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Posts posted by Jedsada3

  1. You should get the 'Request for Transfer of Details' form from your Embassy, your local Thai Immigration Department may require this form.

    Is this form international or is it typical for Thailand?

    I mean do Embassies in every country have this form?

    For exemple: I will get my new passport from the Belgian Embassy in Paris (where I'm still registered). Will they provide me that document? Does it have to be translated?

  2. It's not only Thailand.

    In industrial countries, parents have no more time for the children.

    Then what happens?

    They say here 5€ buy yourself some breakfast on the way to school... and evenings, they have no time to cook then buy some fastfood on the way back from work or they let a pizza come.

    Few years ago, children were playing on the road, running with friends. Teenagers drove bicycle to meet the BF/GF. Today they sit watching TV or playing computer and they flirt with BF/GF on Skype, Line or Facebook.

    They don't move anymore.

    The only difference is that in some countries that motionless life started some years before it started in Thailand.

  3. When I was 17, my criteria was: blond hair and big breast.

    Then I met Daisy, blond and breast bigger than I could ever hope. After 3 months of crazy games, I noticed that a bit brain would also be good.

    Then I looked for a girl with brain and I found Chantal. She was the Wikipedia of the 80's. She knew about everything and could take part to every conversation. But she couldn't take any decision by herself and she couldn't cook so we went to restaurant every day... I got bored.

    I met than Suzy, then Karen, then Susan, Debbie, Sara, Donna... but the one was too dependent on other, the other one was OK but didn't like sex more than once a month, the one couldn't add 7 + 8 without calculator and... there was always something disturbing, boring.

    And one day I found HER.

    She had a nice body, she could cook, she was intelligent, had a good heart.

    She was expert in accounting, smart and independent...

    She became the mother of my children!

    She was so smart, so expert and so independent that when we divorced, she got house, car and everything!

    Now my criteria is: blond hair and big breast!

  4. No good as a pet, they wont even retrieve a ball if you throw it

    And it doesn't bark when the postman comes! cheesy.gif

    Anyway nice snake and a pity that it was dead.

    it seems like Thai people have no good relationship to snakes.

    I built a snake catcher and now people in the village call me when they have a snake on their ground or in house. They want me kill it but I never do it. I put it in a bag and drive a few km to let it free in the nature.

    They call me something like "Mang Ngu" smile.png

  5. I feel sad that Jacko didn't make it longer.

    To euthanize an animal that suffers or to give it a chance to live is not so simple to decide.

    If you let the religious and legal aspects by side, isn't it worth to try to give it the same feeling that you have when you run to catch the bus which is just leaving the stop and when you see it brakes and when you think the driver saw you and waits for you? Even if he stops only one second to let a car pass and then drive away without you, the short moment of hope when you thought you will catch it is a nice moment.

    When you are long suffering, you are thankful for every minute without pain, even if you know it will be for a short moment and it will starts hurt back soon.

    Animals, specially dogs, have feelings. Maybe the short moment spent in the clinic was the only moment of happiness Jacko experienced in its life!

    I am sure Jacko was thankful for the care he got before trespassing.


  6. I have just noticed an update on this story and it appears Jacko has past away . I know there are many other cases of neglected soi dogs but it really tugs your heart strings when you see the state of this little dog and the kindhearted people who rallyed around trying to help , unfortunately to no avail . God bless with tears in my eyes.

    Sorry for the doubled up posting , my internet was playing up when I submitted it .

    You mean now tripled? tongue.png

  7. If I had children I definitely wouldn't allow them to take a holiday here. Its reputation was ruined long ago..

    Don't allow them to take a holiday in France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy either!

    These are the countries where I used to live and where the violence is the same.

    The only difference with these countries and Thailand: it's not reported so often than in Thailand.

  8. Today, sorry to say it like that, we are all voyeur (peeping Tom).

    All is about money and if a media company wants to make money it has to show what people wants to see.

