Maybe we used to live great moments with them maybe we lived some moments not so... nice. But anyway, if they were part of our lives, it's because we had to live together, there was no way to escape until we or they left the family house. If we keep in touch, maybe it's only because they belong to family. It's written somewhere that brothers and sisters have to keep in touch.

    Some brothers and sisters became real friends, some other don't care each other. We shouldn't blame them... they didn't choose each other.

    Buddies are people who were part of our lives in a certain period. Their way crossed our way and we had some great moments. When the ways change direction, buddies go. Sometimes, something or some event make that we ask ourselves what they do, where they are but when our eyes look in the other way they disappear again from our toughts.

    The friend, the one we found to be our confident, the one we choose to listen to, the one we give everything to without any question, the one we trust blind, the real friend is rare.

    And if we have a real friend, we might not hear from him/her for a long time but when we meet him/her, we don't complain about the long silence, we are happy to meet again and we forget everything around us, we are accomplices again. It's like we met yesterday.

    Even if you don't keep in touch, a friend remains a friend.

    If you don't keep in touch, a sister, a brother or a buddy will be forgoten with the passing time.

    Edit: some mistakes corrected

  7. Hello,

    I've seen some air cooler with a "frozzen gel cartidge" at HomePro (the cartridge looks like the one you use in the coolbox)..

    The guy said that depending of the temperature of the air sucked by the fan, the air coming out wll be cool between one and three hours.

    Those coolers don't add water in the ambient air. They just cool it down,.. but you need a lot of cartridges (around 150 THB) and stay up to change it after 1-3 hours!

  8. Hello,

    When I look on the pic of your pump I get a smile.

    If they turned it 90° clockwise, it would have been too easy... The more elbows in the circuit, the more the pressure will drop.

    If you buy a new pump and install it by yourself, try to use 45° elbows instead of 90°, the drop is 2 times higher in a 90° elbow than in a 45° elbow.

    And before you buy a bigger pump, you should check the condition of the existing pipes. If they are affected by the age they might not support higher pressure (from 155(W) to 255(W) is more than 60% power increase!)

    But first of all, you should let check the pump. As mentioned above, there should be air in the (blue) tank of the pump.


  9. Hope that no one was injuried or lost his house...

    A wald fire is always impressive and better to be seen from very far away.

    I remember when I was in Corsica (a few decades ago), the moutain was burning. I ran for my life altough I was 200-300 m far from the fire.

    Something I will never forget and never laugh about.

    When I see the pics from Fort Mc Murray, I get "chicken skin"...

  10. I know that everyone should check how many calories and fat and sugar are taken per day but if, like me, you eat most of the time in "restaurants" like you find on every road here in Thailand it's impossible to check it.

    Anyway, if I knew how they cook (I know but force myself to ignore it) I wouldn't eat anymore but I find it aroy and keep on eating it.

    When I feel a bit fat, I reduce sugar (less Sprite, chocolate and Magnum Classic), drink more water and play longer with the dogs (more exercise).

    I don't drink any alcohol beverage (no beer, no wine...) and I feel good.


  11. Scared of the wife/GF?


    But fear of losing everything we have built together, afraid of losing all that a married life offers, fear of staying alone, fear of having problem to get marriage based visa extension, fear of having to get the beer out of fridge by ourselves, fear of having to sleep alone, fear of having to go to the market and not to know how to ask for cucumber, fear to have to take care of the dog...

    Not scared of the wife... just scared to have to change habits.

  12. Vedi Napoli e poi muori

    See Naples and then die. Maybe it's the reason why they come here...

    Today, it's difficult to find someone to talk to. When you look around you you see only people with headphones or their head in their mobile phone cut from the rest of the world.

    None wants to hear the problems of others. None has time to take care of others...

    The world is cruel : the motto of the Musketeers "one for all and all for one" remains only in books.

  13. Hello,

    Why do you filter the water for toilet and washing machine through the 3 ways filter?

    Because it is a...............................WHOLE HOUSE SYSTEM. Everything in the house is on the same water system.

    Yes, I understand (I guess it's the same everywhere if the house was not built by a farang...) but if you install your 3 ways filter in the kitchen (between wall output and the faucet) you will save a lot of money in cartridges.

    If the sediment filter is not enough for the washing machine and bathroom, a one way filter after the pump will help.

  14. The municipal water comes into the 5 foot sediment filter, then goes through our 3 stage whole house system, then into a 1,000 liter storage tank, then pumped through the house as needed.


    Why do you filter the water for toilet and washing machine through the 3 ways filter?

    I plan to change the filter system in my house like this:

    water from municipality --> sediment filter --> 3 000 liter tank --> pump --> simple filter build with cleaning bypass (see pics) and only in the kitchen a 3 ways filter.

    What I call a simple filter:


    and the "cleaning bypass":

    Normal use:


    Cleaning cycle (once/month 1 or 2 minutes, depending of the colour of the contaminated water):


    By the way: DO NOT FORGET TO INSTALL A BYPASS PIPE from "before tank" to "behind pump" (very useful in case of electrical shutdown). Most of Thai plumbers don't install it...

    I didn't draw it but before and behind filter; I install "Quick connectors". Cheap and useful when you have to change the whole filter.

  15. Hello,

    I collect coins and tokens of Thailand. I'd like to swap with TV members. So if you collect coins or just have some and want to sell them, please contact me. We could talk about it.

    I am particulary looking for this token (see pic - both sides are the same). It would be great if someone liked to swap or sell it. I already have the 5c and the 10c ones.


    Sorry if this message was not posted in the right section...

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