    And people want see that in other places it's worst than where they live.

    I don't think it's more violent today than a few years ago. As said above, there are now so many cameras everywhere that it's a lot easier to catch images of the violence and show them on TV.

  9. Wifey swears by soapy water, Sunlight lemon liquid is what we use in the kitchen.

    A good squirt in 2L of water sprayed on the affected plants seems to make the beasties drop off to be greedily hoovered up by our chooks and guineas.

    The soap doesn't make the chooks lay perfumed eggs smile.png

    Your wife is right.

    To be sure no insect or animal (squirrel) get to the fruits, I crunch garlic (2 heads) in one liter of water and let it boil. I filter the obtained juice (so it doesn't block the sprayer) and mix a coffee spoon of Sunlight and a coffee spoon of oil (salad oil) to it.

    I shake well before I spray.

    I usually spray when the fruits are just coming and 2-3 weeks later again.

    You can be sure that no insect go to the plants which are sprayed. wink.png

  10. 25k.....large purchase?

    It reminds me this story:

    As the control light turns red, the Bentley driver jumps on the breaks and stops the car suddenly. The following Mercedes driver could not react fast enough and crashes into the Bentley. The third car, a Toyota crashes in the back of the Mercedes. All 3 drivers come out and check the damage at their car.

    The Bentley driver says: Oh sh!t! My car is totally damaged, I will have to work one full week to earn the money to buy a new one...

    The Mercedes driver says: Oh damned! I will have to work one full month to buy a new one...

    The Toyota driver looks at his car and says, crying: Oh my God! I will have to work 6 years before I can buy a new car...

    And the Bentley driver answers to the Mercedes driver: I don't understand that people buy such expensive cars...

    All that to say that some people have to work a lot to earn little money.

    THB 25k might be peanuts for you but it's big money for others.

  11. I am confident you are incorrect. There are many foreigners with boreholes in Thailand.

    There are many people driving car when they are drunk... it doesn't mean that it's allowed!

    We weren't asking how to get away with stealing water.

    Sorry if you understood my answer in that way. I never thought you wanted steal water. My answer was only to warn you and other readers about eventual bad consequences if drilling without permission.

  12. As in every civilized country, taking water out of the ground is very restricted and is regulated by law.

    As foreigner, you would get the highest punishment if you have no permission and they catch you.

    I would forget it and for a part of the money you would spend for drill a hole I would buy a tank big enough to "survive" a week or two if there is no more water supply at all and a pump to feed your house.

    There are already many topics about water tanks on this forum.

  13. I saw the same thing one time at the gas station where I always drive to.

    The guy who picked up the wallet was on the way to hide it in his pocket when he saw I was watching him. I made big angry eyes , nodded negatively and said "Tssst Tssst". The guy then put the wallet on the pump and smiled to me. I didn't smile back. In the meanwhile, the scooter driver came back and the "almost thief" ran to him and gave him the wallet back. He looked at me and I smiled.

    Now when I go get gas, this guy always tries to serve me. Maybe he is thankful I helped him not to be a thief....

  14. What we read in forums and blogs about companies (like Paypal) always comes from unsatisfied user.

    No one is perfect.

    i really dont understand how they got to be so big.

    For every customer who complains, there are many thousands who are satisfied... but they don't tell it on blogs or forums. And that's the reason why such companies are so big: more happy customers than angry ones.

    By the way I use Paypal already since 2002 and never had unsolved problems. One day I called Paypal Germany from Thailand and when I told them it would cost a lot of phone fee, they asked my number and called me back.

    Some like it some don't... everyone's choice and feeling.

  15. To find the leakage check where the grass is green or grows up faster than other places. If your pipe runs underground, try to push a stick in the ground. Where it goes easy it's because it's wet.

    If you have taps outside for the hose, the leckage might be there. When you pull the hose too much it could happen that the tap turns on the pipe and it makes it leack.

    All above is own experience... whistling.gif

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